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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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Chapter 8


The moment those words had left my lips i knew my life as a knew it was going to be over!!!

He kissed me back exploring my mouth again fully with tongue making me delirious, wanting more of him!! So i slowly move backwards but he still holds me at the nape of my neck. 

"Tell me what you want, babygirl, what do you feel??" He asks me, gently massaging my neck.

He is so messing up my mind that i can't think straight anymore!!. 

"I....i.feel...i want...we don't know much from each other Massi and your life....looks very dangerous to me....i don't know!" I answer him honestly.

"Babygirl look at me! I promise i will always protect you!! Even if i have to give my life for you, I'll do it!!...please say yes and become mine!!" He says with puppy eyes full of love...

Shall i do it....or not?? I ask myself....

"I'd like for us to get to know eachother first before any serious commitment, is that okay with you?" I ask and he nods with a smile. 

"Yes Babygirl, that's all i want for now, a chance!!" 

"Ok Massi, than I'll give you a chance!!" After wich he kisses me one last time and than he enters the car and drives off with his friend Tommy.

The moment I'm inside our room my phone bleeps because of an incoming message and open it: "miss me already Babygirl?;0)"

And i laugh....crazy man!!

"No i don't!;0)" i send him back with a smily after wich i get ready for class.

During the rest of the day i can't stop smiling like an idiot! Even Kate gives me crazy looks, like"are you okay girl" and i smirk at her. 

That man has a power over me that's beyond my strength and i don't know why! But he does things to me!! He stirs up feelings i never experienced before with a man, not that I've been with a man before but yeah...

At the end of the day I'm about to take a short bus ride home, because Kate went to her parents, but than i see a black SUV with tinted windows parked with a guy who looks like somebody's driver waving at me. 

I walk up to him for what he wants and than my phone let's me know i have an incoming message and i read it: "hello Babygirl, please accept my gift (car with my personal driver) from me as a token of my gratitude of saving my life and as to bring you always home safely!, Always your Massimo!"

I'm stunned did he just send me his driver to bring me home??....this guy must be stinking rich!  

"Miss Julia?" I hear the driver calling out to me and i walk to him. 

"Yes that's me! Hello, you are the driver of...?"

"Don Massimo, yes i am and I'm here from now on to pick you up from home to school and vice versa, strict instructions from the Don!" He says and i look shocked to hear that, not only today but from now on!! Wow!!

I get in and we drive 6 minutes and than I'm home, i learnt in those minutes that "my" driver is called Jose and that he has a wife and 4 kids. When we arrive at our room we say goodbye after we swopped phone number Incase i need him and than he can reach ne aswell and than i step out and open the door to our room waving goodbye to Jose.

When I'm about to start showering and pull off my bathrobe my phone rings and i see my mom's ID flashing on my phone screen. 

"Hello mom, how are you and dad doing?" I ask.

"We are fine thank you! We organised a bbq this upcoming weekend so we like you to come!"

"Okay, i think i can come i don't have plans yet so yeah sure mom" i say not 100% looking forward but ok i have to keep them happy otherwise they will ruin my future!!

"Ok, good we are looking forward and please dress nice but not too sexy because we will also have other guest coming Julia!"

"Who are those?"

"You will see, you will see! Oh and if you like you can bring your friend, that girl you share your room with and after that she cuts the call.

I wonder who it could be, oh wait! Maby granny? Oh i love to see her again! I really miss her and she has done so much for me!!

I get into the shower and after that i start my home work but i find it heart to concentrate!!

I already have Massi on my mind and now that bbq of my parents Wich I'm so not looking forward to but i don't have options to cancell it and i know that they will not hasitate to drive all the way over here to come drag my sorry ass out of our room! So i just better go! And it's nice to be honest that i could bring Kate so i would not feel alone!! When she is back I'll ask her about it if she wants to go with me!.

In the evening around nine Kate comes back from her parents.

"Hey lovebirdy hows life she smirks while she removes her shoes and sits down on the sofa. 

"I'm ok, i just have a favor to ask you!" I say hopefully looking at her with puppy eyes....

"Spill it girl!"

"Ehm well my mom and dad have bee bugging me to come see them since they've not seeing me to much these days according to them that is they are having a bbq this Sunday so they asked me to come and i could also bring you along if i wanted to!" I ask her in one breath. 

"Hmm, well your my roomy and my besty so I'll go! And i also like to meet those funny parents of yours!" She smirks and i giggle relieved!.

"Thanks so much girl I'm so happy that you are willing to come because don't know how to survive on my own there!" I say as i grab some drinks for both of us.

"Will be fine and it's only Sunday right?"

"Well it's like 3 hours drive so i thought we will leave on Saturday afternoon so we will be there around dinnertime and we go back asap after the bbq on Sunday so we will be back before midnight than since we have class on Monday!" 

"Ah ok, well since it's a lot ong drive it makes sense your plan so let's do no it like that than ok, we can start packing on Friday after class!". Kate says and i nod in agreement.

"So what do you like to do now, watch tv, a movie or do you have other plans?" I ask her and she thinks for a minute.

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