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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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Chapter 13.


following morning i wake up by laughing from the kitchen, i can hear Kate and a man's voice?! So i sneak out of my room only to find Tommy wrapped around Kate, kissing in the kitchen!!!

"What the hell??" I say out loud and the shock of my presence and quickly stop.

"Hey girl, didn't know you were awake!" Kate sheepishly says to me while Tommy smirks.

"Yeah you guys woke me up!....aniways what are you doing here? Does you boss knows that you spend the night here?" I ask him a little anoyed because they disturbed my sleep. 

" Ehm well no, he doesn't and i would like to ask you to keep it that way for now okay?" 

"Sure why not, but may i ask does Kate here now what you really are?"

"What do you mean Julia?" Kate asks and i smirk, i knew it!!

"Your loverboy here is an employee of the king of the Italian Mafia, Don Massimo!" I say and i see her eyes almost pop!

"Sorry what did you just say??" While looking at Tommy who's face turn a little pale. 

"You've heard me!" I said.

" that...true Tommy??" She whispers softly and he nods and sighs deeply. 

"Okay well now all is in the open there is no pint to hide and lie about it is it and aniways i really like you Kate so it's better to know the truth!" 

" you just sound like your boss!" I say and he nods.

"Well yeah we are very proud and protective over our woman!....aniways Kate, yes my Boss is the the Don, the king of the Italian Mafia and I'm his second in command! But I'm also his life long friend, we know eachother sinds we were small kids!, We helped eachother and good times and bad times and i love him as if he was my real brother wich i never had. 

My father worked for his father and we grew up in this "world" him being groomed to take over from his father one day and me as his second in command chosen by him as his best friend. We've both been trough a lot but always stayed true tonourselfs and our believes. Our believes and trade marks are that we don't hurt children and woman in anyway and if the woman is the bad one in a case than she gets another punishment than what a man normaly gets and allmour kills are either self defence of or to clean up a very bad person".he says and both me and Kate stay silent while he speaks. 

"So that's it, i can't say more, i can only do that if you both were to become officially involved with us, our family!" He finishes.

" only kill bad people?" Kate ask while thinking. 

"Yes we try to keep the city safe from all the evil by taking them out If the police can not, and we keep our rivals in their places Wich is appreciated by the police so they don't have a war on their hands."

"Really? So you guys are working together with the police??" I ask surprised.

"Yes but not everybody knows so keep that between yourself I'm i clear?!"

Yes, yes we will i say and Kate nods her head in agreement. 

"Good, so now I'd like to ask you Kate, would you like to go out with me on a official date?" 

I stay silent as to see what she will say and till my suprise after some minutes thinking she agrees!!!

"Okay babe, I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 7 so get ready!" He says with a smirk and kisses her deeply on the mouth and gets up to leave just as our doorbells rings. 

"Do we expect anyone Kate?" 

"No we don't!" 

"So who can it be than!" I ask out loud while i walk to the door to open it....



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