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Book online «United and Dangerous by Cherie Benjamin (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Cherie Benjamin

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the fact that she was dating and, even worse, in love with a member of a mafia family that wasn't Irish.  She hoped and prayed that she could get him to see that this man was all she had ever hoped for.  He was her perfect man. 

Simon looked over and saw his beautiful Maggie’s brow furrowed, and refocused his energies on helping her to relax.  He surely did not want to cause her any worries.  "It will be okay."  Simon cooed into her hair and held her tightly.  They remained in the embrace until they pulled up in front of the O'Leary mansion. 

Just as they were pulling through the wrought iron gates of the estate, Elizabeth’s phone began to ring.  The caller id alerted that she would need to remain in the vehicle to handle the call.  She determined that the surveillance team had picked up a notification from facial recognition software for a match on Sebastian.  She needed to nail down all the details in order to provide a detailed report to the Don and Donna.  She could feel the adrenaline rush in her vindication for the huge expense of the recognition software, and was now able to provide conclusive results to present to them.  This was the break they had been waiting for.  "Kane, Ara, excuse me, but I need to take this call, I will join the rest of you in a little while."

"Is there a problem?"  Ara questioned, hoping nothing would get in the way of today.

"No, no, just need to confer with the surveillance team, but I will be able to provide you both with all the details as soon as I get the information."

Sean was waiting patiently for his guests.  He was excited to have Kane and Ara to come visit, but he was more excited over the fact that Maggie was also coming home.  He had not been happy about her staying in Seattle, but hearing the excitement and enthusiasm in her voice every time he talked to her, confirmed that he had made the right decision in agreeing with her desire to work with Kane and Ara.  However, what had him worried was the man's voice he had heard in the background one evening during their telephone call.  He was going to ask Maggie who it was and if he should have any reason for concern, as well as if he needed to deal with him.  He was sure that Kane would be more than happy to take care of the issue. 

As the limos pulled up the driveway, Sean walked outside to welcome his guests.  The first limo door opened and the security detail disembarked and surveyed the area.  Sean understood why there was so much security, because Kane and Ara were always in danger, since they were the heads of the most powerful family on the West Coast.  Next out of the car was Kane, who turned and helped Ara out, pulling her tight into his body and placing a loving kiss on her lips.  Sean had never really thought about getting married any time soon, but, seeing the couple before him, he imagined that it might be nice.  As he stepped forward, Sean saw a young man climb out of the car before copying Kane’s move, and reached inside to help someone out.  A hand reached out and grasped his, followed by the person emerging from the car.  She wrapped her arm around his arm, and looked lovingly up at the young man.  Sean gasped, he couldn't believe his eyes; the woman was his sister, Maggie, but who the fuck was this man? 

Maggie looked up, saw the expression on her brother’s face.  It was a look she was familiar with.  It was the "I am about to pull my gun and shoot the motherfucker” look.  Maggie gave Simon's arm a squeeze to reassure him and let go of his arm as she walked over to her brother and wrapped her arms and around him and gave him a hug.  "Big brother, so good to see you."  

Sean kept his eye on the motherfucker who had dared touch his little sister and hugged his sister back.  "Good to have you home."  Sean grunted and then leaned down and whispered in her ear.  "You and I are going to have a long conversation about this."

Maggie knew that would be coming, but she hoped she could make him see what a wonderful man Simon was before the interrogation began.

"Sean, you fucker, good to see you."  Kane smirked.

Sean pulled away from Maggie and smirked back at Kane.  "Welcome to my home, fucker."

Kane laughed.  "Glad to be here.  Let me make some introductions.  You know my parents and Ara's grandparents, but I don't think you have met Ara's brother, Simon."

Sean sneered and but put out his hand to shake Simon's hand.  Simon stepped forward and nervously stuck out his hand.  Sean grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard. 

Simon knew what Sean was doing, because it was what Kurtus had done to him many times over the years.  If he showed signs of distress or pain, Sean would win and Simon knew he needed to show Sean that he could take this little bit of pain.  Sean continued to shake and squeeze, but Simon remained calm, not showing one iota of pain on his face.

Maggie knew what her brother was doing and it pissed her off.  Yes, he was looking out for her, but this was stupid and it needed to stop right now.  Placing her hand on Sean's arm, she dug her well-manicured nails deep into his skin.

"Fuck, Maggie, what the hell?!"  Sean cried, letting Simon's hand loose, and began rubbing the spot where she had dug her nails.

Gritting her teeth, Maggie looked up at Sean with a look that would kill in one swift move.  "Stop being an ass to him or I will show just how good I am with a knife."

Sean couldn't believe his ears; his little sister just threatened him with a knife.

"Fuck, man, she burned your ass."  Kane laughed.


"Fucking fine, come on, let's go in and get to know each a little better." 

Everyone followed Sean into the mansion, the ladies of the group went on and on about how lovely the home was. 

"Well, not that you are unwelcome, but I was only expecting Kane, Ara, and Maggie."

"That would be my fault.  When I heard they were coming, I really wanted to take Ara into New York to do some shopping; when the others found out, they also wanted to come.  I hope it is not a problem."  Rosa said.

"No, Mrs. Leone, not a problem at all, you are more than welcome."  Sean answered.

"Maggie, dear, would you mind showing us around your lovely home?"  Claudia asked.  They needed to get Maggie away from Simon, so he could talk to Sean.

"I would love to," Maggie gushed.  She looked over at Simon and smiled.

"Hey, you girls go have fun, we are going to go have a drink and catch up with Sean."  Kane stated, hoping Maggie wouldn't ask for Simon to come along.

"Okay."  Maggie sighed, she really wanted to share her childhood home with Simon, but maybe later on they could do a private tour. 

After the ladies had left to tour the home, all the men were in the den and glasses of Jameson and cigars were handed out to everyone.  Simon took his glass of Jameson and the cigar, trying his best not to let his hands shake too much. 

"Kane, how is the Coven coming along?"  Sean asked as he kicked back in his chair and took a large drink and then a puff of his cigar.

"Great.  The teams are formed and we are going to send out invitations next week to invite everyone to Vegas to show them what we have planned.  A few of the members have already been working on some projects.  Actually, we brought our Intel officer with us.  She already has a lead on Sebastian.  The team has been able to narrow his location to and somewhere on the East Coast, close to New York.  She’s hoping to get some better Intel while she is here."

"Damn, is she any good?" 

"Fuck, man, she is the fucking best.  I have never seen anyone know as much about gathering Intel than she does."

"Wow.  So where is she?  I mean, I don’t think it was one of the wives."

"No, she had to take a call, so she will be in a minute."

A dead silence fell over the room.  Kane looked over at Simon and gave him a nod. 

Taking in a deep breath and swallowing the extreme amount of saliva, Simon tried to calm his nerves.  Over the years, he had learned how to stay out of his father and brother's way and not be the center of attention, but here he was trying to find the right words to convince Sean that he was the right man to marry his little sister.

"Mr. O'Leary, this trip was essentially my idea.  You see, sir, I have fallen in love with Maggie, and I have come here today to ask permission to marry her."

Sean couldn't believe what he was hearing.  This boy wanted to marry his little sister.  He only had to think about that for one second…HELL NO!  Looking around the room, his eyes fell on Kane and Nazario; in that moment he remembered what the Leone men were part of BDSM.  A flash of Maggie kneeling at this boy's feet, as he demanded her to perform oral sex on him.  Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his gun pointing right at Simon's head.  "YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU WILL NOT LAY ONE HAND ON HER EVER AGAIN!"

"But, Mr. O’Leary, I love her dearly." Simon stuttered.  He glanced to Kane, Nazario, and Zachary for some type of help.

"I don't want to hear that shit; you will not have her taking part of any of this BDSM shit.   She has been through enough and doesn't need to be put through that.  So get the fuck out of my house and never come around her again."

Simon was confused.  Why was he talking about BDSM?  He and Maggie had never done anything more than kiss and hug.  He wanted to wait until they were married, then making their final commitment to each other.  He had no desire to be part of the BDSM community.  He didn't have anything bad to say about true BDSM community members, only those who use the community to beat and belittle women, like his father and brother had.  Then he remembered that Kane and Nazario were both part of the community.  If Sean knew that then, oh shit, he must assume that he was, too, by association.  Oh, shit.  

"No, no, Mr. O'Leary please believe me when I tell you that I am not a member of the community and, as hard it is to believe, I am a virgin and plan to stay that way until my wedding night with Maggie.  She is too precious to be taken advantage of and I want our first time to be as husband and wife.  Believe me when I tell you that I love her and will protect her with my life."

Sean listened to the boy as he took in the look on his face; he was able to tell he was being honest.  Wait, did he say he was a virgin?  Lowering his gun, he looked over at Kane, who, at this point, was standing and ready to draw his own gun.  "Is that the truth?"

Kane knew what Sean meant.  "Yeah, man.  Simon is a good man.  He came to Ara and me to ask permission from the family.  He is an intelligent, hard working man who is nothing like his father and I can tell you he has been nothing but loving and caring for Maggie."

Sean looked back at Simon.  "Can you financially take care of her?"

"Yes, sir.  I own my own company and am currently working with the family as part of

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