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Book online «United and Dangerous by Cherie Benjamin (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Cherie Benjamin

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their first meeting, they became inseparable.  After only dating for two months, she had moved out of the dorms and into the apartment with Tony.  Right before the winter break, Tony took her on a weekend trip to Las Vegas.  He had rented out a penthouse room that overlooked the city and, just as the sun was sitting over the town, he got down on one knee and proposed.  Of course, she accepted and they rushed to the nearest wedding chapel, got married, and spent the rest of the weekend in bed. 

When they returned to school, she was shocked to see her father waiting for them at Tony's apartment.  When she told her father that she had married Tony, he went nuts and told her to get it annulled; no daughter of his was going to be married to a fucking Italian.  When she refused, Peter told her that if she didn't then she would be dead to him.  He was forcing her to pick her family or Tony and she chose Tony.  Her father left that day and told her to never contact him or her sister again.  She cried and cried as Tony tried his best to make her feel better, but she was broken inside.  Her only hope was that, someday, she and her family would reunite.

Over the next few weeks, she came to grips with her choice and things were getting better.  At the beginning of the spring semester, she was determined to make the best life she could for herself and Tony.  She dove into her studies and, at night, enjoyed her time with her husband.  March rolled around; soon it was St. Patrick's Day. 

She decided to embrace her Irish heritage, so she fixed a traditional Irish dinner of corned beef and cabbage, and had selected a naughty emerald green lingerie set.  She got dressed and finished dinner, placed it on the table and waited for Tony to come home, but he never did.  She was unaware that a drunk driver had killed Tony on his way home.  When the knock came at the door, she was devastated to see two police officers.  After informing her of the news, hey asked if there was anyone that they could call for her and she just shook her head no.  She was all alone; Tony was not just her husband, he had become her family as well.  The next day, she was awakened by someone in the apartment and, for a moment, she thought it had all been a dream, but as she rushed out of the bedroom she found an older man and woman standing in the living room. 

The older woman rushed toward her and wrapped her arms tightly around her.  "Oh, sweetie, how are you?"

Enjoying the warm embrace, she let the sorrow that had built up inside out and began to sob.  Her Tony was gone and now she was all alone.  Finally, she was able to control herself with the encouragement of the woman who still held her close.  Sometime during her crying, she had lead them over to the couch but had continued her tight hold.  Wiping her eyes, she pulled back to get a good look at the woman. In a moment of recognition, she knew it was Tony's mother, which meant the man was his father.

"Mr. and Mrs. Servillo?"  She questioned.

"None of that, dear, it’s Monica and Anthony."  She said in a thick Italian accent.  "I am so sorry this is how we had to meet.  We had been planning a trip for so long, but something always came up, but we want you to know that we know how much Tony loved you, and how much you loved him.  We will always be grateful for that.  He told us that you selected him over your own family; dear, that touched our hearts, so we would like you to know that you will always be a daughter to us."

She never went back to her maiden name and kept her word to never contact anyone in the O'Donnell family.   She was welcomed into the Servillo home and their lives and, when she was introduced to Nazario and Rosa, they welcomed her into their family, so she became Kane’s cousin.  Over the years, she wondered about her little sister and father, but, as much as she wanted information, she knew she wanted to guard her heart.  The devastation her father caused in her life before was more than enough to endure.  After Tony's death, she never dated another man.  She could not allow herself to feel the devastation of losing another again, so she safeguarded her heart. She still had sexual urges, she was still young, but she had her supply of B.O.B.s to take care of her needs.  However, she was willing to admit, she was not prepared for Sean O'Leary.  As soon as she walked into this house, a man made her feel things that she had long locked away.

Kane observed Sean as Elizabeth made her way over to him; he had no doubt that his friend had the same expression that he himself had whenever he looked at his Ara.  He chuckled to himself, because, like his family, he knew that Sean would need to marry a full-blooded Irish woman.  But, at this moment, Sean believed that Elizabeth was his cousin, and, therefore, Italian.  Kane could hardly contain his amusement at the thought, and was chuckling to himself as he sat back and watched the show. 

"Kane, Ara all the arrangements and the assignments have been issued.  The ETA on the team’s arrival is estimated to be in a few hours.  They will be shown to their accommodations, and meet in the library of the townhouse within thirty minutes of arrival to review the operations plan."  Elizabeth explained, trying to keep her eyes from wandering over to Sean.

"Excellent work, Elizabeth.  We will be leaving shortly, and head to New York this evening."  Kane said.

"Kane, do mind if I tag along?  I know New York like the back of my hand and I think I could be of help."  Sean offered, thinking he might have an opportunity to get to know Elizabeth better.  Perhaps observing her in a professional capacity might cause whatever this was to go away. 

"Sean, that’s an excellent idea."  Kane exclaimed, as he barely contained his amusement.

"If you would be amenable, I would also like to offer some of my men for extra security."

"That won't be necessary, Mr. O'Leary.  Our crew is more than enough."  Elizabeth snarled.  He may be interesting, but this was her show; she was not going to have their first assignment hijacked by him and his men.

"Oh please, Elizabeth, call me Sean."  He responded with a smirk on his face.  He knew from her response that this was a simple case of pride.

"That’s okay, Mr. O'Leary; I wouldn't want to disrespect your position with your people."  Elizabeth snapped.  "Kane, Ara, I’m returning to the hotel to oversee all the preparations; I will see you there in a little while."  Elizabeth quickly turned and walked out of the room, while muttering to herself, how dare him!

"She is one hot blooded Italian that is for damn sure."  Sean exclaimed as he waved his hand around pretending to fan the flames.

"Oh, Sean, you don't know the half of it.  We would appreciate any help you can provide, because we don't want this asshole to get away again.  However, I would request that your men take direction from Elizabeth."

"That is fine.  You said you had a plan for him?" 

"Oh, trust me, our lovely Elizabeth has cooked up a quite a delectable menu of pain for Sebastian that is going to have him suffering greatly even before we capture him."  Kane chuckled in an evil laugh.  "Let's just say we are going to take away his favorite toy."

Sean looked bewildered at Kane and wondered what he was talking about. 

Soon everyone congratulated Simon and Maggie again, and were on their way back to the hotel.  It had been decided that most of their party would wait until the morning to leave, but Elizabeth would leave tonight to meet the crew upon their arrival and set everything up at the townhouse.  Sean offered to drive Elizabeth into the city and make sure security was tight before everyone else arrived.  Ara was so thankful for Sean wanting to help, that Elizabeth felt unable to decline, even though she didn't want to be in such close proximity to Sean for that long.  She collected her suitcase and arrived downstairs to find Sean standing in the lobby dressed in a black suit, black shirt with no tie and his red hair tousled, as if he had just rolled out of the bed after having hot sweaty sex for hours. 

Fuck, she was so fucking screwed.  How in the hell was she expected to endure this ride, when she wanted nothing more than straddle his large cock and ride him, hard. 

"Lovely Elizabeth, are you ready to go?"  Sean cooed licking his lips.  He was so fucking happy he was going to be able to find out more about the Italian goddess that had taken over his every thought.   Opening the door for her, he couldn’t help but watch her long legs as she pulled them into the car, thoughts of them wrapped around his waist, pulling him deep into her hot wet pussy.  Fuck, he was hard again, he really needed to get a handle on himself.  Walking quickly around the car, he climbed in and quickly gunned the gas, flying down the driveway and onto the road.  As cliché as it might appear, his favorite music was still Celtic.  He put his Chieftain CD into the player, and relaxed into the drive.

Damn this man! As if it wasn’t enough that she had to endure this ride, now he was playing some of her favorite music.  Even though she hadn’t been in contact with her family for years, she had not forgotten her heritage. 

"Elizabeth, have you ever been to New York?"  Sean thought that perhaps some small talk would break the ice.  His own version of twenty questions.


"Really?  Were you visiting or did you stay for a while?"

"A while."  Elizabeth answered.  She was not giving him any details, because she didn't want him to know her background.

Sean’s plan was failing miserably.  These short one or two word answers were getting him nowhere in finding out about the beautiful woman next to him.  He wanted her to open up and give him some insight, a small peek of the woman she was, but she was dodging each question.  "Kane says you are extremely talented with the functions of conducting surveillance.  Did you study the program or learn it through experience somewhere else?"


Over the next several hours, Sean tried repeatedly to get her to talk, but to no avail.  Just as they neared Hartford, Sean's phone rang, using a hands free device, he answered.  He knew that Elizabeth could be trusted, so he wasn’t worried about her hearing his conversation.

"Hello?"  Sean answered.

"Sean; it’s Peter.  I need your help.  Lisa has gone missing."

"What do you mean missing?"

"She has not shown up for work and she is not in her apartment and no one has seen her in days.  I tried her phone and it goes straight to voicemail."

Elizabeth couldn't believe she was hearing her father's voice.  Even though he had cut her off, she still loved him.  And what was going on with her sister?  Her heart began to race and she began to breathe in shallow breaths. 

Sean looked over and what he saw confused him greatly.  Why was Elizabeth looking like she just saw a ghost?

"Sean, I would like to send in a team if you would allow it."

"Actually, Peter, I am already on the way to New York.  The Leones are searching for Sebastian Morotti and have some great Intel that he is there.  I will call you as soon as I hit New York.  Call

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