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Book online «Playboy's Mistress by Raeesa Emery (manga ereader .txt) 📖». Author Raeesa Emery

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The cloud roared in the sky as the tip tip sound of rain started to echo in the environment.... The road is silent, no any vehicle was going from this area, the area of rich people. In this area of rich people a girl is going for her destination, her steps are slow and she is limping very badly. She is none other than EMBER. 

She is in her hoodie and Jean, hairs are open, eyes are swollen and on lips bruises are present. She is looking too much broken, too much vulnerable. Her eyes which used to sparkle aren't sparkling much. 


She gasped in pain as soon as she changes her position. She can feel her naked body in between soft bedsheets. She snuggles more in the soft pillow, first time in her life she is sleeping on this soft, comfy bed... Slowly slowly she opened her eyes and the very first thing she saw, was a beautiful painting of a girl who was in a black bra and pantie and a man was behind her whose manly arm was wrapped around her waist protectively, his mouth was attached to her shoulder. The painting was very erotic. She blinked and soon her brain started to get flashbacks of last night. 

Her eyes got teary, her blood boiled, the bed on which she was snuggling finding confort and softness, now the bed was feeling like thorn. She tried to sit up on the bed but feeling pain in between her legs she moaned in pain. Her eyes ran in the bedroom for finding her clothes and found her clothes on the same sofa where he was sitting last night. Wrapping the duvet on her body she climbed down from the bed. She clutched the bed when she felt like she will fall down. 

She bite her lower lip for preventing her cry but a sob escaped from her mouth when she felt the burning sensation on her lips, this animal has chewed her soft petal like lip. Taking little steps she walked to the sofa, she is still feeling that his that thing is still inside her. 

She wore her hoodie without wearing her bra as it was already destroyed by Ivan. She sniffed while buttoning her jean's button, she is in hurry, she wants to reach till her papa. 

" going somewhere, sweetheart?. " Chills, she got chills when she heard this voice. She turned around and found Ivan with a file and pen. He is looking at her while resting his head on the door, looking intensly. Disgust, she only feels disgust seeing him, hearing his voice. She doesn't want to spend her one second by staying here because she knows she is getting weak in front of him but she doesn't want to show her weakness. 

" Papa, where is my papa?. " She asked looking straight into his eyes. 

" In hospital. " He replied and his this two words made her hurry more. She immediately wore her socks and shoes and he saw her. She fall on the sofa after loosing balance but gasped in pain when she felt a sharp pain in the flesh of her butt. Her eyes got teary  because of the pain. She immediately stood up and seeing her this struggle he smirked. 

" I hope from now on you will not show up your face. " She said gritting her teeth and hearing this he chuckled. 

" Why so?. " He asked being playful. 

" You got what you wanted now let me live in peace, don't bother me and my family again otherwise ( she looked into his eyes) I will kill you. " She warned him and he was surprised to see her this side. 

" Oh , you wanna kill me?. " He asked and walked to the bed. She didn't reply, she is controlling her anger. 

" Don't worry, from now on we both will not see each other. " He said making her heart feel some ease. 

" And one more thing your papa is innocent, I have made police officers remove all of the false allegations" He added and hearing this she felt her angry soul getting some relaxation, but at the same time she isn't understanding who the hell he is that police officers are hearing his?. Yes, he is rich,extremely rich but that doesn't mean police will help him. Law is for everyone then why not police is arresting him?  Why they are working as he wants?, A lot of questions are roaming from her mind but this is not a perfect time to think about this. She needs to go. She walked to the door of the bedroom. 

" Firstly take this medicine. " Hearing this she stopped but didn't turn. He took the medicine and a glass which was filled with water. He forwarded his hand on which medicine was present. 

" Take this. " He said and she looked at him with her red angry eyes. 

" These are contraceptive pills. " He replied seeing her dangerous stare, she took that medicine and without help of water gulped that medicine. She doesn't want to drink the water which belongs to his place. She again started her walk to the door of the apartment. 

" Don't go right now, it's raining outside. " He said but she didn't stop. She is having problems in walking but she is still walking. He clenched his jaw seeing her stubborness. Walking to her he holds her hand from behind and pulled her to him. 

" Why don't you listen what I say , woman?. " He asked but she started to wiggle in his hold.

" Leave me. " She said in anger without looking at him, struggling in his hold. 

" It's raining heavily outside. " He said and she stopped struggling, she looked up and this time her eyes were teary. 

" They will clean your filthy touch from my body. " She said and hearing her this sentence he saw her in anger. 

" Then again I will carve my touch on your body." He said gritting his teeth. 

" Be ready to be killed, you have created a great enemy of yours Ivan Alexander Black, I would like to spend my whole life in jail in the punishment of killing you, even I will accept death happily after killing you. " She said and her this sentence was holding her promise, her power. 

" Take it as a warning or suggestion Don't you dare touch me again. " She is an injured lioness and absolutely she will kill him if he will ever try to touch her, AGAIN. 

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