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Book online «Playboy's Mistress by Raeesa Emery (manga ereader .txt) 📖». Author Raeesa Emery

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" Keep your eyes always on her. " I messaged and got okay from that other side. I am not keeping my eyes on her and I am not even interested. I am just paying her back by giving safety and she deserves it. I was her first and the pain I gave her was very much to get tolerate by any girl and that was too her first time so I am giving her protection and helping her from other way because I know this kitten will die but will never ask for help. She is egoistic, isn't it?. But who cares I have explored her and she was only made for one night for me. She wasn't ready even then I felt so much satisfied then just think how satisfied I will be when she will give her consent. Oh what a foolish man I am. We are not going to encounter each other again. She was only for one night but you know, I don't know but after that beautiful night I want her more. It's feel like I just need her badly. My every cells of body is screaming her name which I don't want. I sighed while placing my phone on the table and closed my eyes. 


" Fvck. " I cursed lowly in my breath when her laugh echoed in my head. Here I am in an important meeting but my mind is stuck on Ember. First time in my life I am getting so much distracted by that mere girl. 

" How is this contract Ivan?. " I looked at my grandpa who is seeing me with his wife eyes. 

" It's good... Invest your money in this deal. " I said and he chuckled. 

" Why aren't you calling my money as yours afterall after my death this all will be yours. " He said and I chuckled. 

" But still till your death you are the owner of it. " I said making him giggle. His eyes somehow scream proud for me and I am proud of it. 


Looking at the huge factory of steel, I smiled proudly. This is my empire in Greece. I was 20 years old when I roughly drew this factory on my copy and my maternal grandpa liked it a lot. He asked me about my plans , I shared without wasting time and he granted me permission for working on this project. Now look at my empire, it's getting famous in the world. Now my next project is in America which is also my first. Actually I want to open some casino and night clubs there so that I can compete my dad. 

I fvcking hate that man, I hate all of the members which are from my dad's side except Corey. They all are the reason of my mom's suicide. One day I will destroy them. I will make them cry just like they made my mom cry tears if blood. I breathed deeply thinking about my plan but getting distracted just by that mere girl. Sometimes I want to just cage her torture her just like she torture me by laughing in my mind. 

Do I hate her?. No. Do I care about her?. No. I don't feel anything about her except thinking of that she is just a mere girl of whom I can take advantage wherever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want. That morning she said ' she wants to kill me '. Does she even have idea, she kill me daily. Each second. Every moment. 



She walked in the corridor of her university after taking books from the locker. She is here after spending 7 days with her papa in her village. She didn't wanted to come back but her papa madd her convince that she should be focused on her study not on his health but only she knows, why she doesn't want to live here.

 She stopped at a place seeing a group. This is the same group who bully her but it's strange they aren't doing anything with her. She walked from there with a lot of awarness, till last week they used to run to her like they are any kind of dog and she is any kind of bone. But today they didn't even look at her. She is suspicious. But soon in her ear a voice echoed-

" No one will bully you. " Ivan, this was the sentence of Ivan which echoed in her head and made her feel a lot of cringe by knowing what she gave him in return he is giving all this. Her eyes got teary and she felt goosebumps all over her body. 


Even teachers are giving a lot of special attention to her. It's not like she isn't a good student, she is a brilliant student but in between 50 students teachers are giving more attention on her. Even some class mates helps her for the notes. 


" In which language you want to hear Mr. Alexander Black that I will never marry Serenity?. " He asked while gritting his teeth while looking outside through the floor to ceiling mirror wall of his luxurious penthouse apartment of NY. He has returned. 

" I don't need any profit by getting married to Serenity, I will marry with the girl whomever I will like so stop bothering me . " He said in anger. 

" I know by marrying me Mr. Raphael Black want to gain power in politics which I will never let him gain... It would be better if you don't call me for discussing this cheap matter. " He said and disconnected the call before throwing it on the bed. He is heaving deeply whole massaging his nose bridge. 

His eyes landed on his bed and he found Ember sleeping on the bed, for the first 20 seconds he watched her with surprising gaze but when he blinked then she dissappears. 

" Fvck. " He cursed. 

" I have started to hallacunate her... This girl will make me go crazy. " He mumbled to himself and walked to the bed. Dragging one of the drawer out he looked for a file but his eyes landed on a sparkling thing. Earing. Her earing. He took that earing and looked at that. It's nothing. It's a little earing, whose coast will be in cents but for him, it was feeling like millions dollar earing. 

He stare at that earing for the next 2 minutes and don't know what sudden happened with him that he looked at time which was showing 5 PM and without wasting anymore time he stood and ran to his wardrobe. 

After sometimes he came back in black jean, black tee and black leather jacket. He took that earing and car key and ran out of his apartment. 

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