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Book online «Lust And Revenge by Reginah Shadreck (book reader for pc .TXT) 📖». Author Reginah Shadreck

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Forty five

A two and a half weeks go by and I have been avoiding Leonardo as much as I can. Apart from having breakfast and dinner with the rest , I'm always hiding from him.

He has a few days off and I'm always locked up in my room to avoid awkward encounters with him,I don't know if I should apologise to him for what my mother did to him but I can't bring myself to look him in the eye.

Giovanni is busy with a new project,he has changed recently,he is kind and gentle and is always sending me presents, flowers with little notes, jewelry,dresses, heels, perfumes, chocolates etc.

We have walks around the garden and coffee dates on the balcony after he gets back from work.

I take in the fresh air and watch over the preparation of today's dinner party,this is where I got married to Giovanni,one of the worst days of my life,a full nightmare. Giovanni is inviting a few investors over for dinner that will be held in the garden.

I'm a little nervous about meeting those important people what if the ask me about something I don't know,these rich people always speak so eloquently it's hard to keep up, Olivia taught me some of the common things spoken about in these highly sophisticated circles, what if they talk about something else, instead,all this was making me nervous which didn't help with my upset stomach.

I took a sip of the herbal tea the chief made for me. I keep feeling dizzy and nauseated,I planned to see a doctor but the herbal tea has helped me a lot so I changed my mind.

Watching over everything is tiring so I let Olivia take care of the rest, thinking of seeing my brothers again puts a light smile one my face.

"A penny for your thoughts", Leonardo, who I didn't notice in front of me, says. 

I keep quiet and try to walk past him, he sighs and grabs me by the elbow. "I don't like it that you've been ignoring me, sweetheart",

" Let go of me , Leonardo!", I snapped and snatched my hand from his hold.

He puts a hand on his chest and makes a hurt face "don't treat me like this, you've been avoiding me ,,I thought I made it clear when I said that I loved you, that you belong to me, I won't let you nor that good for nothing Giovanni ruin the plans I have for the both of us",he says with his hand around my neck just applying enough pressure, to cut just a little of my air supply.

"Stop Leo, you're hurting me", I plead.

He let go of me and smiled sinisterly.

"Don't ignore me,I don't like to see you laugh and smile around Giovanni, it makes me jealous,I hate the faces you make when he touches,the dirty things he whispers in your ear ,I hate him touching what is mine!",he says, kissing my forehead and walking away.

I have to tell Giovanni somehow, Leonardo is getting out of hand and I don't want to be treated like property,and what does he mean, seeing the faces I make ,has he been watching Giovanni and I all things time.

"What are you thinking about dollface?"Giovanni, who was speaking to some people, said.I then realized I had zoned out and everyone else was looking at me.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?",I say and smile embarrassingly.

" I know exactly what will put you in a good mood",he says and excuses us from everyone else.

"Where are we going",I ask. Lately he is always surprising me with expensive things and even got me a very expensive sports car for my birthday,I loved it but I didn't even get a text from Mason or Lucas.

We walked to the entrance of the garden and the person I saw made me drop my glass and run towards them,tears welled up in my eyes as I reached them.

"Mason",I whispered and sob when I drew my brother in my arms. So many months have passed and I haven't seen him.

He looked so big and elegant in the tax he was wearing,he has grown so big he is starting to look like boys his age.

"I've missed you so much",I say and look at him kissing his cheek.

" I missed you too",he smiles .

Lydia who is standing next to us interrupts our sibling moment "Federico wouldn't stop asking to see you for your birthday",she says and hugs her eldest son ,I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

Mason takes out a little box with a bracelet with many charms, "happy twentieth birthday Sis",he says and kisses my cheek.

I can't stop the tears from falling as I remember the last birthday we last celebrated together,it was Lucas's and Mason's; they share the same birthday.

"I'm sorry baby, I've just been getting a little emotional,thank you, it's beautiful and I love it", I say.

" Thank you",I turn and look at Lydia,I don't even want to get started on how messed up it is that I have to thank someone else for letting me see my own brothers,I looked longingly at the entrance and hoped to see another face ,but all I saw where the security guards bringing in a large bouquet of red roses,a box of chocolate teddy bears.

"Lucas still has school so he couldn't fly over ", Giovanni explains and my phone vibrates to the arrival of a text.

"I love you and happy birthday", with a heart emoji.

It was the best thing I've heard in a long time.

We go back to the party and I don't let Mason go even for a second, I'm happy as long as my brothers are safe and happy, maybe this isn't so bad after all, it'll be hard be this seems to be the the rest of my life so I might as well accept it,but before that I want to tell Giovanni about, Leonardo and that I was in contact with Mercelo because I don't want Giovanni to stop me from seeing my brothers when he finds out and loses his shit.

"I thought bringing Mason here was going to take things off your mind",he whispered in my ear as we danced slowly.

" Giovanni I have something I need to tell you",

" What is it, tell me",

" It's about…..",but before I finished what I was about to say , Giovanni froze,he almost crushed me with his weight as he leaned on me.

"What's wrong!",I scream,ask lay on his front. I couldn't support his weight ,the guards started making their way towards us and Giovanni looked like he was trying his best to say something.

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