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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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“Goodbye, Dante," is all she says before turning around. I see the deep sadness in her eyes before she gets into the elevator. She turns around again and throws me a paper and leaves without giving me time to do anything and I'm left there all alone. I take the paper with trembling hands when I read it and realise that it's an ultrasound, I'm stunned. Frozen. What is this? Paula is pregnant? I frowned looking again and again at that blessed paper while I felt my pulse beating in my ear. My stomach was spinning. I've never felt this way, never in my life.

“Dante, honey,” Sara comes closer again and with all the rage I had, I turned around and held her by the neck. I didn't care about anything else. Again, Sara managed to damage what I had with Paula. And now maybe she won't forgive me anymore.

“Don't ever show up in my life again. Because the next time I see you, I'll shoot you in your hollow head," I growled. Angrily, squeezing her throat.

I hear Iam's voice from behind me, asking me to let her go but I just want to strangulate her. Sara was already with a purple face because of the lack of air. Iam rested his hand on my arm. that made me loosen my grip, eventually, making me let her go. She just coughed, bending down and trying to take the air I had denied her.

“Iam," I turn to my friend.

"Get this woman out of here and have her banned. I never want to see her again. That's all I say before walking angrily towards my office where without hesitation, I staRT dialing Paula's number. I pray to the heavens that she answers me but of course she didn't. I'm not sure she ever would.

“Fuck!" she shouted. throwing a glass ornament he had on the table and smashing it against the wall.

“What happened, brother?" Iam walked into my office, looking at me confused.

“I lost her, Man. Now, I've lost her,” that's all I said, slumping back in my chair.

“What did you do, Dante?" Iam approached me angrily.

“Nothing like that. Because of this stupid woman, Paula thinks I was unfaithful to her.”

“Dante!” Iam growled angrily.

"You know, she won't forgive you so easily. If at all," he added.

“Don't tell me," I replied ironically. My breathing agitated, sighing over and over again. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm suffocating.

“And you do know that this could hurt the business we have with Sara's father, right?

“I don't give a shit about it Iam. if I lose my woman, I don't give a shit about anything.”

“I am not sure about that,” I just extend him the paper I had in my hand. He takes it with a frown.

“What is this?

“I'm going to be a father. Paula is pregnant," I said with a lump in my throat. Iam opened his eyes wide. He continued to stand there for moments without saying anything, just staring at the paper.

“Congratulations old man," he finally answered smiling and so do I. The fact that I'm going to be a father fills me with happiness.

“Damn it." I growled, getting up again.

“I'm not going to lose her," I mused and without waiting any longer, I grabbed my jacket and went in search of my woman. Even if I have to crawl for her, I'll get her to forgive me.

I dialed my security number.

“Christopher, where did Paula go?" I asked as soon as he answered me.

"To her building, sir.”

“Good,” that's all I said before cutting the call short.

I left the office without waiting for anything. I drove fast. I just wanted to see her. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and how happy I was to know I was going to be a dad.

I arrived at her building and knocked on her door and after a while Katia opened it. “Mr. De Luca,” She greeted me, surprised.

“Katia, I need to talk to Paula." I said with desperation. She just looked at me even more surprised.

 “But sir. she hasn't come back here,” I furrowed my brow.

“Isn't she here?”

“No, sir. She left early in the morning and hasn't returned,” I think for a moment.

“It's ok. Thank you, Katia,” I dialed Christopher's number again.

“ She's not at home,” I declared, annoyed as soon as he answered me.

“Sir, we saw her go in and she hasn't come back out. We haven't taken our eyes off the building," I squeezed the phone very hard, thinking about where she might be. I pressed my lips together, cutting the call. I know where she is.

I knocked on the door of her neighbor, Sara. The lady who took care of Katy.

“Mr. De Luca. What are you doing here?" she asked a little nervously.

“Hi, Sara. I need to talk to Paula. Is she here? she's silent for a moment.

“Yes sir but she doesn't want to talk to you....”

“Sara. Please. I need you to listen to me," I said nervously.

“Look, Dante, give her time. Don't harass her. She'll talk to you but it won't be today. It's already bad enough. Give her time," I sighed frustrated while running my hand through my hair.

Maybe, she's right but I don't know how much I can take it.

“Sara, tell her that I love her more than anything, more than anyone and that we need to talk,” It's the truth. I love only her. I'm suffering just like her.

“I'll tell her, Dante. don't worry.”

“Thank you,” I answered painfully.

She closes the door again. I don't know what to do. I feel terrible. If I lose her, I don't know what I will do. She must listen to me. She must believe me. I haven't done anything wrong. I wasn't unfaithful. I need to talk to her but I know that now it will be difficult as Sara said. I'll let her calm down a little and I'll come back for her. We need to talk about our child. I smile as I remember the ultrasound. I never imagined that the news would bring me so much happiness.    




Will our poor Dante be forgiven or is it all over between them?

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