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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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Chapter 29 Kidnapping and Pain




I slept all morning, it was past noon, I cried so much that I fell asleep, now my head hurts from crying so much and thinking about Dante, when suddenly I reacted and all the memories came back to me, but I don't want to cry anymore, not anymore I want to feel like this

I turned on my phone and looked at the thousands of missed calls from Isa, Dante and also from Iam?

Between several messages from my friend and that cheeky cheater Dante, I opened a message from Isa.

Friend, what happened to you, why didn't you come to work, I'm worried, I called you a thousand times and it turned off. When my shift is over, I'm going to your house.

I groaned in pain, feeling my chest clench, God! It seems that my life will never be fine, but now I have a little angel growing inside of me, from now on my baby and Katy are the most important to me.

I opened another message from Dante's asshole, I hate him, no, who am I kidding, I will never hate him, I love him with all my might and more now that I will carry a little piece of him inside of me.

Love, listen to me please, I love you, I was not unfaithful, I would never be unfaithful, I love you so much that it hurts. Give me a chance please, give me the benefit of the doubt.

Paula, are you pregnant love? Answer me please.

Almost all the messages were like that. I grunted in annoyance throwing my phone on the bed, he is still so cynical to ask me that after I found him with another woman in a compromising situation, and he still dares to say he was not unfaithful to me, he is the most cheeky guy I have ever met .

“My girl, are you awake yet?” Sara peeks out the door

“Yes Sara, Hmm, Sara, I need to tell you something.” I squeezed my hands on my legs.

"Tell me, my girl." She sat on the bed while holding my hand. I love her like a real mother, I always say that she was sent by my mother to take care of her in her place. My angel.

"Sara, I am pregnant." I stated, and she looked at me in surprise, then gave me a big smile.

"My daughter, I can't believe it, really?"

I shook my head several times affirming. “Yes Sara, I got tested today and yes, I am pregnant.” She gave a delighted laugh.

"And Dante is the father, right?" She squeezed my hand gently. I just affirmed, bowing my head ... “My girl, you must talk to him, I can affirm that he loves you. I really don't know what happened between you guys, but you must talk. "

"No Sara, he just made fun of me, he didn't care about me at all."

"Don't be stubborn Paula, he loves you very much."

"Has he brainwashed you too?" She simply denied.

“No Paula, I can see it in his eyes. I can see when someone is sincere through his eyes, and I see no malice in his. "

“No Sara, this time I will not forgive him, he hurt me and cheated on me in the worst way, I will not forgive him and I will take care of this baby alone. For him to put himself in my place, I don't think I would have thought anything good of me if he had found me in a compromising situation with another man, Sara would never forgive me. "

He sighed raising his hands to the sky, as if asking for patience ... "I hope you don't regret it later Paula and it's too late, remember that now it's not just you, now this baby needs both of you. Don't let your pride lead you to do nonsense and then you will regret it. "

“Well, if he doesn't love me, I don't think he wants this child I'm expecting either. I have to go home. "I rush to say it, Sara squeezed my hand and finally nodded.

"It's fine Paula, but if you need something call me my girl, don't hesitate."

“Thanks Sara, you are the best, I love you. “I wrapped her in a warm hug and then left her apartment.

I went to mine, when I came in I found Kathy watching tv. "Hello Love." I greeted her as she entered, when she saw me she ran to hug me. I reciprocated by leaving kisses on her head.

“You're back early!” She yelled cheerfully.

“Yeah, I haven't been feeling well and I was early.” I lied to her, it wasn't time for her to know the truth yet.

"What's up Paula?" Katia asked when she heard what she had just said to Kathy

“It's nothing, Katia, I just got sick and my boss gave me the afternoon off to rest. " I hate lying.

"Well, I'll make you a vegetable soup right now." He said she, turning on her heel.

"Don't bother, Katia, please." I objected

"Don't be silly, I'll make you some and you will eat it all." You are very pale, you need to feed.

I smiled shaking my head, I was very nauseous, but I was also hungry, my baby was hungry, begging for food.

After spending part of the afternoon with my sister, enjoying a movie and trying to forget Dante. I heard a knock on the door, and automatically I got nervous, I didn't want it to be Dante, Katia opened the door, but I heard my friend's unmistakable voice, it was Isa.

She came into the room like a hurricane “Paula! She "She exclaimed when she saw me.

I made a sign with my eye so that she would not say anything in front of my sister, she understood and greeted Katy with a kiss and told me that she needed to talk to me, I got up so we could go to my room to talk without anyone listening to us .

Now are you going to tell me what happened? “She closed the door and we both sat on my bed and suddenly I collapsed into my friend's arms.

"Isa" I exclaimed, starting to cry again.

"Don't tell me that son of a bitch doesn't love his son?" She yelled angrily. I shook my head in denial.

"No friend, I don't know if this is worse, but I saw him with another woman in her office ..."

"What? What do you mean by someone else, but Paula, what did you do?" "God!" She got up angrily pacing back and forth.

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