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Book online «The girl with nine toes by Ray Wilkins (which ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Ray Wilkins

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the aid programmes for
Aborigines keeping them safe and controlled. Now you
want to set them free!„
“Mr Norton we cannot turn the indigenous race of
this country free because they are not prisoners or slaves.
They are a free people just like you and me , and I feel
that it is high time that this government treated them as
such. We have been playing the role of the coloniser for
over two hundred and fifty years - these people do not
feel free. We demand that they assimilate into our culture
live in houses, drive cars and work for money. Some of
the new generation do just that, they go to universities
and take there rightful place in the community. But I'm
talking about the other side. The ones , who can't cope
and simply just do not understand our way of living. Who
become alcoholics, unemployed and desperate - and why?
I will tell you why Mr Norton, these human beings have
lost there homes, their heritage and their spirit. I say let's
give the indigenous people of Australia back their land
where they can once again be what they trully are –
He went back to his seat feeling the angry glare
not only of Mr Norton but also of others in the hall. He
also could see the shining eyes of his supporters and this
gave him strength.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of this Government. I
and every member of my party support Mr Prime
Minister in his vision of racial equality. We also believe
that it is high time for this country to have the courage to
take radical steps towards change , even if some among
us still live in fear of being invaded my a black holocaust
of spear throwing heathens.„
“Mr Billingham if that statement is referring to me
then I ask you to cease your provocations or there will be
consequences!„ shouted Mr Norton.
My friend Peter continued.
“ Whatever you want to believe Mr Norton the map
is not the territory. We are not fighting against you, we are
not trying to defame you. We are merely trying to lift this
country onto a higher plane of integrity, where truth and
the courage to be different are everday qualities of life
instead of a rarity!„ Geoff, Brian and John stood up in
unison clapping there hands and ,smiling , many other
members of Parliament also stood up and applauded, I
looked up at the wall where that painting was hanging
and thought I could see a trace of a smile on that grim
face of the lone aborigine holding his spear.


Decide to live
Not suffer


Chapter 22

I was driving on the road out to Coopers Crossing,
once again enjoying my freedom without having my two
shadows following me. I could see a small white delivery
van behind me flashing his headlights trying to overtake
me, I braked, the van drove by, then all of a sudden it
steered into my path I braked hard coming to a standstill
with the smell of burning rubber. Two men wearing ski
masks jumped out of the van, I reached into the glove
box to get out my revolver but I was too late they ripped
open the door, dragged me out of the car and pulled me
over to where the van was standing with the motor
running. I could see a third man sitting behind the
steering wheel. Throwing open the rear door, one man
pushed me into the back of the van and put a cloth over
my mouth and nose. I struggled and could smell that
almond, pungent scent of Chloroform, the world turned
I could hear what sounded like the noise of a small
plane in flight, my head felt terrible and I wanted to be
sick- but I took in some deep breaths and tried to relax
and get myself oriented. My eyes were bound up tight I
couldn’t see a thing. It was hot inside the plane and I
could sense one or two other people sitting beside me.
“Mr Macmilian can ya hear me?„ said a deep, rough
“Yes I can, where are we? What do you want ? Do
you want money? How much?„
“Just keep ya mouth shut mate, an everythin' will be
I felt my sense of reality fading again, I closed my eyes
and slipped once again into that cool black world of
We must have landed, I could hear the sound of the
planes motor getting slower and slower, the plane
stopped and I felt two strong hands gripping my arms
pulling me out of my seat onto the dusty ground.
Deep rough voice said “ keep on walkin' till I tell
you to stop.„
I could smell the dust of the outback, the sun burning
relentlessly down onto my head and neck, I still felt
groggy and weak but by taking deep breaths and
concentrating on that place of balance within, I started to
take stock of my situation. My hands were tied tight
behind my back . I couldn’t feel my fingers. I was
blindfolded and had no idea where we were. I was
outnumbered by at least three to one. I'd left my mobile
telephone in the car and I was an absolute bloody fool for
going out without my bodyguards.
“Climb up into the jeep mate! it wont be long now
and you'll get a beer and some tucker!„ His laughing
reminding me of a hyena with hiccoughs. It took about
half an hour to get to our destination. The jeep braked, I
was once again dragged across the ground into what felt
like a house, it smelt of stale sweat and beer. I heard a
door being opened, then I was pushed into a room,
somebody untied my hands and I felt pain and an
unbearable tingling sensation in both my arms. The
blindfold was ripped off my head, I blinked my tear -
filled eyes trying to see into the blinding light. I heard
footsteps behind my back and the sound of a door
closing and being locked from the outside. After a few
minutes my eyesight started coming back and I could
make out shapes within the room, a bed two chairs and a
small table under a window that was boarded up with
plywood. I sat down on the bed and going once again
inside I listened for my spirit voices. I felt a sensation of
calmness and strength slowly spreading throughout my
body. I placed my hand on my breast at that place where
I knew from my talks with the girl unconsciously triggered
a state of clarity and inner strength. Somehow I knew that
the men who kidnapped me did not want me to stay alive
for a very long time. Looking around the room again I
noticed a small cassette player on the table under the
boarded up window, there was a piece of paper lying
beside it that said play me I pressed the play button.
“Good evening Mr MacMilan.„ The voice was
slow and high pitched “Welcome to my hideway out in
the country. Now you might be asking yourself what do
these people want from you ? I can assure you that it is
not money. We are part of a society whose aim it is to
keep Australia pure and clean - we believe in the
pureblood Australian. We have noticed that you have
started new reforms for the Blacks and you especially
should know how dangerous these animals are to our
white community.
We have tried and judged you ; and find you guilty
of treason against our fair country . Your sentence is the
penalty of death. You may have sensed coming in, we are
deep in the outback, in fact the next living person lives
over 200 miles away. This is the desert Mr Prime Minister
outside the temperature rages from thirty – forty five
degrees there is nothing but sand, rocks and death. Quite
soon one of my friends will come and take you for a
short drive - he will bring you to a very special place and
leave you there alone. There is absolutely no possibility
that you will survive more than twenty four hours- even
your black friends have left this part of the country. Mr
Macmilan, I want to take this opportunity to wish you an
uplifting walk in the valley of death where you will
without doubt die.„ The recording ended and
immediately the door opened and two of the men came
into the room and pulled me off the chair. I was once
again blindfolded as they took me outside to the jeep
strapping me into the seat the man with the hyena laugh
whispered into my ear
“Go to hell you bastard!„ His breath smelled like garlic
and stale beer and I was more than glad when the jeep
started up and drove away. The track was first of all very
rough and bumpy but after awhile I had a feeling that we
were driving over smooth sand . It seemed like a very
long time before the jeep stopped, I was pulled roughly
out of my seat and thrown to the ground. As they drove
away I could hear the hyena laughing between his
hiccoughs. I ripped off the bag that they’d put over my
head and opening my eyes I experienced a deep and
desperate sensation of schock. I could see nothing but
sand and rocks reaching out far into the horizon. I
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