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Book online «The girl with nine toes by Ray Wilkins (which ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Ray Wilkins

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had disappeared. The work of those old gnarled
sadpaper - dry hands I guess. I had a feeling deep inside that
I would not see my friends of the Dreamtime ever again.
Friends that changed my life and guided me back to that
what I really am. Faces. Smiles. Voices. Smells. Words
and Visions that showed me which path to take.
Whispers within the night of the past. Butterfly wings
touching my soul. The smoke of knowledge blowing in
the winds of reality. Filling my sails with hope, trust and
But above all the most passionate gift of all, Love
without guilt, love without fear, love without anger. I will
never forget you.


When you have reached a
begin a new one

Chapter 16

Twelve Months later:

Walking into my office, I felt lighter and stronger
than I had ever felt in my life. The colours and shades of
light were so intense and in focus that I had a feeling as if
I was living in a new world.
Mrs Simmons was looking like a slightly overweight
Greta Garbo as she looked up at me, smiled and chirped
“Good morning Mr Prime Minister!„
I opened the door to my office to see my four friends
and a surprise guest Mr Norton, accompanied by his
personal assistent David Hopkins, all seated in front of
my desk. They all stood up and clapped there hands as I
edged around to my seat, I sat down feeling a little bit
Brian started “John, I am proud and moved to
present to you the results and goals achieved by our
government since the reformation process that you
yourself personally instigated. Because of a changing
consciousness of self responsibility in the citizens of
Australia, our economic debt has decreased by thirty five
percent. Over fifty two percent of the population is self –
employed. Fifty five percent are women. Unemployment
rate has sunk to three point two percent and is sinking
continually. Over ninety percent of all Australia products
are now made on our own soil instead of using cheap
labour in poorer countries. The people of our country are
learning, slowly but surely, what it means to achieve
prosperity awareness. People are even organising credit
card burning demonstrations, to show that they no longer
wish to live a life in financial debt, and the fear of not
having enough money. Almost everybody pays cash when
they buy products and the credit card companies have
been transformed to ‘Coaching for Prosperity’
Companies teaching people how to earn and manage
their own finances. Gentlemen, this country has changed
from a country on the verge of national poverty into a
land of prosperity, where almost everybody believes that
he has more than enough instead of never enough.„
I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat taking, the
folder that Brian presented to me over my desk. We
shook hands and I could almost read his mind searching
for some sort of suitable joke but, for once, he was silent
and I could see his eyes shining.
“Thank you Brian, and John what about you?„
“Well our Foreign Policy reform is in full swing
John. Our relationships to third world countries has been
doubled. Because of our use your own hands projects where
we teach the people of poor countries how to build and
purify there own water resources, farm the land and
organise fair trade agricultural organisations, the quality
of life has risen. We have also built up, together with local
governments, branches of The Flying Doctor Service
enabling medical support teams to go into isolated
regions to treat Malaria, Leprosy and AIDS. As well as
this we have trained teams of medical assistents to work
as Barefoot doctors in all areas where poverty and
malnutrition reigns. We still have much to do but we are
winning. As well as this our relationships to Middle East
countries has intensified, especially since you introduced
the Australian Muslim integration programme. We work
hand in hand together with Europe and America on
international standards for protecting and healing the
world of Global Pollution. All in all, I would say we are
making friends!„ He smiled at me and winked as he put
his coffee stained folder into my hands.
“Okay Peter, how's it with you?„
“You know me John I dont like talking too much
so I will be short and to the point. Industrial production
has increased by thirty percent ! At the same time,
because of the use of alternative energy programmes,
emission rates have fallen forty percent. Your Green
Tourist Programme, encouraging people of other
countries to experience the Outback, the Queensland rain
forests and other protected areas that exist on a level of
harmony with nature to learn how to be ecologically
aware is booming. We have discovered new sources of
natural gas in South Australia and Tasmania and because
of this our need for fossilised fuel has fallen thirty
percent. The rest is in here.„
He handed me such a thick folder I had to to take
it with two hands, it was very heavy.
“Thanks John!„ Geoff was next.
“ Well John , a lot has changed over the last twelve
months in the area of Education. We have finally realised
that children are human beings and not sheep. We have
taken down all the bricks in the wall and are now building
schools without walls. Schools where children and young
people can learn in an atmosphere of support and
understanding instead of fear and pressure. Since you
created the teacher, teach yourself programme, training
teachers to understand their own hidden negative belief
systems and to develop personal clarity especially in the
field of communication, Schools and universities have
become gardens of learning. Aggression and drug abuse
has decreased by sixty five percent. Children now feel
safe and secure when they go to school. Our Science and
Innovation reform has skyrocketed into unbelievable
realms of new ideas and discoveries, because of the new
research centers that are open for anybody with a good
idea. All I can say is its bloody incredible!„ He gave me
his folder and punched me playfully on the chin.
Then James Norton stood up.
“Sir, I am not one of your personal friends, at least
not yet! But I would like to take this opportunity to
personally thank you for what you have done over the
last twelve months. Australia has changed her course
radically! I want to congratulate you on what you haver
done to improve the rights and life qualities of the people
especially those of the Aborigines. I admit I was very
sceptical about the sudden changes that you brought
forward, and was also very wary about your personal
change. I even considered you were using mood
enhancing drugs, Marijuana and even Scientology. I even
heard some vague rumour about a new girlfriend who
lives near the Murrumbidgee river. Anyway, to cut a long
story short, Mr Macmilan , I got you wrong! and I now
stand one hundred percent behind your new reform
policies. I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
personally and in the name of the people living in this
Everyone clapped and there was much
backslapping I even saw Brian sneaking in a hug with
Jame Norton. I was deeply moved and felt like walking
out the back door. Watching these powerful and
emotional men talking with each other made me think
back into the past to the last time I visited the girl with
nine toes.


Be a shepherd
Not one of the sheep

Chapter 25

I walked slowly along the ridge, Rick and his
partner were following close behund me. I had told them
both what I wanted to do, and even though they were
very suspicious, they agreed to wait for me on the jogging
path. I found the place and slid down into the gully. I
heard the silence and I could feel the intensity in the air
as I came down to the river,.Baldwa was not there to
meet me - but I wasn’t surprised. Walking out into the
light I saw her sitting there on that same rock, with that
same smile, with that same charisma of innocence and
“Oh Turawwa there you are, come to me, sit down,
look at the river and notice the many currents flowing
here and there. Much like your life turning around,
moving against the stream, always in motion. Change
your mind and change your life., as you have done in your
quest to find your heart once again, to lead. You know,
you have experienced nothing new. You have also not
gained any new wisdom. Your path was the everyday
normal path of every human being on this planet. Many
have wandered away from this path, others are still trying
to find it, and many will never ever find it. But the people
who walk this path will change the world, sometimes in
big ways , but also sometimes in small ways. I will leave
you soon and you will not see me again in your lifetime.
But before we depart I want to tell you a few more
songlines for you to contemplate .. Fear is just a four
letter word and is not an emotion. Fear is only a figment
of your imagination and is not the reality. So whatever
happens in your future, look behind the fear and there
you will find freedom. Believe in yourself and know the
beauty within. You are a wonderfull shining star in the
firmament of
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