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Book online Ā«Know When To Leave. by Kat Michelle (the first e reader txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Kat Michelle

The beginning of the end.

ā€œThese violent delights have violent ends.ā€ I have read in english class before, but I never thought that the quote would ever apply to me. Until now. I always remember as a child, when I was told not to do something, I ended up wanting to do whatever I was told not to, more so than before. Not necessarily to be rebellious, but out of curiosity.  Well, you could say that what I have done now, out of curiosity, has turned into a living hell for me. It wasnā€™t hell at first, though. It was close to heaven. I had a what you could call ā€œaverageā€ life, for a teenager. Not so much anymore. It all started when I met a boy.


His name, one that I will never forget, is Levi. I have known him since I was a freshman in high school. I was now a senior. Anyways, him and I had always been friends. One day though, he decided to try to change that. It was a hot october day, and I had just gotten done with marching band practice. I was walking towards my parked car when I saw Levi. He had just come from the football field, still wringing-wet with sweat. He approached me as I walked to my car. I turned around to greet him, to be polite. He didnā€™t waste time with small talk, which was different. He cut straight to the chase, and asked me out. I, of course, said yes to the popular football team captain. He smirked and walked away as quickly as he came. I got in my car, and drove home in a daze. Wow, a football player, not just a player, the captain, is now my boyfriend. When I got home I couldnā€™t wait to share the news with my mom, and she was, of course, ecstatic.


When I went to school the next day, I opened my locker, and waiting inside of it was a bouquet of red roses with a note attached to them. I picked the note out of the roseā€™s, and read it. The note said, ā€œSome lovely roseā€™s for a lovely lady.ā€ Awwwww. Heā€™s so cute. That night we went on a date, and it was magical. We rode rides, got cotton candy (yum), and played around. For the next few months it continued all hearts and flowers like so, then thingā€™s started to change.


  He started to get more pushy and handsy. One time in particular that I remember, he was walking me to my car after school and asked ā€œYou know, I have treated you like a damn princess, when will you repay me?ā€ He asked with a cocky smirk on his face. I simply told him ā€œIf you think I owe you a fucking thing, you are mistaken.ā€ And drove away. When I got home I checked my phone. It had 5 missed calls and 8 un-read texts. Geesh. I checked from who, and they were all from Levi. That was creepy. Iā€™ll call the guy back, though. When I called him, he was very threatening. He told me, ā€œIf you donā€™t show me how thankful you are to me then I will MAKE you thankful.ā€ Now Iā€™m scared. Is he some sort of creep or something? I think itā€™s time to break up with him. Well, there went 6 months for nothing. I replied to his threat by saying ā€œIf you think you own me, you are sorely mistaken. I donā€™t owe you shit. Weā€™re done.ā€ He just said ā€œYou shouldnā€™t have done that.ā€ Then he hung up.


Shit. I ran to every door and window in my house and frantically locked them. I called my mom, she was still at work, and told her to not come home tonight, that I would explain tomorrow. I donā€™t want her here if he decides to come be a fucking perv. Should I call the police? Or not? What if heā€™s referring to me just loosing his popularity? Ugh, I hate mixed messages. I grabbed my revolver, with 6 bullets in it, and put it in my pocket. If he does come, heā€™ll get a cap in his ass. Wow, I canā€™t believe that I was almost in one of those abusive teenage relationships that you always hear about. What if he goes to my momā€™s workplace and causes her harm, though? Iā€™m probably over-reacting, but I just have a gut feeling. I called my mom, and told her everything. She told me that what Iā€™m doing right now wasnā€™t silly, or being paranoid. She promised that she was going to spend the night with her co-worker Karen. I smiled. Maybe he wonā€™t be able to get to her now.


She opposed to me calling the police, though. Incase the boy isnā€™t planning to do anything rash.    I decided to pass time by playing on Instagram. Not even an hour later, I hear my door-bell ring. I swear- for a second my heart froze. I walked calmly to the door, knowing that I had a gun in my pocket that is fully loaded. I opened the door, and there he stood. Before I could even react, he had his hand covering my mouth as he pushed me back into my house. He made the mistake of not restraining my hands, though. He mustā€™ve assumed I was weak. Haha, jokeā€™s on him. While he was busy trying to keep me quiet, I quickly reached in my pocket and got my gun. I aimed it at his head, and I was released immediately. In the most bitchy tone that I could muster, I told him ā€œwhoā€™s thankful now?ā€ Then I pulled the trigger.


The bullet went straight between his eyes. At first he seemed to not notice, then he dropped dead on the floor. I stood there for a minute pondering my next move, I decided to call the police. When I got a 911 operator on the line, I explained my whole situation. They were sending units to take the body, and come investigate. Next, I called my mom and told her. All she said was ā€œIā€™ll be home in the morning, Iā€™m sure glad I taught you to shoot, kiddo. Love you.ā€ Then she hung up. Once the police got here, I told them everything. They said I wouldnā€™t have to go to the station or anything, that this was purely self-defense.


They did ā€˜highly-recommendā€™ that I go to a support group, though. I complied, not wanting any more hassle. They handed me the groupā€™s business card that had the address and number on it. I went to it, and to my surprise it wasnā€™t that bad. I got to hear other peopleā€™s stories, and I got to vent about my own. I highly recommend support groups. After a while, things went back to normal, or as normal as my life can get. 


Well, thatā€™s my story.


Publication Date: 05-03-2015

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to my friend, who didn't know when to leave a harmful relationship. The events in this book are NOT based on real life. Xx

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