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Book online ยซThe Self Harmed by Chalen D. (libby ebook reader .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Chalen D.

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~See you when you're better~

The smell of dryed blood was the first thing that hit me as I poped off the top of my plastic box. I hid it in my window seat. My parents didn't know it opened. Dumb asses. I pulled out what I needed and pulled up my sleeve. I really should stop using blood stained Razor blades, but they remind me of my past. I wiped the blade on my shirt to make sure all the blood flakes where gone. I pressed the blade to the fold of my arm, looked up, and slashed my skin open. I dropped the blade, and Grabbed my rag.


My Box fell.

"Is everything okay in there?"
     "Yeah Mom it's fine." I said dropping to my knees.

I tied the rag in place and began to put my things into the box.

"I can help?" The door knob turned.

"I got it!" I lunged to the door and locked it.

"Okay, well, your Father and I need to talk to you about something over dinner."

"I'll be down in a second."

"Are you sure I can't help you with anything?"

"Just go Mom."

"Okay then, Hurry."

I stopped the bleeding and then ran down stairs.

"Now then." Dad said, as I sat down. "What's this bussiness about you stabbing someone at school with a pencil?"

"I didn't stab him. I threw the pencil at him and it just some how stuck to the kids arm."

"You've done this before." Mom said. "You get upset and then you through a fit."

"Well people shouldn't upset me."

"That's what we're here to talk about." Dad said.

"There's this school, that deals with kids who have." Mom paused looking for the word. " a different out look on life."

"Don't lie to her." Dad said, taking a roll from the bowl in the mmiddel of the table. "It's a school for people Who have problems."

"Stop." Mom smacked him. "You live in a dorm room with another girl, and you have someone to help you work ouy your problems. Anger, self harm, anything you have, you go here."

"Just think about it." Dad said, as I opened my mouth.

"It's a good idea honestly." Mom looked down. "What is that!"

I looked down and quickly pulled my sleeve down, "It's nothing."

"I have the school's number on speed dial." Dad got up.

"Pack your clothes, you'll be going." Mom said, following after Dad.

"Don't worry." She stopped at the door. "We'll see you when you're better."

I sighed and sat back in my chair as I watched her go.

~Au Revoir~

"Don't pack anything sharp." Mom said. "You'll just have to give it up when You get there."

"You might of not wanted to tell her that." Dad said.

"Why?" She asked. "It's the truth isn't it?"

"Are you going to watch me pack the whole time?"

"Yes." They both said.

"Why? I can't bring anything sharp, and your just sending me away anyways. I should be able to be along for five seconds."

"Fine." Dad said.

"What?" Mom looked at him.

"We'll put your bags in the car. You have two minutes."

"Thank you." I sighed walking to my bathroom.

I locked the door and took off my shoe. I grabbed the blade from under one of the sink drawers and stuck it under the padding in my shoe. I slipped on my shoe and left the house.

"Ready?" Dad opened my door.
I narrowed my eyes at him and then got into the car. 

"Okay, now when you get on your plane-"
I grabbed my bags and hurried to gate 18.

"Well okay then!" Mom called.

After two hours we had to switch planes. I was going to just run away then, but the school had a gaurd waiting for me. Apparently other kids had the same idea, when the planes switched, so I was now waiting for my next plane sitting next to a big dude with cuffs and a gun.

"See you!" I jumped up as my flight was called.

He waited until I was on the way to the plane and then he was gone.


~The Crazy House~

"Well, I guess we waited long enough." The Woman said.

There was a table with a box on it in front of her.

"Put all cell phones and anything you can use to hurt yourself into the box. Do it yourself or you can be checked by Security. "
  I watched as everyone put their phones into the box. In went the blades, pocket knifes, lighters and match books as well.

"Charlotte, your head band."

"Are you shitting me?"

The kids in the loby looked up at me.

"It's plastic, you can break it and hurt yourself. And according to your charts-"

"Got it." I tossed the head band onto the table.
     "Alright everyone." She said, puting my head band in the box. "All bags go on the belt and everyone goes through the metal detector."

Shit my shoe. I steped up to the detector.

"Come on." The Man said, waving me forward.

"Is that kid outside trying to kill themself?" I asked pointing.

Everyone ran to the window. I yanked off my shoe and tossed it into the air, catching it on the other side. I sliped it on and turned around to see some of my new class mates had the same idea. I looked down the hall. A guy in baggy clothes was quietly arguing with a woman in white.

"You know what?" He said, as calmly as he could manage. "I can't have a simple salad in this prison?"

"Okay, okay. "The nurse looked around. "Just calm down Ryder, okay? I'll see what I can do okay?"

"That's all I ask. I'm sorry I lost my temper almost."

"That's okay."

Ryder hugged the nurse, and then she walked away a little dazed. Ryder made eye contact, nodded once and then turned down the hall head down.

"Charlotte." The woman said, trying to give me my bags.

"Yeah, Charlie." I said, looking down the hall, reaching for my bag. 

"Sorry Charlie." Then she laughed. "You get that a lot don't you?"

"You wouldn't believe it."

"Okay, well here's your bag for school." She gave me my bag. "And this is your class list, your map of the school, and that is your room number. This here is when you meet with the doctor. If you seem to be getting better, you're groups will get cut. Groups are every Monday Wedsenday and Friday."

"Okay thanks." I took the paper.

"Good luck Charlie."

The first thing I did was find my room. There was a bare bed on a white iron bed frame, with a box on it. On the other side of the room was a bed made up all in pink. I sighed and set my bags on the bed. I opened the box. Purple bedding. I made my bed and opened the trunk at the bottom of my bed.

It had a lock on it, but I knew the front offce had a key for checks. I shoved in all my clothes, books and shoes. I shoved my bathroom things into my side dresser. I pulled my camera out of my bag and walked to the window. I opened it, but stopped from taking a picture. The window was blocked by black Iron bars. I sighed and went to the bed.

I shoved my suit cases under the bed and then opened the back pack. School stuff with a laop top. It had no Wifi. I set the lap top on my side table and grabbed the paper the woman gave me. I put my camer strap around my shoulders and left my room in search of the library. I got my student Id and school books before I dropped everything back off at my room. I went in search of my classes finding my locker.

I could of brought the damn books with me. I went to all my classes, asking for work I could do to catch up. The mostly told me that I just had to read the chapters. I left down the hall until a door with Photograhpy caught my eye.

"You have an activity yet?"

I turned around, "No."

"Everyone has to have one. I'm Mr. Pepper. I run this class. Nice camera."

"Oh thanks." I picked it up.
    "Would you like a tour of the class room? Perhaps you'd like to join my class?"

"No tour needed Mr. Pepper. I'm in. I really have to catch up in my other classes though, so I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Monday then, Charlotte."


"I know everyone."

"That's creepy."

"I know." He opened the door. "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Sure."

I went back to my room, seeing a box infront of my room. I looked down the hall and then picked it up. 

'This box is from your parents, Charlie~ Miss Sammie.'

I picked up the box and went inside. I set up my lap top grabbed my english book and opened the box. Junk food. I smiled and opened up a roll of oreos. I was halfway through a chapter when the door opened and a crying girl ran into the room, and fell onto the pink bed.

I looked around the room, "Uh cookie?"

She looked at me and walied, her head falling back.

"Well okay." I said gathering my things. "I'm just going to take my cookies and go."

I hurried from the room and found a table at the back of the library. I finished up my studing and went back to the room. The girl was looking at herself in the mirror.

"Feeling better?"

"Sorry." She looked at me in the mirror. "I tend to be sensitive."

"Me too." I set my things on my bed. "I don't think I made things better when I offered you a cookie."

"You didn't." She shook with a laugh. "It's okay though."

"I don't realy get along with girls."

"Me too." She smiled. "Cool camera. Reminds me of someone I know. There's this garden through the dinning room. Perfect place to take pictures. You shouldn't be bothered there, and if your taking Mr. Peppers class, you'll need to put together a photo collage."

"Through the dinning room?"

"Yep. There's this big sign above the door. You can't miss it."

"Thanks, uh-"



She smiled and then turned to the mirror. I pulled on my jacket and made my way to the garden.

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