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Book online ยซBubba & meh by Destiny Hobbs (mobile ebook reader TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Destiny Hobbs

Bubba and meh

in the floor i lay.. am i alive? am i awake? were is he? he was laying right next to meh? were is bubba? Please don't hurt him he's just a baby!Daddy, you used to be so sweet & kind what did i do to make you change your mind? were is mommy? i can hear her cry..something wet on my face...tears? sweat? blood? is all i see.. were is eveerybody? i try to walk....i try to scream..but silence is all that is heard from meh... i can't believe what i can see....i don't know why but daddy killed mommy.... bybba crawls toward meh...he whispers "Sissy, come with meh". we make it to the door &b run...faster & faster ... i don't let go of bubba's hand..we run into the legs hurt i want to scream but babba says calm down & follow meh...i hear daddy yelling from behind....he says to get inside but bubba ignores the screams...he just keeps running his heart beating as fasrt as he is running tears in my eyes...blood on my clothes..sweat on my head...finally bubba stops & looks at meh he says we are safe from daddy because we are miles away...he climbs up in a tree & stares at meh. "Come on silly" he says to meh " Tonight we'll sleep in the trees like monekys!" i giggle even though i want to cry...he says get some sleep...we'll leave in the i try to shut my eyes..bubba starts singing meh a lalaby...the same one mommy used to i fall asleep & try to forget everything....


Publication Date: 03-15-2012

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