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/> “He’s my twin brother.” Aimee supplied.
Sierra was speechless.
Red Shawl cleared her throat, leading Aimee away from Sierra before her niece could say anything. “For now, Amethyst and I must be going. Business, you know.”
Red Shawl led her back down to the basement. She felt the pulses of energy and magic in the air. She had to stop in order not to faint.
“Close your empathy, Amethyst.” Red Shawl caught her before she could fall. She led Aimee to a chair by the Book of Shadows. She asked after a few minutes. “How are you feeling now?”
“Better, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” Red Shawl said. “I know why you’re here.” Aimee looked up at her, only half-amazed she knew. After all, Red Shawl was a Seer. “You want true love of your own.”
“Only one love, really.” Aimee supplied. “I’m not picky.”
Red Shawl laughed. “Of course you’re not. You only want one man to love you and make you happy.”
Aimee nodded. “I was wondering if the spell you gave us for Aaron could work for me.”
Red Shawl smiled. “Do you still have it?”
“After we cast it, I hid it in a secret spot.” Aimee told her.
“Next week is the full moon. Dyad Moon, I believe.” Red Shawl supplied. “Reword the spell, keeping in heart and mind what you desire. Perform the ritual and cast it at midnight, calling on the Spirits to aid you. Once the spell is cast, burn it, letting the winds carry the ashes away.”
“Why didn’t you tell us that last time?”
“I figured you would need it again sooner or later.” Red Shawl winked. “Above all else, follow your heart.”
Aimee was getting uncomfortable, so she stood. “Thank you, Red Shawl.”
“You’re welcome.” Red Shawl supplied, following her to her car. “I wish you the best of luck, and pleasant journeys.”
Aimee smiled at the High Priestess and repeated the Dream Realm saying. “Pleasant Journeys.”


“I’m happy it worked. Aaron’s got a girlfriend!” Ariana cried to her twin Luna and almost-sister Aimee one day.
Aimee supplied with a grin. “He’s so happy now, and he’s got his voice back.”
“Good for him.” Luna said. “Mind cluing me in on what worked?”
Alternating, Ariana and Aimee told their story of how Darlene “Red Shawl” Bennington gave them a special spell from the Book of Shadows.
“You used Pagan and Ancient Mystic Magic combined, Aimee?” Luna asked, with Aimee nodding. “Color me impressed.”
“Thanks.” Aimee acknowledged.
“I still can’t believe it actually worked.” Ariana supplied. “Sierra is a wonderful woman, perfect for him.”
“There’s something suspicious about Sierra Gregory.” Luna remarked. “I’m not knocking her before really knowing her, but I have a feeling she’s hiding something.”
“I agree with you, despite my happiness.” Ariana said. “Something about that woman just isn’t right. She’s not being sincere to us, almost aloof, really.”
“I bet I know why.” Aimee spoke up. The twins looked at her. “I didn’t meet her until the other day. She’s Red Shawl’s niece.”
“Does that mean she’s a Pagan, too?” Luna asked. “No wonder her mind was blocking mine.”
“You went back to the Bennington’s?” Ariana asked her almost-sister. “Why?”
“I, uh, wanted to ask her something.” Aimee spat quickly.
The twins exchanged looks.
“Out with it, Amethyst Theresa.” Ariana warned, frowning.
“Promise not to tell the guys?” Aimee asked. The twins nodded, so she continued. “I wanted to see if the spell she gave us could work for me.”
“It’s about time you used Magic for yourself.” Luna complimented. “You really have the makings of a True Ancient Mystic.”
“I’m to cast it alone at the Dyad Moon.” Aimee said, then sighed. “Do you really think it’ll work for me?”
“I’m sure it will.” Ariana wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “You deserve a little happiness, Aimee. We all do.”
Luna nodded, agreeing totally.
“By the way, Luna, how’s the Empathy?” Ariana asked. “Is it getting any easier to bear?”
“I’m having to learn control all over again.” Luna told her twin. “In the meantime, everyone’s emotions are overwhelming. It’s enough to scare me.”
“You have to get over your fears.” Aimee said. “It’ll take plenty of time and patience.”
“Patience, sure. I have no problem with patience.” Luna said. “It’s time we don’t have. Julie and TJ are eager to learn how to fight, and their emotions are in high gear. Charlie and Jamie have to learn quickly how to be Earthly Protectors before the war is official.”
“Julie wants to fight in the Dream Realm?” Aimee was amazed. “She doesn’t have the experience we do.”
“She’s got Jamie. That should be enough.” Ariana said. “He can fill her in on the details.”
“Do either of you have any other dreams or visions of Orthos or Gloriana and what they’re planning?” Aimee asked the twins.
“I managed to Crusade to the Unknown and see for myself.” Ariana said.
“That was dangerous.” Luna scolded her. “You could’ve gotten caught.”
“Derrick, or should I say the Protector, was with me.” Ariana remarked. “Between the two of us, we found out some interesting things.”
“Such as?”
“The rumors are true. Gloriana is on the loose in the Kingdom Castle. Damian sent her to the Dream Realm to reek havoc.” Ariana said. “Not only that, but Orthos is working on breaking the Ancient spells O’Dell put on him.”
“He just told you this?” Aimee was suspicious.
“He practically bragged about conquering the Dream Realm and ridding it of us.”
“Us, as in the Ancient Mystics?” Luna asked. Ariana nodded. “He’s gonna have a pretty hard time of it. Even if he does manage to break the Ancient spells, how’s he going to fight us? We’re older, stronger, and much more prepared to fight against him now than we were in the Crusades.”
“You weren’t listening to Shadow’s story, or the Apprentice’s message, were you?” Ariana accused. “History is going to repeat itself, and we have to do something to stop it.”
“Do we know what really happened in the Wars for Power?” Aimee asked. “We only know tidbits, thanks to Shane’s story.”
“All I know is thousands of Companion families were lost, Shane was hit pretty bad with a poison arrow, and both Mistresses Mystica and Jezebel were killed.” Luna explained. “Once Mystica was hit, the Wars ended.”
“That’s not all, Sweetling.” They heard Shane’s voice above them. With him were Derrick, Jamie and Julie. Once he sat down next to her, with Derrick taking a seat next to Ariana and Julie and Jamie sitting across from them, he continued. “We know a lot of our enemies in the present were part of the past.”
“Such as?” Ariana asked.
“Djinn God Omri, for one, and his minions.” Shane supplied.
“Sabrina and Damian were there, obviously.” Jamie said.
“Let’s leave the obvious out.” Derrick told him. “Sabrina, Orthos, Damian and the Dominionite Warriors were the main bad guys then, and now.”
“Right.” Jamie said. “What you don’t know is that the Stalkers were there during the Wars for Power.”
“Stalkers.” Ariana whispered. “Celeste told me her turned Dweller kin were called Stalkers. Are they the same things?”
“The very same.” Shadow told them. “They were summoned by Orthos when Chase Moondancer inquired help from the Dweller-kin Hunters.”
“Woah, slow down.” Julie said. “You’re going so fast, you’re giving me a headache.”
“You wanted to fight.” Jamie told his wife.
“Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea after all?” She responded, holding her head.
“It was a great idea.” Ariana told her. “You just need brushing up on your own type of Magic, that’s all.”
“She’s an Elder, just like you.” Jamie responded. “Since she had TJ when she was sixteen, she’s got unlimited power.”
“Great.” Ariana and Julie moaned.
“I guess I’ll be the one to teach her then, won’t I?” Ariana wondered, looking at her dark-haired cousin.
“As only you can.” Jamie supplied. “In the meantime, what do your patrols say?”
“I’ve been pretty busy, and rumors are spreading.” Ariana told him. “The Canine Valley and Feline Village are especially feeling the pressure. The kit twins are keeping to themselves and their newborn kits. Wolf and Chikité are working the Canine Army extra hard to get ready for the upcoming war.”
“Who’s Chikité?” Jamie asked.
“Red Wolf Moondancer, Sire Wolf’s new Page.” Shane supplied. “You remember Warrior Red Wolf, don’t you? The half-Dweller, half-Mountain Wolf Companion?”
Jamie nodded.
“Calling him by his Dweller name instead of his Warrior name reminds him of his bloodlines.” Ariana supplied. “He’s turning out to be a great asset to the Canine Army.”
“What about Toby?” Derrick spoke up. “Last I heard, he was thinking of gathering an army of his own.”
“Tobias White-Snow is no leader; he’s a great fighter, but never a leader.” Jamie said. “I’ve known him since he was a Warrior with the Dominionite Army. How’s he going to lead an army?”
“You’re forgetting, he’s a Companion Crusader.” Luna pointed out. “If he and Kitten’s Claw sense something threatening the Feline Village, he’ll find a way to fight it.”
“With Wolf’s help, of course.” Ariana replied. She put her hands to her temples, massaging them.
“What’s wrong, Love?” Derrick was worried.
Once her eyes closed, she was silent, and all watched. Derrick could tell she was having another vision by the way her body stiffened. He tried whispering a chant in her ear to get her out of the vision, but it failed.
He shared a look with Shane, who stared at Luna.
Luna knew what to do. She placed a hand on her twin’s arm and closed her own eyes.
“Tell us what you see.” Shane said.
Luna nodded. “Orthos and Omri are in the Dream Realm.”
“Now?” Jamie wondered.
She shook her head. “Soon.” Luna opened her eyes and watched her sister closely. “I can’t get her out of it. Can you?”
Derrick shook his head. “No.”
Aimee spoke up. “Why don’t I try?” She replied, and leaned to whisper something in Ariana’s ear.
Instantly, Ariana opened her eyes and gasped out of the vision.
“What did you say to her?” Julie asked.
“Secret.” Aimee winked. She pat Ariana on the shoulder. “Luna told us what she saw. Now, it’s your turn.”
Ariana’s gaze went to her twin. “What did you see?”
“I got a premonition of Orthos and Omri being in the Dream Realm.” Luna supplied.
Ariana looked at the group. Luna, Shane, Derrick, Aimee, Jamie and Julie stared back. “We’re needed in the Dream Realm.”
“Now?” Aimee asked.
“Now.” Ariana confirmed.

Story: #3
Visions and Dream-Scapes

“How are we needed?” Jamie asked. “Does it have anything to do with your vision?”
“Everything.” Ariana supplied. “We’ve neglected our training for far too long. The Crusaders, which includes Aaron, must learn to fight and defend.”
“We already know how to do all that.” Aimee said.
“We don’t know enough, I’m afraid.” Ariana shook her head. “How else would Omri have been able to get to you guys? We weren’t prepared.”
“He didn’t get you or Shane.” Derrick supplied.
“That’s because Shane knew what Omri was up to and didn’t let it bother him.” Ariana said. “I only had to put up a mental barrier for Omri’s spell not to work on me.”
“Omri cast a spell on you guys?” Jamie asked.
“We were forced to face our inner demons.” Derrick said. “I doubted Ariana’s love for me, Luna was jealous because she wasn’t the Ancient Mystic’s favorite, and Aimee was angry at Ariana because she hadn’t stayed to teach her the wild new magic in her system.”
“What about Aaron? Was he affected by the spell, too?” Julie asked.
“He pined for the days of our childhood, when he had Ariana’s love to himself.” Aimee said softly. “He was also battling demons of his own with the advancing of his Unicorn Magic. Not only that, but he was mad Ariana
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