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hadn’t told him when a Djinn Mind-Dweller called a Horde attacked his daughter Kelly.”
“So far, we’ve got Djinn, Stalkers, and possibly more Dominionites to prepare for.” Jamie summed. “What else could Orthos bring back from the depths of the Unknown?”
“That would depend on what was there in the Wars.” Luna supplied.
“Let’s meet up in the Dream Realm tonight.” Ariana suggested. “After my patrols. We’ll get down to the bottom of this once and for all.”
After agreeing, they went their separate ways.


That night, they met up in the Dream Realm. Each of them had their own personas. Ariana was the Young Guardian, Derrick was the Protector, Luna was the Grand Magus, Shane was the Shadow, Aaron was the Unicorn, and Jamie was Jammins. Aimee found her own persona to be a fairy princess named Amethyst. The only ones who didn’t have their Dream Realm counterparts were Julie, Charlie, and TJ.
As always, Young Guardian took charge. “Shadow and Grand Magus, go see what Lord Max knows about the war. Jammins and Julie, take Charlie and TJ to the Forgotten Forest and find the Apprentice. He’ll give you Protectors’ Pendants and the Grand Shamus will teach the girls their Silver Magic. Amethyst, snoop around the Feline Village and Canine Valley. See what the Sires have planned. You’re excused.”
Once they were gone, she noticed a raven-haired beauty with dual-colored eyes standing by the Unicorn. Only the Protector, the Unicorn, the raven-haired woman and herself lagged behind.
“What do you think you’re doing, Unicorn?” Young Guardian scolded. “Bringing a Dreamer on a Crusader mission. She could get hurt, or worse, killed.”
“Relax, Young Guardian.” The Unicorn announced with a smile. “She’s no ordinary Dreamer.”
Young Guardian wasn’t impressed. She folded her arms and glared at him.
The Unicorn’s smile remained, gesturing to the raven-haired woman who held his hand. “Go ahead and introduce yourself properly, my dear.”
The woman blushed at the sight of him, but nodded. Turning to Young Guardian and the Protector, she bowed. “My name is Airmed Starchaser. I am a Pagan Dreamer with powers immeasurable.”
“Rise, Airmed, and meet your Young Guardian’s eyes.” The Protector announced.
Airmed rose, finally looking Young Guardian in the eye.
“Who are you in the waking world?” Young Guardian asked. “What’s your given name?”
“Sierra Gregory.”
Young Guardian looked up at the Unicorn. “She’s the one you named your Earthly Protector?”
The Unicorn nodded. “I told her everything about the Ancient Mystics, including our current, ah, situation here in the Dream Realm.”
“What are you not telling me, Unicorn?” Young Guardian asked.
“I want to join the fight.” Airmed explained, answering for him. “I want to use my own magic here in this world and fight.”
“Are you sure this is what you want, Airmed?” The Protector wondered. “Do you even know what fighting in this world means?”
“I’ve fought what the Unicorn called a Dominionite once.” Airmed responded.
“It’s not fun and games, you know.” Young Guardian told her. “We work with powerful magic, even more so than you realize. What we do, we do because we have to, not because we want to.”
“Ours is serious work, and never-ending.” The Protector supplied. “You must know how to think on your feet, and move quickly, staying one step ahead of your enemies.”
“We’re all trained detectives in the Outer Realm, which is what you’ll hear those of this world calling our waking world.” Young Guardian said.
“Will you stop bombarding her and give her a chance to prove herself?” The Unicorn stepped up.
“Does she have any detective’s instincts?” The Protector asked him.
“Address me.” Airmed supplied, folding her arms. The three looked at her when she continued. “I’ve read enough Nancy Drew novels in my life to know what to do.”
“Reading mysteries doesn’t exactly make a detective.” The Protector pointed out.
“Does she meet your standards, Young Guardian?” The Unicorn asked, frowning. “She helped me kill an Old Dominionite, and lived to tell about it.”
The Protector and Young Guardian shared a look.
“It’s not up to us; we’re not the main ones in charge.” Young Guardian said softly. She glanced at the Unicorn. “Take her to the Ancient Mystic Palace. Let O’Dell and Enchantra decide for themselves if she’s strong enough in spirit to join the fight.”
Nodding, the Unicorn and Airmed disappeared.
“Come, Young Guardian.” The Protector said softly, wrapping his arms around her waist and giving her lips a tender kiss. “Duty calls.”


Meanwhile, the Grand Magus and the Shadow traveled to the Grey Area’s Shady Kingdom to see what Lord Maximaniac could tell them.

“Did you see who the Unicorn brought with him?” Grand Magus asked as they neared the Shady Kingdom’s Castle.
“I saw. It was his new girlfriend, Sierra.” Shadow supplied. “I’m sure Young Guardian and the Protector are having a field day with him right now.”
“I almost feel sorry for them.” Grand Magus giggled. “Almost.”
“Hush now, we’re here on business.” Shadow smiled. “Act like the Grand Magus and less like a giggling teenager.”
At the gates to the Castle, they were stopped by a guard.
“Shadow! Grand Magus!” The guard cried once recognizing them. “I did not know it were you!”
“Lord Maximaniac has never needed guards at his castle doors before.” Grand Magus supplied. “It’s usually one of the Princess’s duties.”
“Oh, it is, Grand Magus.” The guard announced, agreeing. “As of late, my Lord Maximaniac has seen to it all entrances are heavily guarded at all times.”
“Why now?” Shadow asked him.
“We have two creatures residing in the upper tower.” The guard explained. “My Queen’s daughter, Mistress Sabrina, and her consort, Mister Cyrix.”
Shadow and Grand Magus looked at each other in alarm.
“Thank you, guard. We’ll see our own way inside.” Shadow announced, leading the Grand Magus through the castle entrance.
Once out of earshot, the Grand Magus asked. “What’s Sabrina doing here?”
“That’s what we’re here to find out.” Shadow supplied without stopping.
With a huff, the Grand Magus halted in her tracks and used magic to take herself to the main Throne Room.
Lord Maximaniac was talking with two Grey Areans wearing Warrior uniforms when he heard her come in.
“Grand Magus?”
She bowed to him. Shadow was right behind her, charging through the Throne Room doors.
“What took you so long?” Grand Magus joked.
The Shadow took his place beside her, bowing to a confused Lord Maximaniac. “I’ll deal with you later.” He whispered in her ear.
“I can’t wait.” Grand Magus whispered back, winking when he met her eyes.
“Rise, you two.” Lord Maximaniac commanded gently. They obeyed. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your presences?”
“We came to talk to you about the upcoming war.” Shadow explained.
“Only to hear from the Castle guard Sabrina’s here, with a lower-level fire demon.” Grand Magus said.
“So, it is business, and not pleasure.” Lord Maximaniac replied. “Generals, you are excused. I will call on you when I have need.”
“Aye, my Lord.” The two generals chorused, leaving them.
Maximaniac turned back to the two of them. “I take it you are wondering why they are here?”
“You don’t have to explain to us, Lord Max.” Grand Magus said. “Your Realm, your Castle, your business and all that.”
Shadow nudged her. “We only want to know what you do about the upcoming war.”
“In all my years of knowing you, Shadow, you have never once relaxed.” Lord Maximaniac grinned. “Must you be so serious all the time?”
Shadow kept his scowl. “There’s no time to relax, and you know it.”
Lord Max sighed. “It is true. I fear I know very little about it. I do know there will be war, and soon. No one, not even Lord Guardian himself knows right when.” He supplied. “I worry for my two remaining brothers.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Grand Magus asked gently.
“The Queen and I have gone numerous times to check on Byron, but he is always distracted.” Lord Max explained. “As for O’Dell, Enchantra tells me he broods around the Ancient Mystic Palace, hiding himself in spells and books.”
“Lord Guardian’s in hiding?” Shadow asked. “Are you sure, Lord Max?”
“Positive.” Lord Max announced sadly.
“Has Young Guardian been to see you lately?” Grand Magus asked, her mind reeling with thoughts. “If Lord Guardian’s not doing his job, does she have to take over for him?”
“I have seen Young Guardian only once, and that was months ago.” Lord Max replied. “I believe your sister is indeed taking over for my brother.”
“She’s still patrolling, as well?” Shadow asked, amazed. “How can she work herself so hard?”
“She has the Protector with her.” Lord Max said. “I assume he is helping her.”
Grand Magus shook her head. “No wonder my Empathy’s acting up a lot lately!”
Lord Max could only nod his head and agree.
“On to more pressing business. Tell us what Sabrina and Cyrix are doing here.” Shadow supplied, his mind alert and taking charge.
“Is that a command, Shadow?” Lord Maximaniac tried to look intimidating.
Shadow kept his serious glare.
Grand Magus spoke up gently. “Please, can you tell us? The other Crusaders have to know.”
Lord Max nodded. “Very well, I will tell you. Cyrix believes Sabrina carries the good Ancient Mystic Magic within her. He wishes us to give her a chance at learning to be a True Ancient Mystic again.”
“You listen to a former Dominionite?” Shadow wondered.
“You do not remember Cyrix, do you?” Lord Max supplied. Shadow narrowed his brows, thinking. Before he could say anything, Lord Max interrupted. “Cyrix was a Draconian, his clan destroyed by Orthos in the Wars for Power. Once learning who left him orphaned, he went to the Dominion and my brother, wishing to avenge their deaths.”
“He was a Dominionite Warrior.” Shadow supplied. “That I do remember.”
“Cyrix is a Draconian, a law amongst himself.” Lord Max replied. “Damian never took his magic; he never could. He never followed Orthos, always Sabrina. He will ever follow Sabrina.”
“So he was a Warrior only because she was head of the army?” Shadow relayed. “Why follow Sabrina when Orthos had more power? Orthos was the Master of the Dominion, with an army of mindless drones.”
“Why do mortal men follow those they desire?” Lord Max asked, smiling at them. “Do you not follow Grand Magus wherever she leads? Does she not follow you?”
“You’re saying Cyrix loves Sabrina?” Grand Magus asked.
Lord Maximaniac nodded.
Shadow cleared his throat once calming. “My apologies, Lord Maximaniac, for my behavior.”
“No need, Shadow.” Lord Max said. “It is in your nature. It makes you who you are.”
Shadow nodded, taking Grand Magus’ hand. “Thank you, Lord Max.”
On that, they disappeared. Lord Maximaniac grinned at the thought of them before calling back his two best generals. The time for planning was here, and he would be well prepared.


At the same time, Jammins had taken Julie, TJ, and Charlie to the forest where he thought he could find the Apprentice. They rode two strong horses. Jammins took the reins of his stud with one hand while the other was on Julie’s arms encircling his waist.
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Charlie asked from the other horse.
Jammins turned to see TJ holding the saddle horn as she sat in front of him. Charlie held the reins. “There are old spells guarding the Apprentice’s domain.” He explained. “Only one spell can break it.”
“Do you happen to know this spell?” Julie asked, skeptic.
Jammins stared ahead, thinking. What had Dixilynne told him? He knew the spell, but he couldn’t remember the words. What was the secret she told him to unlock the spell from his memory?
“Be ever diligent and trusting. Not only in your mission’s success,
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