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Book online «Adrian Assistant by jewel crotan (most important books to read .TXT) 📖». Author jewel crotan

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said, over to the New Zealand office and tell them I approve.” I nodded briefly to acknowledge his order while writing it down in my notebook as a reminder.

“Anything else?” I asked once I was done.

“Have you found a dress for tomorrow’s fundraiser?” he asked, slightly raising one eyebrow in my direction.

I got out of my seated position and nodded slightly as the image of the dress Amy had sent me from her phone this morning popped up in my mind. The dress was much more decent than the last one she had chosen, and I thanked her countless times during the morning rush before work. She told me she only bought it because she didn’t want any horn dogs to be perving at my deadly curves; although the dress still barely covered anything and looked like it would stick like a second skin from the top half. Amy had also bought a pair of nude heels to go with the dress, and I squealed in delight once she had told me they were Christian Louboutin’s.

“Good,” he nodded, before everything became silent again. I frowned as I realised that Adrian had started the conversation first this time, and spoke before I could stop myself.

“You spoke to me,” I blurted, instantly flushing all over in embarrassment.

He took in my flushed state thoughtfully, before speaking up. “I always speak to you?” he said, although it sounded more like a question.

“No… you haven’t really, uh, um… forget it,” I mumbled, going redder in the face as I looked down at my black skirt.

I didn’t hear him get out of his seat, but suddenly, he was standing directly in front of me, his towering form looking down at me as he hooked his index finger around my chin and pulled my head up to meet his gaze.

“Tell me,” he demanded, staring into my eyes. My mind blanked temporarily as the intensity of his gaze distracted me from my thoughts.

“Uh…” I tried to recall the events that occurred a few minutes ago. “It’s just… Well, I feel as if you’ve been avoiding me for the past week,” I admitted. I broke away from his gaze.

“I have,” he responded flatly, making my eyes snap back to his face in surprise. No one with a sane mind admits something like that so casually! I thought to myself as my frown reappeared on my face.

“Why?” I found myself asking before my brain could respond to the moving muscles of my lips.

He shrugged, suddenly pulling away from me. “You annoyed me last Friday.”

My eyebrows shot up in disbelief. “I annoyed you?!” I exclaimed, “Who was the one who was constantly nagging me to stay at their place overnight, even after the countless times I clearly said no?!”

“That’s why you annoyed me. If you didn’t say no in the first place, I wouldn’t have ‘nagged’ you to come over.” He shrugged.

“What-” I shook my head and closed my eyes as I tried to calm down. “Now you’re making it out like it’s my fault that you didn’t talk to me.”

“It is your fault,” he simply stated.

I started to smile, thinking he admitted I was right, before his words fully registered in my brain. “You’re impossible!” I declared, huffing in defeat.

He chuckled and placed a peck on my forehead before I had time to pull away, and I glared at his smirk. “You know, a synonym for impossible is incredible. So you’re saying I’m incredible. Thank you, but I already know that.” He boasted, pulling me into his torso by wrapping his arms around my waist with an iron grip.

I rolled my eyes at his arrogance. “Whatever you say, Adrian,” I said, mocking. “You’re the boss.”

The charity fundraiser suddenly appeared in my mind, making a small frown replace my mocking expression. “Adrian… I don’t want to go home with a stranger tomorrow…” I trailed off, biting my bottom lip at the thought of David Walter’s sickly smug smile violating me with his eyes as he put money on me.

Adrian’s amused expression suddenly darkened, and his iron grip – if possible, became tighter around my waist. “I’ll take care of it,” he reassured me, mirroring my frown.

I studied his expression briefly before my mind decided it was safe to trust him, and my stiff body relaxed slightly in his hold, making his frown also disappear and his all too famous smirk return to his lips.

“Who knows, maybe you’ll get to go home with me.”

My relaxed expression instantly transformed into a glare as my head snapped up to meet his amused gaze.

“I’m kidding,” he said. “I can’t participate – I’m the one hosting the event.”

Surprisingly, a rush of disappoint flowed through my body as the words left his mouth, and I slumped slightly in his hold. His eyebrows shot up in surprise and I began to blush furiously.

“Unless… you want it to happen?”

“No!” I exclaimed too quickly, my cheeks heating up even further. “No… I just…” I trailed off, frowning as I quickly racked my brain for a valid excuse. The reality of the situation was I didn’t even know myself. “I just prefer to go with you than with anyone else,” I finally said, both to him and myself.

“I’ll take care of it, Emily,” he reassured me, looking down at me with an expression I hadn’t seen come across his handsome features before, “I promise.”

I nodded before smiling slightly at him. “I know you will. Thank you.” I wrapped my own arms around his waist as I pulled him into a hug. Adrian instantly pressed himself against me and rubbed my back comfortingly, making the small smile stay glued onto my lips from the comforting gesture.

 “Mr. Kingston, I – oh! I’m very sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything!” Suzie squeaked, and I instantly flushed as I tried to pull away from Adrian – who kept me in his iron grip hug.

“You’re not interrupting, Mrs. Brown. What can I do for you?” Adrian asked, smirking down at me as he said the words. I looked over to Suzie in mortification and found her giving us an amused glance before clearing her throat.

“I received a call from your parents, confirming their appearance at the fundraiser. Where would like them to be seated?” she asked, smiling slightly as the blush continued to blaze my cheeks.

“Put them on my table. I also need you to add an extra chair in between Allen and me. Anything else?” he asked, finally tearing his gaze away from my mortified expression to look over at Suzie, who was scribbling down the new information in a small notepad she was holding.

“No that was all, Mr. Kingston.” She gave me one last amused glance before scurrying down the hall. As soon as she was out of earshot, my head snapped back towards Adrian’s smirking expression and I glared.

“Let go. Do you know what she was probably thinking when she saw us?!” I exclaimed, placing my hands on his muscled arms in an attempt to pull them away from my waist.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He chuckled at my failed attempt to move his arms, and I huffed and slumped in his hold in defeat, already tired from trying to pry his arms away.

“It is a bad thing!” I exclaimed, groaning as his smirk grew at my miserable state.

“Come on,” he said suddenly, ignoring my attempts to reason with him. “Let’s go get some lunch.”

I frowned, giving him a confused look. “You have a meeting in here in, like, 15 minutes,” I pointed out.

His grip around my waist began to loosen and disappointment took me by surprise once again as it flooded through my veins. I didn’t show it this time though, and it didn’t last long because he had left one arm around my waist and pulled me into his side as he shrugged and began walking out of the conference room.

“I was merely going to be here to decide the final outcome of the meeting. They can tell me the proposals they came up with later and I’ll tell them which one I want. I’m the boss, remember?” He smirked, slightly squeezing my size with his arm and I instantly began blushing again.

“It’s not my lunch break yet,” I argued, before I kept my eyes glued to the floor as we passed the marketing department – which I recently found out is where all of Adrian’s ‘special’ workers were located. The idea of the girls being in his office began to anger me, before my eyes went wide with realisation and I kept my face blank. What the hell?

“Again, Shortcake. I’m the boss.” He reminded me, pressing the elevator button before looking down at me and smirking once again.

“Right, right. Sorry, Boss.” I teased him as the elevator door ‘dinged’ open, signaling for us to enter the spacious square area. He chuckled before pressing the ground floor button and the elevators began to slide shut. Just before they closed completely, I saw Anna and a few other women glaring daggers at me – as well as Adrian’s hand that was wrapped around my waist – and I frowned slightly before the doors completely sealed off any eye contact I could have with them.

“Try not to look as sexy as you did at the business dinner tomorrow night, okay? I don’t want anyone bidding on you.” Adrian said, glaring slightly at the silver doors in front of us.

I turned to face him and frowned. “Why are you so insistent on me doing my hair professionally and wearing expensive dresses then?” I asked.

“That’s just because I like to spoil you.” He shrugged, as we reached the ground floor. “That, and the fact that you get all dolled up because I told you to; not any other man.” He smiled rakishly and I rolled my eyes at the last part, blushing as we made our way over to a sleek, black Audi modelled sports car. Adrian pulled out a set of keys from his pant pocket.

My eyes widened at the beauty before my eyes before I looked over at Adrian with a desperate expression. “Please tell me that’s the car we’re taking, and please tell me you’re going to let me drive it.”

“You’re privileged I’m even letting you inside it. My best friend hasn’t even stepped foot in her. She’s my baby.” He patted the sleek black metal lovingly, before wiping the spot he touched with his suit sleeve, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m being serious. No one, apart from myself, has been in this car. It’s that special to me. Consider yourself very special.” He smirked, before getting in the car and opening the door from the inside – which opened upwards instead of outwards – making me fall in love with it even more. 

“I think I’m in love,” I sighed as I slipped into the smooth, red leather seat and let the smell of the car engulf my senses. It smelled strongly of Adrian’s musky scent, and new leather.

“I knew it’d only be a matter of time before I got you to fall for me,” Adrian teased, making me shake my head at him in amused dismay.

“I was talking to the car,” I grinned, winking, and he raised an eyebrow before his own grin abruptly broke out, taking me by surprise. His pearly white teeth shone in a straight line, surrounded by his dark red lips. Deep dimples completed his million-dollar smile.

I realised then that I was staring, and turned away, going red in the cheeks again.

“Let’s go eat,” I mumbled, pressing the button down firmly for the door to seal off the outside world from the beauty of the car. I barely heard Adrian’s sigh as the car roared to life, and he sped down the road in an instant,

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