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Book online «Trials of Love and Motherhood by Brittany Johnson (best novels of all time .txt) 📖». Author Brittany Johnson

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James , that doesn’t mean you have to turn away everybody. Jessie is a good guy and I thought you guys might get along really well.” “That’s not what I’m doing. I just want to make sure that whoever I get with this time will be the right person. I don’t want to put Liam through another move or a breakup when he gets older.” I said in a low dejected voice. He gave my shoulders a light squeeze when I stood up. “Just give him a shot. If he’s a total creep, I’ll kick his ass into next week.” I laughed and pulled Liam’s clothes on him. “Fine. I’ll let him drive us, but that’s all I’m promising.“ Corey showed a triumphant smile and exited the room to let me finish getting ourselves ready. “Uncle Corey is a crazy man, huh?” I said in a baby voice to Liam as I lay him back into his crib while I hurried to get myself dressed.


We walked into the living room and the guy I ran into earlier stands up with a smile. “Ready to go? Corey said you have to be there by eleven. I’m Jessie by the way.“ He asked in a sincere voice. “Riley. Nice to meet you. Thank you so much for taking us. My car has issues.” I said with a rueful smile. I was way too impatient in buying my first car. I didn’t even really stop to see if anything was wrong with it that the seller hadn’t mentioned. You live and you learn. He opened the door for us and as I turned to leave, I saw my brother give double thumbs up. I snickered and rolled my eyes. I walked down the concrete steps with Liam on my hip and Jessie closed the door behind me. I started toward my car to get the car seat transferred but was stopped. “Corey and I already transferred it into my car. I had no idea what I was doing at first but once he showed me a bit, I was able to figure it out.” “Oh.” I said, pleasantly surprised. That was nice of them. It’s a lot harder to transfer a car seat while holding a baby. I buckled Liam in snugly and climbed in the passenger seat. His car was surprisingly clean and comfortable. It wasn’t at all like I had expected it to be. I glanced around, impressed, and my eyes fell on a laughing Jessie in the driver’s seat. “Is it that weird for a guy’s car to be clean?” I felt my face blush all the way to my ears and began to fidget with the hem of my shirt. “I’m just not used to it. Corey’s car is always a mess.” He laughed again and it was such a pleasant, infectious sound that I found myself laughing with him. “Well, isn’t that the truth! I never know where to put my feet in there.” He chuckled. I laughed again and felt the awkward tension in the car melt away. He pulled out of the drive way and we were off.


Jessie’s blue Camry zigzagged through the neighborhood, narrowly avoiding the plethora of potholes. We didn’t live in the nicest neighborhood cosmetically speaking, but it was a safe place and it was conveniently located next to parks and the library so I didn’t mind. The neighborhood entrance however, bugged the heck out of me. Six years I had been away and they still never found the time to fill the holes. “No offense to you guys but I absolutely hate this entrance.” He said with a bitter look. “Don’t worry. Everybody hates it. The city is just lazy and refuses to fix it. It messed up the under carriage of my car too.” I told him honestly.  A grunt from Liam punctuated my statement perfectly.  Jessie chuckled, “You agree too, buddy?”  Liam smiled a big toothless grin when I looked back. I squeezed his little hand lightly and turned back around. “All right, we’re going to be going to the pediatric clinic that’s right beside the veterinary clinic and urgent care in Foley.” I said, fiddling with my phone, trying to turn on the G.P.S.  “Yeah.” He said, pausing to check if he could get onto the main road. “I know the one. I pass by it on the way to my dad’s place.” He continued. We pulled onto the main road and an awkward silence took hold.


 I hate awkward silences! I have to say something or he’ll think I’m boring. Come on Riley! It hasn’t been that long since you were single, Talk!  “So, why are you friends with my brother?” I asked, purely trying to make conversation. I followed it up with an immediate face palm. Wow! That didn’t sound rude at all! “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it in a mean way! My brother just usually doesn’t have such mature friends.” I said quickly to smooth over my rudeness.  Jessie tilted his head to the side and smirked as he changed lanes. “Is that a nice way of saying I’m old?” he asked, feigning a wounded expression. “No! I didn’t! Ugh!” I started and then groaned. I put my hands to my face to cover my burning cheeks. He laughed so much tears sprang to his eyes. “I’m just kidding! You look so cute when you blush that I can’t help myself.” He ruffled my hair with his large warm hands. I crossed my arms in indignation and puffed out my cheeks sulkily. “Cute my ass. I’m not a kid you know!” I huffed.  “I know, trust me. I’m not into kids.” He said, straight faced. We pulled into the pediatrician’s parking lot and I turned in my seat to look at him head on.  “What?” I asked, not believing what I heard. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t reading too much into what he said. He turned the car off and turned to face me. “I’m saying I want to get to know you. Now hurry up! It’s five till.” My eyes widened and I hurriedly exited the car, secretly grateful to the cold autumn air. I’m going to look like a fire truck if I stay around him any longer! I unlocked the car seat and pulled Liam and his diaper bag out and turned to go in the office. The last thing I saw before I opened the door was Jessie smiling warmly at me.                                                                                                            

I Want To Know You


Chapter 2                                     


The sterile smell of the doctor’s office filled my nose. There was a wet floor sign by where the scent was strongest. Even Liam scrunched up his face at the smell. I made my way to the reception desk and got us signed in. “Sorry about the smell. We had a bio spill. One of the kids was pretty sick and it smelled something awful. The janitor just cleaned it.” The receptionist said as she handed me back the insurance cards. “It’s alright. It was just a little strong when we came in.” I said nonchalantly. I bowed my head slightly and sat down. A newer Disney movie was playing on the small television and, being the nerd that I was, I watched it with Liam.


The door to the lobby opened and I glanced back to see who it was. I had to do a double take. Jessie was standing there, looking around, and when his eyes found me, he smiled broadly. He made his way to us and sat down in the seat beside me. “You didn’t have to come in. I’m used to handling little man’s doctor visits solo.” I said, fidgeting again. Gah! He makes me so flustered. Why did he have to come in after saying what he did in the car?! “Just because you usually handle it by yourself, doesn’t mean you couldn’t use some company.” He said with am lazy stretch of his arms. “Plus, the way you’re fidgeting makes me think you’re nervous. Liam looks completely healthy. There’s nothing to worry about.” YOU are the reason I’m nervous! Are you really that dense? “You’re right.” I said, desperately trying to disguise my erratic heartbeat.


  “Could you watch him for a minute?”I asked, gesturing to Liam. “I have to go to the restroom.” Jessie grinned at my son and wiggled his foot. “I think I can manage.”He said happily as he scooted closer to him. “Thank you!” I said, relieved. I rushed to the bathroom.


I took a few deep breaths and calmed down.  I smiled as I made my way back to Jessie and Liam.  When I reached the lobby again, I stopped mid step. Jessie had Liam on facing him and was letting him pull his hair with a smile. Oh, my heart!  This is so unfair! How can I not like this guy! My heart warmed at the sight of them. Liam was usually very picky about the men he let hold him, but he seemed to love Jessie. I put my hand over my heart, willing it to calm as I walked to them.  “Am I interrupting?” I asked in a playful tone as I crouched down to their level. I brushed my hair out of my face and behind my ear. “Are you having fun, baby?” Liam happily reached out and touched my cheeks. “Say ‘Nope mommy! I’m just playing with Mr. Jessie’s hair!’” Jessie crooned happily. I smiled and turned to him.  We were so close that I could feel his breath on my skin. Jessie’s eyes widened and I felt my cheeks burn. I jumped back and stood up. Jessie cleared his throat and sat up straight. I opened my mouth to awkwardly apologize but was saved by the nurse. “Liam Sanders?”  I breathed a deep sigh of relief and took Liam from Jessie. I cast my gaze downward as I gathered our things and headed to the examination room.


“The father can come back too.” The nurse said encouragingly.  My face blanched for a minute. “Um, no. He’s-“ I began, but Jessie finished for me. “I’m not the father. I’m just her friend.” He smiled kindly at the nurse and waved to Liam. “Have a good check up, buddy!” He gave Liam a thumbs up and sat back down and watched the movie.  I carried Liam through the door and the nurse shut the door behind us.    


She guided us through the halls to a scale and, once Liam had been weighed, into an empty room. “The doctor will be with you shortly.” She said politely, and then shut the door.  I set all of our things down and lay little Liam on the examination table. He immediately rolled over and grabbed tiny fistfuls of the paper that covered the table. “No sir. You don’t need to eat the paper.” I scolded him lightly, just as he was bringing it to his mouth. I gently pulled the paper out of his hands and he let out an ear piercing scream that made me cringe as I picked him up. “I’m sorry buddy, but it’s not healthy for babies to eat paper.”  Liam’s wails quieted down as soon as I held him to my chest.  “Oh,

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