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Book online «Trials of Love and Motherhood by Brittany Johnson (best novels of all time .txt) 📖». Author Brittany Johnson

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now you’re quiet? Meanie!”  I said playfully. He looked up at me with his chubby cheeks puffed out. “God, you’re cute.” I chuckled.


The doctor knocked on the door and let herself in. “Hi! It’s good to see you again Ms. Sanders. And it is always a pleasure to see this little cutie! Hi Liam! I heard you giving mommy a hard time.” She said in a sing song voice. Liam grinned at her as she tickled his tummy. I lay him back down on the examination table and watched as he flipped right back over and tried to eat the paper. “It’s good to see you too, Dr. Walker.”  I told her honestly. “With the move a few weeks ago, he hasn’t been taking his naps during the day anymore. I’m trying to find a new job right now and my parents are watching him during that time. He’s so cranky until I get home that he’s driving them crazy.” “Hmmm.” She hummed absently as she did his usual check up. “There doesn’t seem to be anything physically wrong with him. It’s probably separation anxiety. Say, ‘I miss my momma!’.”  Liam giggled and kicked his feet. I smiled a small smile and rubbed his belly. “I’m sorry little man. Momma has to get a job to take care of us.” He looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about. I giggled and poked his nose. Dr. Walker straightened up and waved bye bye to Liam. “Alright. Well, the best thing I can recommend for separation anxiety is to let him cry it out. As long as someone is there with him, it shouldn’t be a problem. He will get used to it but, it will take some time and patience.” She said, moving to hand me his papers. She handed me his growth charts and smiled. “He is going to be a tall boy momma. He’s 28 inches.” I gawked at the number. He was in the 90th percentile!  Of course my baby would be a giant while I’m a short stop.  This sucks! Oh well. I did pray for him to be happy and healthy. If that means he must make his mom look like a midget, then so be it!  I laughed at the irony of it. “That just means that you get to reach all the tall places for mommy!”  I teased as I picked him up.  “We can set up his nine months appointment at a later date. Ya’ll have a nice day! Bye bye sweetheart!” Dr. Walker said cheerfully and exited the room.  I buckled Liam into his car seat again and we left as well.


Jessie was waiting by his car when we walked out. He waved with a bright smile as he ran over to us. “Let me help.” He said jovially as he took the diaper bag and stack of papers from me. “Uh, thanks. What’s got you in such a good mood?” I asked, suddenly very suspicious. “My boss just hired a new employee. I will finally have some help around there.” He said with a little pep in his step. I shifted the weight of Liam’s car seat to my other arm as we approached the car. “Oh? Where do you work?”I asked, making polite conversation. Jessie leaned in close and stared at me for a moment. My eyes widened and I reflexively took a step back. Too close! Has this guy NEVER heard of personal space?  “Are you interested in me too, missy?” He asked, eyes dancing with delight at the thought. My face felt like it would burst into flames. “No! God! Don’t you ever stop teasing?! Why would I be interested in you?” He threw his head back in laughter and wiped his eyes. “You really are just too cute. Say what you want, but you want to get to know me, just as much as I want to get to know you.”  My mouth flapped open and closed like a fish gasping for air. That is so not true! I have no idea what you are talking about!  My mind screamed the futile denial that my mouth refused to utter. His shoulders shook with the laughter that he was holding back. “Your mouth won’t even let you deny it!” he snickered finally as he opened the rear passenger door for me. I hid my face behind my hair and cursed my brain to mouth filter for refusing to let me lie. Why couldn’t I just tell one little lie? Stupid conscience!  “But, seriously Riley. I’m happy because if we have another employee, that means less wok for me. Less work for me, means more time that I get to spend getting to see you.” He said in a serious voice. He leveled the full force of his gaze on me. His chocolate brown eyes drew me in and, for a moment, I forgot how to speak. Ba-dump! My heart jumped in my chest.  He brushed the hair out of my eyes and smiled. “You should try to keep your hair out of your eyes. They really are pretty.” He said softly, and went to get into the driver’s seat. Ba-dump Ba-dump Ba-dump! My heart hammered in my chest. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself before I got into the car. What in the world is happening to me?!




I closed the front door behind me and sighed deeply. Liam was playing in his car seat, as I still hadn’t taken him out. “How’d it do?” I turned around and leaned my back against the inside of the door. Corey was looking up at me from his gaming chair, Xbox controller in hand. The ride home flashed through my mind.


The car was silent for most of the ride. I kept trying to come up with things to talk about, but my anxiety kicked in and I ended up saying nothing. Jessie turned on the radio and a mixed station was blaring an old All American rejects song. The old teenager in me came out and I happily began singing along. I kept noticing Jessie glance my way and then look away. I finally turned to him with an annoyed expression. “What? It’s a good song.” I said flatly. He shook his head and lifted both hands in surrender for a moment. He put his hands back on the wheel and said, “Nothing! I was just surprised. Most girls I have met are too embarrassed to sing along to something like this.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m not most girls.” The song changed to a newer country song and I sang along to that as well Jessie just kept smiling every time the song would change and I would sing with it.


“From rock to country and pop to a bit of rap. You certainly have an eclectic taste in music.” He chuckled.  I smiled. “Yeah! I like all types of music. Well, except classical. That puts me to sleep.” We turned into the neighborhood and I started putting the papers into the diaper bag. “Well, tell Corey I said I’ll see him on my next off day. I just don’t know when that will be. I’ll probably end up training the newbie.” Jessie said, putting his hand on the back of his neck. “You sound like you’re looking forward to it.” I said sarcastically. “I’m just worried that it will be more trouble to teach somebody else than to do it myself.” He answered to my statement. “You never know. Whoever it is may surprise you.” I said nonchalantly. We pulled into the drive way and parked.


“Hey, could I text you?” Jessie asked hesitantly as he turned in his seat. I bit my lip. Should I? I thought about it, but I couldn’t make up my mind. “Here. If you ever want to talk, just text me at this number.” He said hopefully as he handed me a piece of paper with his phone number. He smiled shyly and scratched his head nervously. Cute. For all of his teasing, he’s actually kind of shy. I gave him a small smile in return and took the piece of paper. “Thanks again.”I said lowly as I climbed out of the car. I unbuckled Liam’s car seat and carried both the seat and he up the stairs. Jessie saw us off with a wave.


That’s how I ended up against the front door, with blushing cheeks and a dopey smile on my face. I admit it. I like him. I really like him.


Corey’s girlfriend, Rachel, came out of the bathroom towel drying her hair. She looked up and peeked out at me from under the towel. “Oh! How’d it go? He’s cute, right?” She said with a grin. “Hello! I’m right here!” Corey said with exasperation. “If my girlfriend wants to talk about how cute my friend is, then do it when I’m at work!” Rachel tossed the towel aside and plopped onto Corey’s lap. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed gently. “Oh, baby! You know I only love you!” she crooned in a too sweet voice.  Her short black and purple hair was still wet and she shook it out, sending water droplets flying all over Corey and his controller. She giggled and danced away as he swiped at her to pinch her sides. “Demon.” He muttered as he wiped his face. She clutched a hand to her chest, faking a wounded expression. “You wound me, sir!” She pouted and skipped over to Liam. His little mouth hung open absently as he watched the crazy antics. “How’s my favorite little baby?” she crooned as she wriggled his hands. Liam grimaced and started to cry. She backed away immediately and widened her eyes. “I didn’t mean to make him cry!” she said worriedly.  I quickly picked him up and cradled him against my shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. He’s just hungry. I’ll fed him and put him in his crib. He’ll be out like a light.” I walked softly to the room with Liam still crying. I sat down and began to feed him. As soon as he saw my shirt move, he instantly went quiet. As I watched him eat, I laughed quietly to myself. “You always know just when mommy needs to escape.” I really didn’t want to relive every embarrassing detail with them. That would have been mortifying. I shook my head and rubbed his arm. “I love you little man.” I told him sweetly.   


  Once he had finished eating, I lay him in his crib and pulled his Nightmare Before Christmas blanket over him and gave him his pacifier. I smiled as I looked down at my little angel. Something about that blanket always calmed him down. He absolutely refused to sleep without it. I wound up his mobile and crept quietly out of the room.

                I closed the door and let out a deep sigh of relief. I managed to escape! No crying! Whooo-Hooo! I raised my arms and danced around in a miniature circle. I looked around quickly, checking my surroundings. God, I am glad no one saw that. I straightened out my clothes and headed back into the living room.


 I made my way to the kitchen and peered into the fridge. “When did dad go home last night anyway?” I asked both Rachel and Corey. “Eh, sometime around nine.” Corey said over his shoulder. “You never did tell me how it went with Jessie.” He added after. My spine stiffened and I closed the fridge. “You had to remember that, didn’t you?” I said bitterly. I felt the heat creep up my face when I replayed the events in my head. “You just might explode if your face turns any redder.” I whipped around with a start. Corey was standing in front of me with a Cheshire cat like grin. Rachel was a few feet behind him, nearly doubled over in laughter. “What is this? Pick

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