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Book online ยซMy Horrible Life by Clarity Monroe (best motivational books .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Clarity Monroe

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only, Aiden."hey nice ride!Can i ride it sometime?!"he says hopefully.

"sure, wanna ride it today after school?, since I can see how badly you wanna drive this car" i said letting the hope in his eyes light up.

"yesss I would LOVE to" he said giving me a hug making me wince in pain because of my bruises.He notices and asks me whats wrong and i just say that im alright, so all day hes been eyeing me curiously which makes me uncomfortable seeing someone watching me all day.

The accident

When school is over i go outside to an awaiting Aiden. Once he caught sight of me he ran to the drivers seat waiting for me to open the door. Just to tease him I walked slowly to my car and once I got to the car I slowly took out my keys out of my purse, then Aiden had my keys and were putting them in the key slot.

When we both got in the car he took off and went on the highway enjoying the car ride. All of a sudden we were driving out of control, when we exited the highway and went on the streets we were driving towards a lake.

"unbuckle your seatbelt and jump!" I screamed at him. After getting his seatbelt off he opened the door and jumped. I tried as best as I could to unbuckle the seatbelt but it wouldn't budge! Then, I was underwater trying my best to get through the window since I got the seatbelt off. Black dots filled my vision from lack of oxygen for about three minutes,the lack of food, and the injuries didn't take it well on me either. I let the tempting blackness consume me, before I was officially out of it I  saw people loading me onto a stretcher and Aiden looking at me with guilt, sadness and-confussion? Then that's when I officially blacked out for sure.


I was standing in the middle of the desert. There were people far away from me but not to far that I couldn't see them. The only person that stood out was my dad, and he was chuckling at something behind me so I turned to see what it was. Then i saw it, a black tunnel coming closer to me sucking up everything in its path. I tried to move but I was stuck to that one spot. Then the tunnel was not far behind me, then I was sucked into nothingness.


When I opened my eyes I saw a white colored ceiling. I had a throbbing headache, and when I winced I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Then Aiden came into my line of view looking tired.

"your awake! I'll be back I need to call the doctor!" he said in a rush. Later on the doctor came in looking,


"Good your awake, oh hello im Dr.Guzman its a miracle you woke up. You've been unconscious for a while now"Dr.Guzman said.

"I need water please" i said my voice hoarse.

"ok i'll be back with some"then he left me alone with Aiden.

"How long have I been out? A day or so?" I said my voice weak and small.

He hesitated" you've been out for a month. Im sorry I didn't mean to leave you in the car I was panicking and I thought you would get out!" he said in a rush again.

"hey its ok I thought I will to but its ok I told you to get out. Don't blame yourself for what happened to me, it was the car because the brakes weren't working."

"i will blame myself because i left you in the car not even helping you get out, and now look at what happened!" he said practically yelling. "i'll help you in any way because your in this mess because of-"

Then thats when i shut him up with a kiss. He didn't respond at first, but then he kissed me passionately. When I pulled back all he said was"wow", and i blushed looking away not wanting to look at him. Not long after the doctor came back with my water and he said I had to stay overnight for observation. Aiden insisted to stay but i told him to go home and rest, plus that he better have some of my clothes tomorow for me to shower and change.


The next day Aiden came back with fresh clothes, a hair brush, shampoo and conditioner, and thank god...make-up! Gosh, he knows me so well, and my type of fashion because be brought the cutest outfit thats just for me.When I got out of the shower I got dressed, brushed my hair, and put on pink lip gloss. Perfect! Now I just needed to catch up on all my work I missed at school, and to get past all the stares and rumors about me. Once I filled out the realease papers I got into Aiden's car, and we drove off to school since it was only 12:30 and school ended at 3:47."here we go"i muttered under my breath.

I'm back!

I saw the school come into my line of vision. Aiden saw the nervousness in my eyes and told me it'll be ok and that he'll beat up any guys staring at me and giving me problems. Since me and him had first period together along with second, hes been sitting next to me. So at lunch he sat with his friends since my friends were with me. When school was over Aiden took me to my house, and thats when i saw a new black mercedes awaiting for me in the driveway.When we parked i ran out the car and to my new one."eeeekkkkk" was all I could say, and for Aiden his eyes were lit up like a child on candy. All he did was let out a low whistle.

"your dad has good taste in cars! Man,I wish i had a nice car like this"he said pouting.

"what are you saying you have a 2009 dodge challenger, so I dont know what your talking about" I said in a manipulating tone."fine ok, but we both have the best cars ok?"he said

" ok,ok we both have the best cars"I said happily, see? I can manipulate anyone! Ok that came out the wrong way but you know what I mean, right? Well, think whatever you wanna think.

"wanna come inside and get something to drink or something, because my dad is not here and I will be lonely"I said pouting doing my famous quivery lip.

He hesitated then said"fine! jeez, you know I cant resist that face! It's my kryptonite"he said clutching his chest dramatically. I laughed at him because he was just so...charming, and funny. When I was done laughing I got my house keys and opened the front door. After I shut the door i heard Aiden say"wow" under his breath. The outside of my house was quite big compared to any other house.The inside was as breath taking as the outside, but im still amazed everytime I enter my house. At that moment when I looked at Aiden I saw a michevious gleam in his eyes, and when I was about to run away he swung me up on his shoulder.

"put me down!" I screeched.

"no i think I will pass, because i'm having fun right now and after I do this please don't be mad with me" he said with a mischevious tone. Then i'm in the pool screaming at Aiden for throwing me in the pool full of cold water, but then a light bulb goes on as I get  plan in my head.

"Aiden get me out of here!" I yell at him.

"fine, i will but can i say you look cuter when your wet"he said with a smile holding out his hand.

I take his hand and say "so will you!" then i pull him into the pool with me. Aiden and I were both laughing until we got tears in our eyes, but then I heard a car door slam shut. Oh no, I thought inwardly. I quickly got out of the pool and went to go get towels, and when i come back Aiden is talking to my dad, and when my dad sees me his eyes turn cold. Aiden turns around and gets the towel from me, but he says that he's leaving. I immediately run upstairs only stopping when my dad says my name. I turn around slowly and I see that Aiden is not there anymore and is outside the door going to his car. My dad is closing the door and taking off his belt while coming toward me, and when he gets to me he raises his arm in the air. Then I feet pain on my upper arm like someone was sticking a branding iron there.

"ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.

"quit screaming and go to your room! Get out of my face bitch!" was all i heard beacuse I was already in my room locking the door and going to my bathroom. Once I got to my bathroom mirror I cry beacuse what I saw was ugly and painful. All I saw was a giant slash on my arm that was oozing blood. I then get a towel and put water on it to clean up the cut.

When I get done I put gauze on the cut, but then there is a light tap on the doors that go to my patio that is in my room. After I put on a shirt with sleeves i go to the double doors, and that is when I see...Aiden waiting there outside the doors. When he turns his gaze to me I see concern and guilt in his eyes. So when i open the doors he rushes in and hugs me tightly, but that was a mistake because I whimper in pain. When he hears the noise I make he instantly looks me over then.... his gaze lands on my upper arm where i got hit. Instantly I turn away but the grabs my shoulders and turns me around. He then asks me the question I hopefully wished he would never ask me.

(what is the question Aiden asks?What will happen between them? Will Aiden find out what her dad does to her? Stay tuned to see what happens next!)

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