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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (reading a book TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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the others.”
Young Guardian was in a half-trance, but nodded her farewell to Lord Max before she let her husband lead her away from the Grey Area.


Red Wolf rose with the morning sun, cleaning up their camp as Celine slept. He allowed her to rest, considering what they went through the night before. He finished cleaning up before too long, and made sure not to leave any evidence of their presence – and Vino’s destruction – behind. Now he sat not far from her, waiting for her to rise.
How beautiful she has become! Red Wolf grinned to himself, his heart warming at the sight of her. To think, she will be my Bondmate in time. Though I know it will not be easy to claim her; not with Wolf as her father. Katherine will approve, once she sees the love we have for one another. Already, I can feel the love I have for her growing with each passing day.
Red Wolf shook his head, staring at her sleeping form. Am I deserving of such a wonderful, loving Bondmate? After all I have done to nearly destroy this world? After I almost destroyed her fragile mind?
He sighed, now thinking of his Dweller side. I must learn to control the Dweller side of me, before I lose my soul. Wolf will not always be there to stop me from the kill of the Hunt. Even a newly-made Companion like Panther Grey could sense it was taking over me at times. What about Vino last night? What triggered that side of me to come out? Why now?
His mind riddled with thoughts, then a realization. Could the Master have returned? Vino implied it, but could it be true? If so, does anyone else know? Is the Master’s return the reason Wolf has worked the Canine Army so hard, and Young Guardian herself is disturbed? Is that the real reason I attacked Vino without a thought? Because I sensed his words rung true?
That’s it, he thought to himself, standing. No more games. Now is the time for reinforcements, before the Master has a chance to attack.
“Princess, wake up.” Red Wolf called to her, picking up his pack and setting it on his back. “There is much work to be done.”
Celine Stargazer woke up slowly, seeing the serious look in his eyes. “What is it, Red Wolf? What’s wrong?”
“Do you remember anything of what happened last night?” Red Wolf asked as he watched her gather her things.
Celine shuddered. “Aye, I do.” She then smiled. “I was scared, and you comforted me, telling me about the Dwellers.”
“You understand what I did was unforgivable?” Red Wolf asked, watching her gentle eyes.
“You destroyed an evil Dominionite.” Celine supplied. “What is wrong with that?”
“Nothing except the way I destroyed him.” Red Wolf supplied. “I should not have let you see that. I am surprised you let me touch you after witnessing the scene.”
Celine wrapped a hand in his. “I forgave you, did I not? Let us leave it at that.”
Red Wolf raised their entwined hands to his lips, kissing hers. “I am afraid we cannot, Princess.”
“Celine.” She said, smiling at him. “When we are alone, call me Celine.”
Red Wolf smiled, then frowned, shaking his head. “I fear Vino was correct, Celine.” He said, walking along the trail. “The Master has returned to the Dream Realm.”
“I am not stupid, nor am I a child.” Celine supplied. “I know why Papa runs the Army near-ragged. I can sense the evil lurking in the Canine Valley and beyond.”
Red Wolf looked at her. “I never thought you were stupid or a child. I always knew your Ancient Mystic senses, combined with those of the wolf and the Balinese, told you things. I also know you wish to use your mixed-Companion Magic to fight with us.”
“I can wish all I want, Red Wolf, but Papa denies me training with the Army.” Celine said. “I do not wish to sit on the sidelines while my own cousin and best friends fight in a war!”
“Believe me, Celine, I understand.” Red Wolf laughed. “Maybe by the time we return to Stargazer Castle Wolf would have changed his mind?”
Celine grinned hopefully. “You really believe so?”
“What are we waiting for!” Celine cried, laughing. “Let’s go home!”
“Nay, not yet.” Red Wolf seized both her hands in his own to stop her from racing ahead of him. “We must first visit my kin-Clans, and tell my own parents about the Master’s return.”
Celine’s smiling face turned serious, and she nodded. He released one of her hands led her to the last place he’d seen his mother and father.
Just like their hideaway in the Underground, their new home was a hidden cave. Red Wolf knew where to look by following their scent in the air. At first sight, it was a peaceful part of the Forgotten Forest. Red Wolf, and others like him, knew better. There were creatures of every kind imaginable hiding in its trees, its bushes, even in its ground. Scents of every kind were there, too, almost overwhelming his canine snout. He focused on the scents he recognized as Chase and Celeste Moondancer.
Without warning, Chase Moondancer came from hiding to face his son. “You have returned home, Donar, and brought the Princess Celine Stargazer with you.” Chase bowed to Celine, who smiled as she bowed back. “What do I owe this rare honor?”
“The Master has returned.” Red Wolf supplied seriously. “I fear for us all, Pérat.”
“Ah, so you do remember the Ancient Wolf Tongue?” Chase grinned. “Come inside, Donar. Princess. Let us tell your Matéré what you told me.”
Red Wolf sat beside Celine on soft blankets in a corner of the hidden cave while Chase left to find Celeste.
“What do those words mean?” Celine asked.
“Like he said, it is Ancient Wolf Tongue.” Red Wolf told her. “‘Matéré’ means ‘mother,’ ‘Pérat’ means ‘father,’ and ‘Donar’ means ‘son.’”
“Is there a word for ‘daughter’?” Celine asked.
Red Wolf thought for a moment. “I believe it is ‘Donan.’ ‘Satil’ is for ‘brother,’ and ‘Sita’ is for ‘sister.’” He explained. “I could teach you Wolf Tongue if you want to learn it.”
Celine nodded, grinning. “I would love it, Chikité.”
Red Wolf kissed her lips tenderly. “I get angry at others calling me my kin-Clan-name, but I could never be angry with you.” He said, hugging her. “I adore hearing it from your lips, but only when we are alone, is that understood?”
Celine nodded again, blushing.
“I hope we are not interrupting anything, Chikité?” Celeste Moondancer’s teasing voice laughed. When he looked up, he saw the knowing grin on his mother’s face.
“We were just talking, Madam Moondancer.” Celine defended, sharing a smile with Red Wolf.
“I was only teasing, Princess.” Celeste responded, taking a seat across from her. Chase sat next to Celeste.
“Please, call me Celine.” The Princess grinned. “After all, that is my given name.”
“Then I am Celeste, and my Bondmate is Chase.” Celeste replied. She turned to her son, her Donar. “I hear the Master has returned.”
Red Wolf nodded, confirming the rumor. “Do you remember the Dominionite Vino?”
“The Snake-like demon?” Chase supplied. “How can I forget? He almost took our entire set by surprise attack.”
“He was the one I destroyed last night.” Red Wolf said.
Celeste held her breath, remembering their mental conversation and Red Wolf’s mind-call for help. She already knew the story, according to her son’s thoughts.
“Why have you come, Chikité?” Chase asked, once seeing his Bondmate was frozen in thoughts.
“I want you to gather the kin-Clans.” Red Wolf said.
“They will not fight in another senseless Dream Realm war.” Chase remarked. “Not unless their own kind was involved.”
“Am I not their own kind, Pérat?” Red Wolf countered. “And what of Cherokee? Is she not Dweller-kin as well?”
“Of course,” Celeste started. “She is your Sita, and my Donan. According to the Dweller-kin Clans, she is one of us.”
“If she were in battle, would they not fight along side her?” Red Wolf angered. “Will they not fight by my side, or your own?”
“Aye, of course, but it is not up to them.” Chase put in. “It’s up to Lord Guardian. Even if the kin-Clans were to enter the Dream Realm instead of the Dragon Nations, it would still be up to Lord Guardian to let them stay.”
“Chikité,” Celine’s tiny voice purr-whined, her eyes closed. A shadow of a tear collected at the corner of her eye when he looked to her.
Red Wolf felt for her and calmed. He laced an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. “All this talk is upsetting her.” He replied softly, then looked up. “So you say I should seek Lord Guardian before the kin-Clans can fight?”
Chase and Celeste nodded.
Red Wolf sighed. “What about the other Elder Companions, then? Will they be willing to return to battle, if called?”
“All we can do is try, Donar.” Celeste supplied. “That is the least we can do for now.”
“Agreed.” Chase said after her.
Red Wolf stood, helping Celine to stand. “For now, we must be going. We are still on our Spirit Quest.”
Celeste hugged him. “I wish you pleasant journeys, Donar.”
“And I, you, Matéré.” Red Wolf whispered in her ear. He dared show affection to his hard father Chase, hugging him as well. “Pérat.”
With the words, they were gone, once again disappearing into the Canine Valley’s Forgotten Forest. They returned to Stargazer Castle once they believed the Spirit Quest was over.
As they neared the Castle, but still out of sight of anyone who might be watching the Wood, Red Wolf kissed her one last time.
“Remember what I said, Princess.” He supplied softly. “Our given names only when we are alone.”
“I will not forget, Page Red Wolf.” Celine grinned, winking. “You can count on me. Now, tell Papa – I mean, Pérat – what happened, and leave me to my duties.”
Red Wolf winked back, bowing to her so she smiled. “As you wish, Princess Celine.”

Story: #2:
Chaos for the Crusaders

Back in the Outer Realm, Ariana and Derrick gathered the rest of the Crusaders; Luna, Shane, Jamie, Aaron and Aimee. Of course, Charlie, Julie, TJ, Scott and Sierra had to join in; it was their fight, too. Leaving all the children with Juliet, Bradley and Kelly, the Crusaders gathered in the Morehouse’s backyard. Once their unofficial leaders explained what they learned from Lord Maximaniac, and Luna told the rest of them what Isabella overheard, they all agreed on one thing.
“We’re doomed.” Aimee groaned. “Now what do we do?”
“We can’t give up, I’ll tell you that.” Ariana frowned at her almost-sister. She looked at Jamie. “Jammins, did you add Bane and MagDaliah to the Demon Indexer?”
Jamie tapped the Demon Indexer in his hands. “Got it, Sister.”
“Hey, I thought we agreed, no more codenames?” Julie asked him.
“Sorry,” Jamie said. “Force of habit.”
“We’ve had those codenames for a major portion of our lives, Julie.” Shane spoke up.
“It’s not easy to forget who we were.” Luna put in.
“Those codenames shaped us into different people.” Derrick supplied.
Julie put her hands in the air. “Okay, I give!”
Jamie laughed, kissing her.
“Back to the subject, do either of you know anything that might help us in battle?” Ariana folded her arms and surveyed her Crusader team.
Derrick could tell she was in her “Young Guardian” mode, ready to take on the world all by herself if she had to. “Love, will you relax already?” He asked. “We’re all on the same side, in the same world, no less. You don’t have to act like the Young Guardian here.”
“If it forces you to focus, I will be Young Guardian.” Ariana
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