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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (reading a book TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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softly, searching his eyes. “Have you gotten hold of your Dweller side, and what triggers it?”
“You will be glad to know I have myself in full control.” Red Wolf said aloud.
Should I sense myself turning, all I have to do is think of Celine’s smiling kit-wolf face and I am in control once again. He added silently, closing himself so Young Guardian wouldn’t hear his thoughts. It will be hard keeping our near-Bonding a secret, especially from Wolf himself.
“Red?” Young Guardian could see he was lost in thought. Once he shook his head and nodded he was listening, she went on. “Your Sire was talking to you. Didn’t you hear him?”
“Sorry, Sire.” Red Wolf said. “What did you say?”
“I was asking if my daughter was in control of her mixed Companion Magic enough to continue training.” Wolf supplied. “Do you believe she is ready to join the Army, spirit-wise?”
“She is your daughter, Sire.” Red Wolf supplied. “A strong-willed, loyal, adept huntress as a wolf and a cunning strategist as a feline. If you want my honest opinion; not as your Page, but as your friend and a fellow Warrior, I would say she is more than ready. She has been long before we ever went on our Spirit Quest.”
Wolf grunted. “I thought as much. Even Panther saw it, and agrees with you.” He supplied. “Red, see she is trained properly.”
Red Wolf nodded his head. “Aye, Sire. She will be a valuable asset to both the Canine Army and in the upcoming war.”
Wolf excused him then, returning to his conversation with Young Guardian.
Red Wolf shifted to his full-wolf form with a lighthearted howl, racing to find Celine and tell her the good news.

Story: #3:
Protectors’ Secrets

Sierra Gregory, naming herself Airmed Starchaser in the Dream Realm, was lost. Somewhere along the line, she’d lost the Unicorn, and was scared.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, not even bothering to take flight as she usually would. The adrenaline in her system flowed, the tears burning her eyes as they escaped down her cheeks. Her hair blew in her face and around her body. She didn’t know where in the Dream Realm she was going, only where she’d been. There were questions in her mind, and a steady beating to her heart. She was afraid of herself.
When Airmed brought the “Winds of Disruption” to her call, she didn’t know what to expect. It was just an experiment, protecting her new love from an awesome enemy. She’d called on magic she didn’t know she had, and was told by the Dream Realm’s Lord Guardian to not let it go unused. How did he know what magic festered in her blood? Did he know what was happening to her?
Sure, everything was going good for her and Aaron in the waking world, but inside herself, there were questions that needed answering. Something was making the blood in her system pulse rapidly when she dreamed of being a vampire. It made her ill in the waking world, and Aaron could feel it. Even if he didn’t know what to do about it, he stood by her, loving her and comforting her when she woke from the awful dreams. She would never tell him what was hidden, deep inside her soul. Aaron “the Unicorn” Schmidt may have been an Ancient Mystic, but not even he would know how to help her.
The only person in the Dream Realm that really knew was the Apprentice. On the night of their visit, while Amethyst and the Unicorn went with the Grand Shamus, and Amethyst’s newly-titled Earthly Protector Scott Archer practiced his new-found Pendant powers, the Apprentice took her aside.

“This may be a shock to you, Airmed, but you’re much different from even the Unicorn.” The Apprentice supplied.
“I know.” Airmed said. “I’m a Pagan.”
The Apprentice shook his head. “That’s what you believe you are.” He said softly. “In truth, you are a Watcher.” Airmed was confused, so he tried to explain. “You are descended from the last Ancient Watcher, Shem Starchaser.”
“Starchaser.” Airmed said. “That’s my Pagan surname.”
“Not only that, but a family kin-Clan name.” The Apprentice announced. “I See it in you, child. Those Watcher powers have been lying dormant since birth, and now, they’re forced to awaken. Learn and use them well in the war ahead.”

That conversation only confused her more.
Won’t someone tell me what’s wrong with me? Airmed asked in her mind as she stopped running.
She felt her knees give out from under her, forcing her to the hard, cold ground. She just sat in the spot she’d dropped, arms wrapped around her knees tightly. Her tears came quicker now, and she didn’t bother to stop the flow.
She felt so alone, so lost and confused. What was happening to her?
She was a Pagan, strong in spirit and power, with the abilities to See, Feel, and Read auras. She was able to interpret dreams for others, and help them with their nightmares. Now she was a Watcher, too? The Apprentice never explained what a Watcher was; he just expected her to know.
She didn’t dare tell Aaron what the Apprentice told her. It would likely scare him away. She hardly knew him, and yet, he’d named her Earthly Protector. She could feel his love for her with every moment she spent in his company. With every moment she spent with him, her love for him grew, and it scared her.
In the waking world, they were perfect for each other. They spent hours together, just talking, or holding one another, or whatever. It was as if Sierra had known Aaron all his life. He’d told her the truth of his and Ariana’s relationship, and was even worried when she sounded jealous. She’d closed herself off to him in their world, keeping it locked up inside. Not even Aaron as the Unicorn could sense her distress.
As for the Dream Realm; well, that was another story. Since being named the Unicorn’s Earthly Protector, and given the Protectors’ Pendant, she hadn’t seen him. He’d been too busy with his duties as a Crusader and being the Unicorn. His mind was too focused on the upcoming war and Master Orthos’ return. Instead of following him, she drifted into foreign lands, following an urge in her soul no one could relieve.
Will somebody please help me? Airmed’s mental cry went out, hoping someone would hear her. I’m so confused!
“I know it hurts, Young One.” Came a gentle female voice from above her. “Until you know what plagues your mind, it will always hurt.”
Airmed looked up, sniffing back tears. “Who are you?”
She could see the woman’s aura. She looked, but didn’t ‘feel’ human, and that intrigued her rather than scared her. She had dark hair and red eyes, with sharp fangs in her mouth. There was a half-wolf, half-man with her. He looked like a Mountain Wolf, with the same red eyes and sharp fangs, but Airmed wasn’t afraid.
The woman bent to her level. “I am Celeste Moondancer, and this is my Bondmate, Chase.” She introduced. Celeste took Airmed’s chin in her hand and stared into her eyes. “I am a friend, Young One.”
Airmed calmed, even forcing a relaxed smile.
“We heard your mind-call.” Chase growled lowly. “We have come to help you.”
Celeste helped her stand. “There now. What has you so confused, Young One?”
There was something in Celeste’s hypnotic voice that urged her to tell everything. When she was finished, the urge in her mind was gone, and she asked the question on her own. “Do you know what’s wrong with me?”
Celeste nodded, smiling. “Nothing is wrong, Young Airmed. You are just coming into your Watcher-kin powers. That is all.”
“I don’t understand.” Airmed said. “I’m not a Watcher, whatever that is; I’m a Pagan.”
“What is your Clan-name?” Chase asked her. She looked curious at the foreign word, so he said. “Your Pagan surname in the Outer Realm.”
Celeste gasped, taking a step away from her.
Airmed was confused, and now worried. “Did I say something wrong?”
“Celeste?” Chase was worried for her now. His Bondmate stared at Airmed, covering her mouth with her hand and shaking her head. “What is it?”
“I’m sorry.” Celeste seemed to fade back to awareness. “It’s just that I haven’t heard that name in centuries. Not since Shem and Shiva were Exiled.”
“The Apprentice said I was descended from the last Ancient Watcher, Shem Starchaser.” Airmed supplied. “Who was he? When did he die?”
“Dwellers do not die.” Chase said. “They – we – are immortal.”
“She is not Dweller-kin, Bondmate. She is Watcher-kin.” Celeste said, looking into Airmed’s eyes again. “I see it now. The Starchaser blood runs wildly through your veins.”
“What are Watchers?” Airmed asked. “And Dwellers?”
“Dwellers are a vampire-like race in the Outer Realm that can survive only at night, and must have the blood of mortals to sustain them.” Celeste said softly, so the young woman would understand, and not be frightened by her words. “I am from a kin-Clan of Dwellers called the Apprentices. There are only two of us left, my kin-brother Daniel and myself.
“Watchers are different.” Celeste continued. “Like Dwellers, Watchers are forced to live only at night. Unlike Dwellers, Watchers can work great Ancient Magic and have no Calls for mortal blood to sustain them, only that of their true-mates.”
Airmed thought it over. She’d heard a little about the race of Dwellers from Aaron, but not much. Celeste only confirmed what he’d told her. As for Watchers being forced to live only at night, it didn’t make sense. She’d loved playing in the sun as a child, so she couldn’t be one. Then again, if she was, that meant –
“I’ll never see the sun again?” Airmed wondered aloud.
“You will still see sunlight, but it will burn your eyes.” Celeste responded. “Are they not sensitive to light now?”
“Midday is hardest on them.”
“It’s all part of your Watcher-kin powers.” Celeste said, and smiled. “There is good news. You are unlike your kin.”
“In what way?”
“You are what the kin-Clans call a Sun-Dancer.” Celeste supplied. “You will always be able to walk in daylight, with limitations. Could your mother not do the same?” Again, Airmed nodded. “What is her full Clan-name?”
“She calls herself Malayna Starchaser.” Airmed said. “My father picked up the Starchaser name, too, when they married. His name is Barton.”
Celeste and Chase exchanged knowing looks.
“For now, you must return home and tell the Unicorn what you learned.” Chase said, turning back to her.
“But – he won’t understand!” Airmed argued. “I don’t want to lose him. I love him so much!”
“I know you do, Young Airmed.” Celeste said. “Believe me. He will listen with an open mind and heart. After all, he is an Ancient Mystic.”
Airmed sighed, sitting on a tree stump. “I guess you’re right, Celeste.”
Celeste kissed her forehead. “I am always right, Young One.” She said. “I wish you pleasant journeys.”
At the farewell, Airmed disappeared, returning home.

She lay in bed for hours, wide awake and thinking of Celeste and Chase Moondancer’s words. It was true, all of it. From the time she was a child, she loved the darkness and mystery of the night. When she turned twenty-one four years ago, her eyes started to ache with the sun’s rays, and her body was fatigued at that time. The worst was always midday, when the sun was at its highest point. That’s when she was the most tired and lethargic. Only when the sun went down and the moon and stars came out would she feel alive.
Maybe she was a Watcher-kin, able to do great Magic, but forced to survive in the dead of
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