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Book online «The Upside Down Girl (oh hold) by Amber (reading e books TXT) 📖». Author Amber

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car I mean literally jumped out while it was moving. I ran inside,saw a boy and two girls on the couch but I ignored them, and ran up stairs. I greeted Sydney and soon a later I was on the other bed looking at her closet with all the awesome clothes in it. I smiled big and she looked at me. "Yes you can wear some of them." She said. I smiled and asked,"SO tomorrow Can I met this Xavier guy?" "Umm....I-I don't think so...Maybe some other time. I'm really busy tomorrow." "Ok then."
Jane walked into her room. Matt and Jessie followed her. "What is it?" Sydney said. "Jessie is staying with us tomorrow night so and our parents are going to be outta town for the weakened. They are Friday. Two days with them and three days without them. So I'm having a party and I don't want you to ruin it so keep You and your so called friends up here or could join us." She smiled and walked off. Matt and Jessie followed close behind. "Wow what a sis you have there Sydney?" "I know right." She gave me a cover and a pillow. As soon as She turned the lights off we both passed out.
Chapter Three

*Sydney's pov*
I woke and Hannah was in my closet looking around. "Good morning, Hannah." "Good morning, Sydney." I got up and walked over to her. "I was thinking this Gray jacket with that white shirt and this black blue short shorts with this black necklace.Plus I'll curl my dark brown hair, I'll have white knee socks on and my black high heels. What do you think?" "It's cute. I'm going to wear my leather jacket, my black leopard colorful punk dress that goes to my thighs with my black boots." "Hmm....Good choice." She picks up her outfit and changes. I get mine as well and change. About two minutes later Hannah and I go downstairs to my mom cooking us breakfast. "Your in a good mood today. What happened?" I asked her. "Well....Do you that dinner I went to?" "Yeah. Why?" "Well. She said she'll come over for dinner today so I need you here tonight." "Oh...I can't mom." "Why?" "My dad made a arrange marriage so I have to meet them tonight at dinner... I'm so sorry for taken another rain check but if I don't do this something bad will happen." "I understand." Hannah and I grave a piece of toast and walk to my dodge viper. Hannah's mouth drops open. "This is your car." "Yep." We get in and she looks at me. "What?" I asked. "So Arrange Marriage huh?" "I'll tell all about it later."
I pulled up into a parking spot and all eyes were on Hannah like she was their favorite TV show. We got out and I locked the doors. "I got Gym with you so see you there." "OK Hannah." She walks inside and I follow her. She bumps into Danny. I smile and walk over to my locker. Xavier walks up behind me and says,"I've texted you a million times. Are you avoiding me?" I stand up and look at him. "Why do you care?" "I'm your friend Tay. You know me." "I thought I did." I walk off from him.

*Hannah's pov*
I walk inside and I bump into this boy with dark brown hair with brown eyes.
"HI. I'm Hannah. Also Sydney's other best friend. You are?" "I'm Danny Clark. You must know my sister Jessie from Sydney." "Yeah. I saw her yesterday. Do you know where room 121 is?" "Yeah. I have that class. Just follow me." "Alright." I follow him to room 121. When I got there I saw the boy that use to date in South Dakota but he moved here 1 year ago.
I walked in and the teacher turned to me. "Oh. The new student. GO ahead and introduce yourself." "I'm Hannah Green. Sydney's best friend." "Nice to meet you Hannah." I sat down next to Danny who was talking to my Ex. Oh no. What if he tells Danny that I went out with him or that he wants to go back out? I want a new life not the past.

*Jessie's pov*
I pull Xavier by the shirt to our make out spot and we start kissing but he gots that stupid worried face on. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Somethings wrong with Sydney." "Why do you care?" "She's my friend, Jess. Since childhood." "I know. Sorry. How about you come to her house tomorrow? Jane's having a part and you guys can talk it out." I put a fake smile on. "Really?" "Yep" "Thank you,Jess." He kisses me and walks to class. I follow behind him close.
*Sydney's pov*
I got tackled by Hannah who was freaking out. "Calm down Hannah. What happened?" "Well. DO you that boy I was dating in South Dakota and he moved here?" "Yeah." "Well. I didn't want to date him because I wanted a new life here. I kinda went back out with him and I need your opinion," "If you like him then be with him Hannah." "Thanks." She hugged me and pulled me into the gym. I saw Xavier and Jessie talking which made me even more mad. Hannah stopped in front of Danny and her boyfriend Kyle. "Hi. I'm Sydney." "Hey." He said. All I was thinking was about tonight. Grr...I hate my dad. "OK Class. Today boys play knock out or whatever and girls play valley ball or whatever. My other show is on so bye. She walks to her office and shuts her door. "Wow. Is that all she does?" "Yep" I said. We laughed. "SO....Me. You need to pick your outfit out for tonight. you know.." Yes I do. Don't even mention it." She grabs my wrist and goes to pull me when I hit the wall. "Ow! HANNAH!" Xavier looks at me and smiles but I frown. "Sorry Tay." She drags me off and I see Xavier sigh. Should I forgive me for dating the girl who ruined my life.....
We got outside to my car and Hannah grabs the keys. "Can I Drive?" "Sure." We got in and she starts the car. A hour later we get at my house and go inside. "MOM! DAD! ANYONE HOME!" There was no answer so Hannah and I go upstairs to my closet. We look around. "Hmmm... Those dark purple and black hills with that Halter Neck short dress and a leather jacket." She said. "That's an awesome outfit Hannah. I swear if I didn't know I would be wearing sweat pants and a white stained t-shirt." "Thanks but no you wouldn't you would have a killer style." I smile and put the dress on. "Aw! SO CUTE!" She yelled so loud that it echoed through out the house. "Wow. I was right." I smiled. "Where's the curler?" "Um...under the counter in my bathroom. She walk to the bathroom and got the curler and came back. "Is this it?" "Yep." After I came out of the bathroom I was ready to go. "Make-up. Yeah. Clothes. Yep. Hair. Yup." Hannah smiled at me. "You look pretty, Sydney." "Thanks. What time is it?" "Um...Eight O'clock." "Ok. I have to go now. I'll be back around nine." "Ok Tay."
I was there. My soon to be husband's house. The only thing I hated about being in arrange marriage is the whole thing. You have to marry a person you don't know or love. I sighed as I knocked on the door. Two nice looking parents answered the door. "Oh you must be Ms.Sinclair. Right this way." She showed me the way to the table. A butler pulled my chair out and I sat down. "Let me call my son down." She said in a royal way. "Lucas!" Lucas? I thought he went to my school and she said he was in my class but there is no Lucas in my class. I look down and text to Hannah that I was here. I looked up to see MATT! I couldn't say anything. He was shocked. Hell I'm even more shocked that my dad picked him. Well that's my dad for ya. He ruins life for everyone. I put on a fake smile. I guess Matt got the memo and played along. "Excuse me. I got to take this." "Take what?" "Oh. I put my phone on silent so there would be no irruptions." "Aw. What a nice girl?" I get up and go to a random room and I call my dad.
He picks up and says,"Hello?" "Hey Dad. Love the dude your making me marry." "Really? Darn it. I need to find someone you hate a lot." "YOU ALREADY DID! WHY HIM?! WAIT WHY DO I HAVE TO BE IN A FREAKING ARRANGE MARRIAGE ANYWAY!" I yelled as loud as I could. "To get revenge." "On who." "You." "Why?" "Because your the cause that my wife and your mother is died." "What?!" I yelled and felt warm tears about to go down my face. "HOW COULD YOU DAD? SAY I'M THE ONE THAT DID THAT TO MOM. SHE DIDN'T DESERVE WHAT SHE GOT!." I felt tears run down my face. "YOU DID IT TO HER!" He yelled into the phone. "WHAT'D I DO THAT KILLED HER?!" "The day she died you asked if she could pick you up from school." "Where is this going?" "Just listen. You was looking out of the window when you saw a dress you wanted when you grow up so your mother got out and bought it for you when you turn seventeen. When she got in a truck hit her. The day at the hospital you went to go see her but you tripped over the cord of her oxygen tank and she lost air. That's when she died." "I was six Dad and I never went in mom's room. They wouldn't let me. The only people that was in there was you and your crazy ex wife!" I yelled and talked while I cried. "Sydney-" I cut him off by hanging the phone up. I looked into the mirror and my make up was ruined. I wash my face and removed the messed up make up and went back to dinner. I sat back down. Matt was staring at me like he heard everything which he probably did but his parents didn't. I put another fake smile on and tried to enjoy the dinner but I just wanted to die right now. "Well. Ms. Sinclair. My son told me that Jane is having a party and I'm letting him go if he hangs with you. You two need to get to know each other before the Wedding." "I nod. Finally, the dinner was over and I was about to burst out crying but I held it in. I got in my car and drove off.
When I got home and into my room Hannah was asleep. She probably fell asleep waiting for me.

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