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Book online «Swiss Family Robinson(fiscle part-3 of 2) by Johann David Wyss (books to read romance .TXT) 📖». Author Johann David Wyss

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Boys; All We Had To Do Was To Scatter The Seed.'


I Was Delighted at The Sight,  And It Augured well,  I Thought,  For The

Success Of My Maize Plantation. We Hurried to The Field. The Crop Had

Indeed grown Well,  And What Was More,  Appeared to Be Duly Appreciated.

A Tremendous Flock Of Feathered thieves Rose As We Approached. Amongst

Them Fritz Espied a Few Ruffed grouse,  And,  Quick As Thought,  Unhooding

His Eagle,  He Started him Off In chase,  Then Sprang On His Onager And

Followed at Full Gallop. His Noble Bird Marked out The Finest Grouse,

And,  Soaring high Above It,  Stooped and Bore His Prey To The Ground.


Fritz Was Close At Hand,  And Springing through The Bushes He Saved the

Bird From Death,  Hooded the Eagle'S Eyes,  And Returned triumphantly.

Jack Had Not Stood Idle,  For Slipping his Pet Fangs,  He Had Started him

Among Some Quails Who Remained upon The Field,  And To My Surprise The

Jackal Secured some Dozen Of The Birds,  Bringing them Faithfully To His

Master'S Feet.


We Then Turned our Steps Towards Falconhurst,  Where We Were Refreshed

By A Most Delicious Drink My Wife Prepared for Us; The Stems Of The

Young Indian Corn Crushed,  Strained,  And Mixed with Water And The Juice

Of The Sugar-Cane.


We Then Made Preparations For An Excursion The Following day,  For I

Wished to Establish A Sort Of Semicivilized farm At Some Distance From

Falconhurst,  Where We Might Place Some Of Our Animals Which Had Become

Too Numerous With Our Limited means To Supply Them With Food. In the

Large Cart,  To Which We Harnessed the Buffalo,  Cow,  And Ass,  We Placed

A Dozen Fowls,  Four Young Pigs,  Two Couple Of Sheep,  And As Many Goats,

And A Pair Of Hens And One Cock Grouse. Fritz Led the Way On His

Onager,  And By A New Track We Forced a Passage Through The Woods And

Tall Grasses Towards Cape Disappointment.


The Difficult March Was At Length Over,  And We Emerged from The Forest

Upon A Large Plain Covered with Curious Little Bushes; The Branches Of

These Little Shrubs And The Ground About Them Were Covered with Pure

White Flakes.


`Snow! Snow!' Exclaimed franz. `Oh,  Mother,  Come Down From The Cart And

Play Snowballs. This Is Jolly; Much Better Than The Ugly Rain.'


I Was Not Surprised at The Boy'S Mistake,  For Indeed the Flakes Did

Look Like Snow; But Before I Could Express My Opinion,  Fritz Declared

Part 3 Chapter 1 Pg 9

That The Plant Must Be A Kind Of Dwarf Cotton-Tree. We Approached

Nearer And Found He Was Right--Soft Fine Wool Enclosed in pods,  And

Still Hanging on The Bushes Or Lying on The Ground,  Abounded in every

Direction. We Had Indeed discovered this Valuable Plant. My Wife Was

Charmed; And Gathering a Great Quantity In three Capacious Bags,  We

Resumed our Journey.


Crossing the Cotton-Field,  We Ascended a Pretty Wooded hill. The View

From The Summit Was Glorious: Luxuriant Grass At Our Feet Stretching

Down The Hillside,  Dotted here And There With Shady Trees,  Among Which

Gushed down A Sparkling brook,  While Below Lay The Rich Green Forest,

With The Sea Beyond.


What Better Situation Could We Hope To Find For Our New Farm? Pasture,

Water,  Shade And Shelter,  All Were Here.


We Pitched our Tent,  Built Our Fireplace,  And,  Leaving my Wife To

Prepare Our Repast,  Fritz And I Selected a Spot For The Erection Of Our

Shed. We Soon Found A Group Of Trees So Situated that The Trunks Would

Serve As Posts For Our Intended building. Thither We Carried all Our

Tools,  And Then,  As The Day Was Far Advanced,  Enjoyed our Supper,  And

Lay Down Upon Most Comfortable Beds Which My Wife Had Prepared for Us

With The Cotton.


The Group Of Trees We Had Selected was Exactly Suited to Our Purpose,

For It Formed a Regular Rectilinear Figure,  The Greatest Side Of Which

Faced the Sea. I Cut Deep Mortices In the Trunks About Ten Feet From

The Ground,  And Again Ten Feet Higher Up To Form A Second Storey. In

These Mortices I Inserted beams,  Thus Forming a Framework For My

Building,  And Then,  Making a Roof Of Laths,  I Overlaid It With Bark,

Which I Stripped from A Neighbouring tree,  And Fixed with Acacia

Thorns,  And Which Would Effectually Shoot Off Any Amount Of Rain.


While Clearing up The Scraps Of Bark And Other Rubbish For Fuel For Our

Fire,  I Noticed a Peculiar Smell,  And Stooping down I Picked up Pieces

Of The Bark,  Some Of Which,  To My Great Surprise,  I Found Was That Of

The Terebinth Tree,  And The Rest That Of The American Fir. The Goats,

Too,  Made An Important Discovery Amongst The Same Heap,  For We Found

Them Busily Routing out Pieces Of Cinnamon,  A Most Delicious And

Aromatic Spice.


`From The Fir,' Said I To The Boys,  `We Get Turpentine And Tar,  And

Thus It Is That The Fir Tree Becomes Such A Valuable Article Of

Commerce. So We May Look Forward To Preparing pitch For Our Yacht With

Tar And Oil,  You Know,  And Cart-Grease,  Too,  With Tar And Fat. I Do Not

Know That You Will Equally Appreciate The Terebinth Tree; A Gum Issues

From Incisions In the Bark Which Hardens In the Sun,  And Becomes As

Transparent As Amber; When Burned it Gives Forth A Most Delicious

Perfume,  And When Dissolved in spirits Of Wine,  Forms A Beautiful

Transparent Varnish.'


The Completion Of Our New Farm-House Occupied us Several Days; We Wove

Strong Lianas And Other Creepers Together To Form The Walls To The

Part 3 Chapter 1 Pg 10

Height Of About Six Feet; The Rest,  Up To The Roof,  We Formed merely Of

A Latticework Of Laths To Admit Both Air And Light. Within We Divided

The House Into Three Parts; One Subdivided into Stalls For The Animals;

A Second Fitted with Perches For The Birds,  And A Third,  Simply

Furnished with A Rough Table And Benches,  To Serve As A

Sleeping-Apartment For Ourselves,  When We Should Find It Necessary To

Pay The Place A Visit. In a Short Time The Dwelling was Most

Comfortably Arranged,  And As We Daily Filled the Feeding-Troughs With

The Food The Animals Best Liked,  They Showed no Inclination To Desert

The Spot We Had Chosen For Them.


Yet,  Hard As We Had Worked,  We Found That The Provisions We Had

Brought With Us Would Be Exhausted before We Could Hope To Be Able To

Leave The Farm. I Therefore Dispatched jack And Fritz For Fresh



During their Absence,  Ernest And I Made A Short Excursion In the

Neighbourhood,  That We Might Know More Exactly The Character Of The

Country Near Our Farm.


Passing over A Brook Which Flowed towards The Wall Of Rocks,  We

Reached a Large Marsh,  And As We Walked round It,  I Noticed with

Delight That It Was Covered with The Rice Plant Growing wild In the

Greatest Profusion. Here And There Only Were There Any Ripe Plants,  And

From These Rose A Number Of Ruffed grouse,  At Which Both Ernest And I

Let Fly. Two Fell,  And Fangs,  Who Was With Us,  Brought Them To Our



As We Advanced,  Knips Skipped from The Back Of His Steed juno And

Began To Regale Himself On Some Fruit,  At A Short Distance Off; We

Followed the Little Animal And Found Him Devouring delicious

Strawberries. Having enjoyed the Fruit Ourselves,  We Filled the Hamper

Knips Always Carried,  And Secured the Fruit From His Pilfering paws

With Leaves Fixed firmly Down.


I Then Took A Sample Of The Rice Seeds To Show My Wife,  And We

Continued our Journey.


Presently We Reached the Borders Of The Pretty Lake Which We Had Seen

Beyond The Swamp. The Nearer Aspect Of Its Calm Blue Waters Greatly

Charmed us,  And Still More So,  The Sight Of Numbers Of Black Swans,

Disporting themselves On The Glassy Surface,  In which Their Stately

Forms And Graceful Movements Were Reflected as In a Mirror. It Was

Delightful To Watch These Splendid Birds,  Old And Young Swimming

Together In the Peaceful Enjoyment Of Life,  Seeking their Food,  And

Pursuing one Another Playfully In the Water.


I Could Not Think Of Breaking in upon Their Happy Beautiful Existence

By Firing among Them,  But Our Dog Juno Was By No Means So Considerate;

For All At Once I Heard A Plunge,  And Saw Her Drag Out Of The Water A

Most Peculiar-Looking creature,  Something like A Small Otter,  But Not

Above Twenty-Two Inches In length,  Which She Would Have Torn To Pieces,

Had We Not Hurried up And Taken It From Her.


Part 3 Chapter 1 Pg 11

This Curious Little Animal Was Of A Soft Dark Brown Colour,  The Fur

Being of A Lighter Shade Under The Belly; Its Feet Were Furnished with

Large Claws,  And Also Completely Webbed,  The Head Small,  With Deeply

Set Eyes And Ears,  And Terminating in a Broad Flat Bill Like That Of A



This Singularity Seemed to Us So Droll That We Both Laughed heartily,

Feeling at The Same Time Much Puzzled to Know What Sort Of Animal It

Could Possibly Be. For Want Of A Better,  We Gave It The Name Of The

`Beast With A Bill'*,  And Ernest Willingly Undertook To Carry It,  That

It Might Be Stuffed and Kept As A Curiosity.


   * A Platypus. The Next Time They Encounter One,  He Knows Its Name.


After This We Returned to The Farm,  Thinking our Messengers Might Soon

Arrive,  And Sure Enough,  In about A Quarter Of An Hour,  Fritz And Jack

Made Their Appearance At A Brisk Trot,  And Gave A Circumstantial

Account Of Their Mission.


Part 3 Chapter 1 Note Pg 12

Note: To Get Supplies,  About Fourteen Paragraphs Earlier.

    But What Else Did They Do? Something is Left

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