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them. They started begging and bugging and wanting anything they could think of, just to get attention. From that point on until dark, the adults were so busy taking care of them, they never had the time or chance to continue the conversation.
Seemed a pretty senseless conversation anyhow, Aaron thought. He already knew what Scott was in the Dream Realm, and even what he did to impress Lord Guardian. He just didn’t feel like telling them tonight. Not when his mind was on Sierra Gregory.
She’d left the day she told him about herself being Watcher-kin, whatever that really was. She went to her aunt’s house, telling him she’d return when she had all the answers. She had questions about her being Watcher-kin. She needed to get the answers from her mother Sienna, who Sierra had said called herself “Malayna Starchaser,” and her Aunt Darlene “Red Shawl” Bennington. She’d be back that night, if not sooner. He only had to keep her secret from Aimee and Ariana until Sierra herself told him he could tell it.
Aaron knew how hard of a task it would be. Blocking the two of them out of his thoughts was harder than ever. Now that he’d named Sierra his Earthly Protector, it was tougher to close himself off to anyone listening. Aimee was his twin, always able to read his mind and send mental messages. Ariana was born with telepathy, the power of speaking mind-to-mind to anyone she chose. He didn’t want to hurt either his twin’s or his best friend’s feelings by shutting them out, but he also didn’t want to betray his new love Sierra.
It was dark out now, hours after Aimee’s revelation about her own Earthly Protector, Scott. Aaron was sitting on the front porch, his mind wandering and body waiting for Sierra.
At last, he saw someone from the corner of his eye, walking in the darkness. Pitch black hair blew in the cool night wind, the moon shone, outlining a sensual female body, and Aaron knew it was her. He could sense her love, and stood to greet her with a kiss and hug.
“Well, what do we have here?” Sierra grinned, holding him close. “Were you waiting all this time for me? Shame on you, boy.”
Aaron loved it when she teased him.
“Of course I was waiting for you, Airmed.” Aaron used her Pagan-Watcher name. It turned her face from playful and sensual to downright serious.
“What is it, Unicorn?” Sierra asked, trying to search his now-green eyes in the darkness of night. “Why do you call me that now, with such a worrisome look in your eyes?”
“Let’s take a walk.” Aaron announced, grabbing one of her hands and leading the way.
After a few minutes of silence, Sierra was worried herself. She stopped in her tracks, forcing him to do the same. “Aaron Theodore, tell me right now what’s on your mind! What worries you so much?”
“I can’t keep your Watcher secret from them for long.” Aaron blurted. “We’re the Three Musketeers, always have been, probably always will be. It’s hurting me to see them wonder what’s on my mind when I’ve closed it off to them. It’s hurting them to see me ignoring them again, like I did when we first met. In turn, that’s hurting me, too.”
Sierra could say nothing, only stand and listen.
“We’ve kept nothing from each other for most of our lives, Sierra.” Aaron announced. “This secret isn’t an easy one. They wonder why I’m so quiet again, after meeting you. I ignore them, but I can’t keep it from them for much longer.”
“Then don’t.” Sierra supplied with a grin. “We’ll tell them, and they won’t believe us. They won’t worry anymore and we’ll be in the clear.”
So, that’s what she thinks I’m really saying. Aaron said silently in his mind.
“That’s not my point.” He told her aloud. “Ariana’s a pure Ancient Mystic, with an open mind for anything. She’ll believe you, and so will Aimee.”
“What’s wrong with telling them?” Sierra asked. “If Ariana has an open mind, you won’t lose her friendship over my being a Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer. You’ll always have Aimee; she’s your twin sister. I’m not even going to start on the other Crusaders.”
“So, should we tell them, or not?”
“I think we should.” Sierra nodded. “It’s all a matter of when.”
“When the time is right, we’ll know.” Aaron stared into space, taking her hand and walking with her around the block.
The walk was peaceful and serene. They walked in silence, caught up in their own thoughts.
“Rumor has it Orthos used a Watcher ritual to return to the Dream Realm.” Sierra began softly after a while. She looked at him, eyes curious and questioning. “Is it true?”
He felt something from her then, and knew what she was thinking.
“Yes, it’s true.” Aaron squeezed her hand. “But it’s not your fault.”
“If it weren’t for my using the Winds of Disruption to fight Gloriana, he wouldn’t be back now.” Sierra said. “She recognized me as a Watcher and told him, I know it.”
“He’s been looking for a way out of his Exiling long before you ever came along.” Aaron supplied. “Just because Gloriana might have recognized what you were before you did doesn’t mean his return is your fault. Don’t blame yourself for something you had nothing to do with.”
“Aaron, he used a Watcher ritual to return.” Sierra insisted. “And he used it only after Gloriana fought us and recognized me.”
Aaron was the one to stop them in their tracks again. “Listen to me, Airmed Starchaser.” He made her look him in the eyes before going on. “You are not responsible, so don’t feel you are. Your soul is good, not at all evil. Do you think the Ancients would have chosen an evil Earthly Protector for me?” Sierra shook her head, unable to say a word. He kissed her lips. “Do you believe I would fall hopelessly in love with an evil woman?” Sierra shook her head again, blushing. He pulled her into his arms. “There you go. You and I were meant for each other, Sierra.” He whispered in her ear. “There’s no way you could do wrong, or even turn Stalker, if that was possible. You’re too pure and good.” She met his eyes again. “I could never love anyone more than I do you.”
Another passionate kiss to her lips and Sierra Gregory was convinced, her mind put at ease over the rumors she’d heard in the Dream Realm. Aaron could sense it, breaking from the embrace and taking her hand before moving on in the dark of night.
They were in deep thought, thinking of the upcoming war in the Dream Realm and Sierra “Airmed”’s Watcher-kin powers. They didn’t even notice when they saw the Schmidt’s porch-light on from the corners of their eyes. For the rest of the night, they were in silent thought.
Soon, they would tell the other Crusaders about Airmed’s Watcher-kin powers.
But not tonight.


“How dare she have the audacity to speak to me like that!” Braken Hawk yelled to his Lady Queen Mystica after he told her all that was happening in the Dream Realm. He’d been on a tirade about Young Guardian since.
“Calm down, Braken.” Mystica said softly, rocking the baby in her arms. “You will wake the baby.”
Braken only lowered his voice, but didn’t calm down. “She seems to think she can boss others around in Lord Guardian’s place.” He huffed. “Who does that child think she is?”
Mystica smiled. “She knows she is O’Dell’s successor.”
“Our twins are older than she is!”
“The woman you call ‘child’ has earned the right to take his place in serious matters.” She challenged him. “What she does is her duty as the Young Guardian.”
“Is it her duty to boss her Elders around like common Companions?” Braken supplied.
“She has many duties, and that includes bossing Elders around, if the need arises.” Mystica supplied. “To her, the Dream Realm is a second home. She does what is right because she cares about its welfare.”
“We are not in the Dream Realm.” He pointed out softly, letting his temper cool. “We are in the Realm of the Epsilon. She has no authority over me, so she must learn to respect me.”
“If you wish to help O’Dell in the war against Orthos, I suggest you listen to her.” Mystica said.
“The only reason I am helping Lord Guardian is because of our twin girls.” Braken said. “I do not want to see them hurt anymore.”
Mystica smiled. “Katherine is Lady of the Canine Valley. She was the one to help Young Guardian learn her magic and teach her of the Dream Realm when she was younger. Kitten’s Claw is Lady of the Feline Village, and the one to help Grand Magus not overdo her own magic studies. They are now fully grown and capable of taking care of themselves and their kits. Our daughters have learned from Jezebel how to fight against any foe using the Ancient Mystic and Companion Magicks within.”
Braken could say nothing to that, so he looked to the infant in her arms. Their son was looking around with bright eyes and exploring hands.
“Come, my Lord and love.” Mystica sighed, giving up. “Let us do what Young Guardian told us to do. Go to the Canine Valley’s Practice Fields, taking the Young Companions to safety in the Underground.”
The baby whimpered, and she rocked him in her arms, calming him. This got Braken out of his temper quickly. He turned to his new son, his true-son. The baby saw his father’s claw and grabbed it, putting it in his mouth.
“Besides,” Mystica said softly, taking Braken’s hand. “Is it not about time our daughters and my elder children met their new brother?”
Braken kissed the baby’s head, then her lips gently. “Very well, my Lady Queen. Send for Sarabeth and we will go.”

Story: #2:
To the Province Underground

Ariana and Derrick’s patrols told them the Canine Army was stronger than ever, now adding felines and other Companions to their ranks. Laurynne and Braken Joel both told them they were learning to fight well together, and that made Young Guardian relax a little. The Canine Army now had a new name. They were the Companion Army, and they were closer than ever to beating out the bad guys in the upcoming war.
On one particular night, Young Guardian and the Protector told their closest Companion friends, Braken Joel, Wolf and Toby, to gather those who wouldn’t be fighting in the war and bring them to the Canine Valley’s Practice Fields. Something told Young Guardian it was time Braken Joel led them all to the Province Underground.

Braken Joel, Kitten’s Claw, Laurynne, Marie, Madams Natalia and Shelby, Lady Nikita, Queen Mystica, Lord Braken and the Princess Sarabeth were there to greet them. All Young Companions were either infants in their arms or standing at their sides, holding their hands.
Young Guardian was impressed.
“I will be fighting in the war, Young Guardian.” Braken Joel told her, eyeing his foster-father. “As my sworn duty to my fathers, I will be there.”
Young Guardian nodded, and noticed Laurynne was distracted. “Laurynne?”
Laurynne turned to her, but addressed Mystica. “My mind is in turmoil, Mother. Should I go with you to the Underground, or stay?”
Mystica hugged her eldest daughter’s shoulders with one arm. “While your sister and I would love to have your help, we would not be hurt if you stayed to be a Healer. That is what you are best at.”
“Really, Mother?” Laurynne asked, looking to Kitten’s Claw, who was nodding in agreement.
“Really.” Mystica kissed her cheek. “For now, we must go. I feel a dark presence coming.”
“You’re right, Mystica.” Young Guardian supplied softly.
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