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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (reading a book TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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a time.” Nathaniel put a paw up to stop them. “We see to Cherokee and Toriam first; then, we will decide on telling Lord Maximaniac’s followers.”
“If they do not already know.” Strath nodded.
“Only way is to go and find out for ourselves.” Nathaniel supplied.
Strath grabbed Laurynne’s hand, sharing a determined look. They followed his father and Sir Nathaniel out of the Realm of the Ancients and back to the Dream Realm’s Forgotten Forest, hidden deep in the Canine Valley.


“We cannot force the felines to join with their greatest enemies.” Tobias White-Snow replied to Wolfton Stargazer, who was walking beside them to the Feline Village. Braken Joel Hawk and Toby’s sister Nikita White-Snow were behind them.
“We must!” Braken Joel hissed, growling.
“Most of their sets go by the Old Ways.” Toby frowned at Joel. “It will be hard.”
“That is why we are here, little brother.” Nikita put a hand on Joel’s arm, calming him with a touch. “To convince them should they decline.”
The group stopped when Toby snapped. “I mean no disrespect, sister, but I have not been ‘little’ since being forced into the Dominionite Warrior Army. I am Sire of the Feline Village and Lord Guardian’s liaison for it, just as Wolf is for the Canine Valley. I have done many things against the Master for Lord Guardian, joining in the Crusades not long ago. I believe that entitles me to a little more respect from you, Nikita White-Snow.”
Toby scowled while Nikita stared, open-mouthed.
“Tobias, brother, I do apologize.” She whispered. “I did not know.”
“Well, now you do.” Toby turned and stomped away.
“Calm yourself, Tiger-Brother.” Wolf tried. “We have our orders. Leave personal emotions out of it.”
The Sires looked at each other, thinking on Wolf’s words. Toby nodded, acknowledging the canine had called him Tiger-Brother. It meant a lot to hear him say it.
“I agree, Toby.” Joel said, now taking Nikita’s hand and hugging her.
The quartet was on their way once again, in silence.
“A question, if I may.” Nikita spoke. “While Kit has your daughter K’Sarra with her visiting Katherine, your son Tiger is with the Canine Army, and you are here, who watches over the Feline Castle?”
“Mother and an Elder Companion named Essex Crowley.” Toby supplied, smiling. “Young Guardian herself put him to the task as my vassal when he argued with her about the Feline Palace.”
“The Palace was the home of my parents before the Wars.” Joel pointed out. “Perhaps Essex Crowley wanted it to remain a shrine for them?”
“Aye, he did.” Wolf said, sharing a grin with Toby. “Kat told me all about it. A bit of an old cat by now, is he not?”
Toby nodded. “Marvelous knight, though.”
“Would he be willing to join, or is his mind still stuck in the Old Ways?” Joel asked.
Toby shrugged. “He seems loyal enough. I do not see much of him, but Kit does.”
The group was silent as they reached the borders of the Feline Village. Toby sensed Wolf’s hesitation at the gate.
“Come, Wolf-Brother.” Toby said, nodding to him.
Canine eyes wide and staring off into the distance, Wolf shook his head. “Nay. You have Joel and Nikita. You do not need me.”
Joel clasped a hand on Wolf’s shoulder. “Trust me, Wolf. We need you.” He said with a grin. Wolf stared. “Who else can take your place? There is only you.”
“I suppose you are right, Joel.” Wolf sighed, following.
They stopped again in front of the Feline Village’s Castle, where they met up with a leopard-man at the door.
“Sire, you have returned.” Essex Crowley nodded to Toby, Nikita and Joel, but stared at Wolf, who hid himself behind his feline friends. “The Madam is inside, waiting for you.”
“Good.” Toby said. “Gather as many felines as you can. There will be a war, and we need fighters. Tell them to meet at the Meadow, and Sire Wolf will explain.”
Essex Crowley said. “Aye, Sire,” before leaving to his task.
Madam Natalia White-Snow, Toby and Nikita’s mother, stepped outside to greet them.
“Toby! You have returned!” Natalia cried, hugging her son before her daughter and nodding to Joel and Wolf. “And you bring reinforcements for the upcoming war?”
“You could say that, aye, Mother.” Toby said. “How did you know?”
“Your father was here with Sheldon, Laurynne, Strath, Toriam and Cherokee.” Natalia supplied. “He told me Young Guardian set you the task of gathering Companions for a combined army. I suppose that is what you are here for?”
Toby nodded. “To gather the felines together.”
Natalia smiled. “You know –”
“Aye, Mother, I know it will be hard.” Toby shared a look with his three friends. “That is why Joel and Nikita are here, as well as Wolf.”
“Ah, Sheldon’s youngest son.” Natalia knelt to Wolf, who was taken aback by the gesture of respect; especially by an Elder feline. “Sire of the Canine Valley and now, my family as well. My son has chosen his comrades well.”
“Thank you, Madam.” Wolf smiled, relaxing when she rose.
Madam Natalia nodded, smiling.
“Sire Tobias!” They heard a feline yell from behind them. When Toby turned, he saw Essex racing toward them in his full-leopard form. Once reaching his Sire, he shifted back to a leopard-man. “The felines willing to fight in the war are gathered in the Meadow, as ordered, Sire.”
“Good work, Sir Essex.” Tobias looked to the group. “Shall we?”
Taking deep breaths, Wolf, Toby, Braken Joel, Nikita, and even Madam Natalia all followed Sir Essex Crowley to the Meadow to join the fighting felines of the Valley. They all agreed this would be the toughest challenge they had ever faced.


“So, Young Guardian trusts a new feline Companion to watch over the Canine Army?” Katherine Hawk-Stargazer teased her friend, Panther Grey. Her sister Kitten’s Claw was beside her, smiling.
“Only while my Heart-Brother is away, Lady.” Panther grinned back, kissing Katherine’s paw. “You know that.”
“How does it feel to finally be in charge, Panther?” Kitten’s Claw asked.
Panther took a deep breath. “Natural, oddly enough.”
“Why would it be odd?” Kit questioned.
“I was always the quiet kid when I was Earthbound.” Panther explained somberly, the memories of his sad life before the Dream Realm still bothered him. “I’d never dare be the leader.”
“You are different now, my friend.” Katherine sensed his sadness. “A brave and strong panther Companion, loyal and faithful to Lord Guardian.”
“I know that, Kat.” Panther said, shrugging. “I just fear I won’t be able to be brave and strong in the war.”
“You will be fine, just watch.” Kit interjected. “We have work to do. Stop drowning in old memories and take care of business.”
“Are you feeling sorry for yourself again, Panther Grey?” They heard Wolf’s teasing tone from behind them.
Katherine’s canine husband was marching toward the trio, with Toby, Braken Joel, Nikita, the leopard-knight of the Feline Village, Essex Crowley, and Madam Natalia behind him. Once hugs and greetings were done, Panther saw who else had followed them. The Elders; Sir Nathaniel White-Snow, Sir Sheldon Stargazer, Braken Joel’s sister Laurynne Silver-Hawk, Laurynne’s canine beau Strath Stargazer, Strath and Wolf’s brother Toriam, and Toriam’s Dweller-Companion Bondmate, Cherokee Moondancer. Following in perfect formation behind them were enough felines and Elders to form an army themselves.
Panther was impressed. Each had done their jobs to Young Guardian well.
“Quite a large group, Heart-Brother.” He smiled at Wolf.
“I could not do this alone.” Wolf supplied. “Thank Toby, Joel, Nikita and the Elders.”
“You are hoping to get all those felines together with the canines?” Kitten’s Claw asked her husband Toby.
Toby nodded. “Sir Essex will help, will you not, my fine leopard-knight?”
Panther recognized Essex Crowley from not long ago. The old leopard-man started trouble with Panther when the Greys first moved into the Feline Palace. The Palace used to be the home of Braken Hawk and his lady queen, the Elder Originator Mystica until the Wars for Power, when they were “lost” to the Dream Realm. Essex claimed the Palace a shrine for them, and thought Panther and his then-new human-Companion love Marie were dishonoring the Hawks’ memory by living there.
“On your orders, Sire.” Essex supplied with a nod. He saw and glared at Panther, scowling. “I see this usurper still lives.”
“This usurper, as you call him, is a Companion Crusader.” Tobias hissed at his knight. “You will treat him as you would the Lady or myself; with utmost respect. Is that clear, Sir Essex Crowley?”
Essex knelt to Toby’s feet. “My profound apologies, Sire White-Snow.”
“There will be no prejudices in my Valley, feline.” Wolf barked. “We all have equal standing here, and that includes my Heart-Brother, Panther Grey.”
Panther was surprised, and grateful. Neither of his Companion friends had ever stood up for him like that before. He decided to speak once Essex stood and nodded to Wolf.
“I’ve gathered the Canine Army, Sire Wolf.” Panther said, confirming Toby’s words and showing the leopard that he, too, respected the two Sires. “They’re awaiting their orders in the Practice Fields, as requested.”
“Splendid, Panther.” Wolf said. He turned to the rather large group behind him, speaking to his father, Sir Sheldon.
He was never able to open his mouth. He saw his Page, Red Wolf Moondancer running at full-speed in his full-Companion-wolf form. A rustier wolf the Sire recognized as Red Wolf’s father Sir Chase paced beside him. Both Mountain Wolves stopped in front of Wolf himself, changing form before saying anything.
“I hope we are not too late, Sire.” Red Wolf admonished. “We ran as fast as we could, hoping to catch you before you went with the Canine Army.”
“You are not too late, Red Wolf.” Katherine supplied. “We were just headed to the Practice Fields with the felines.”
“Felines?” Sir Chase’s eyes widened. He caught the eyes of his two close friends, Nathaniel White-Snow and Sheldon Stargazer. Indeed, he saw the Elders and an army’s worth of felines waiting behind them. “I see. The start of Young Guardian’s vision.”
Sirs Nathaniel and Sheldon nodded, confirming Chase’s fears.
“We are ready whenever you are, Sire Wolf.” Chase announced.
“Pérat!” Chase heard his daughter Cherokee’s voice from within the crowd. She ran up and hugged him before asking. “Where is Matéré?”
“She left for the Outer Realm, to warn the kin-Clans.” Chase supplied, catching Wolf’s nod of understanding. “Lord Guardian told her to. We are to gather them only when the Master calls on the Stalkers.”
“Come with us then, Sir Chase.” Wolf admonished. Once Chase nodded he would, Wolf again tried to speak to his own father. “Pérat, satils.”
“Aye, Wolfton.” Sheldon Stargazer smiled. “The time has come, and so has the challenge.”
“Show us just how grown you really are, Satil.” Strath said seriously, but his eyes were teasing. Strath was proud of his youngest brother and Wolf could see it clearly. “Lead us to the Canine Army.”
“With so many felines and others joining in,” Laurynne announced. “It should be called the Companion Army.”
“Not until they prove themselves, sister.” Braken Joel replied. “They have yet to show us they can get along, not to mention if they can fight together against a common enemy.”
“You speak the truth, Braken Joel.” Sheldon supplied. “Well, donar, lead the way. We will show them Companions can get along, will we not?”
With a determined look in his canine eyes, he nodded, turning and leading the way to the Canine Valley’s Practice Fields. He heard the familiar cadences of Elder ex-Dominionite Warriors being sung behind him. Instead of painful memories of the Wars, a new sense of duty filled his mind, giving Wolfton Stargazer, Sire of the Canine Valley, hope for the upcoming war.


Enchantra could sense the eeriness in the air as she entered the Ancient Mystic Kingdom Castle. Right away,
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