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Book online «And so it Goes by Chalen D. (ereader with dictionary .TXT) 📖». Author Chalen D.

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to my bathroom.
I grabbed all my make-up and shoved it into my bag.
"Lola, Why don't you take a nap. If you still want to go when you wake up, I'll drive you some where."
"Fine." I said, pausing, with my packing.
"Alright." He said, backing out of the door way and closing the door.
I kicked off my shoes and crawled into bed. I loved my bed. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.
"I told her therapy or move out. She packed all her things. God I'm stupid. I should of been here more." Nathan said.
I heard a thump.
"Maybe she'll change her mind, about leaving." Nancy said.
I put on my back pack, and hugged my pillow. When I walked out they looked up at me.
"I need my Jacket." I said, not making eye contact.
Nathan grabbed my jacket from the back of his chair. I took it and made my way to the door.
"Your not really leaving are you?"
"I over stayed my welcome."
"I'll drive you."
"I don't need you."
"At least take your card, and the car."
"Fine." i said, going back to my room.
I grabbed my card and the keys, and left my room.
"You know you don't have to leave right?" He said Following me outside.
"You told me to leave." I said, opening the back door, and shoving my things inside.
"Where you going?"
"Don't worry about me. You have your job, and your new perfect family." I slammed the door and opened the front door. "Besides, I'm used to being on the run." I got in and slammed the door.
When I pulled out, I saw Mikey, and Rosalynn on the curb, waving me back.
I pulled up to the ally way where Daniel sold.
"What's a nice girl like you doing, around here?"
He looked like Mikey.
"I'm Mikey's friend."
"For sure, here. Take one." He said, giving me two pills.
I pulled out some money.
"On the house kid."
We nodded, and I got back into my car.
I got a hotel room, and took both pills. I got on to Facebook. There where messages from Mikey, Rosalynn, Martie, Calvin, Drew, and Clover, all telling me to come back. I deleted the messages, as my phone played God bless this doobie. It was Mikey's ring tone. I let voice mail pick it up. I looked over my phone. I had missed calls and texts, none of them From Nathan. I got up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up. I got into bed and went to sleep.
I woke up to a steady beeping. I looked around. What the hell am I doing in the hospital?
"Oh your up. I'll go get Dr. Moore." The nurse said.
I picked up my head and let it fall back down. Shit I had a killer head ache. A Man Came in wearing a warm smile.
"What's your name sweet heart?"
"Lola." I muttered.
"Should we call your parents?"
"My parents are dead."
"Who are you staying with?"
"My brother."
"Call him then?"
"He kicked me out."
"Do you have anywhere to go?"
"There's an excellent home for girls around the corner."
"Can I get the address?"
"Sure." he smiled.
He looked over at the nurse, and she nodded leaving the room. Dr. Moore looked me over.
"What's your Brother's name?"
"Nathan." I said.
"Well your okay to go. Why don't you go to the front desk, to sign some papers, and get that Address?"
"Be careful Lola."
"Will do."
He patted my arm and left. I got off the bed and pulled on my Jacket, and walked to the front desk.
"Oh your free." The nurse said, handing me a clip board, and a piece of paper.
"This is the address." she said, pointing to it with her pen.
I turned and saw Nathan run through the doors. He saw me, and sagged with relief. He ran over to me and pulled me into a hug, making me drop the clip board. I stood in shock. He pulled back holding my arms.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
I just stared at him. He looked like he'd been crying. He cared about me. Someone, on earth cared about me. I threw my arms around his waist, and he held me tightly, Smoothing out my hair.
"It's okay now." he whispered to me.
we pulled apart.
"Why don't you go wait with Nancy, while I do the papers?"
I walked over to where Nancy stood outside. It was a warm night.
"how'd you find me?"
"He traced your cell." She said, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
I stepped away from her, to sit on a bench. Nathan came out, and held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. Putting an arm around my shoulders he led me to the car. he opened the back seat and i got in. after we got my things we drove home, with Nancy driving my car.
"I'm sorry."i said, when it was just us in the car.
"I died a thousand deaths when Crimson traced you cell phone to a hospital. They told me you over dosed. Lola, it's rather Therapy, or Rehab."
"Therapy."i muttered, resting my head on the window.
When we opened the door Rosalynn threw her arms around me. Calvin, Martie, and Drew hugged me next. Mikey was standing against the living room wall, and Crimson and Clover were sitting at the Table. They all began talking at once.
"Sorry to be the bad Cop, but Lola needs her rest."
Everyone laughed about the Cop joke, except Mikey, and then piled out the back door. I went to my room and plugged in my phone. There was a text from Mikey saying we need to talk. I rolled my eyes, and Mikey's name flashed across the screen.
"Don't you Yo, me. You went to see Daniel didn't you?"
"Don't play, dump, Lola."
"So what if I did. No one cares about me anyway."
"I do! Nathan does, so does Rose, and the guys. Shit even that Nancy chick cares about you."
"If yor going to yell at me I'm going to hang up."
"You deserve to be yelled at. Don't you dare hang up."
I tossed my phone onto the night stand, and It lit up with Mikey's number. I lay back, and closed my eyes. after a while I put my phone on scilent and went to sleep.
******One Week Later. Friday, After school.
Nathan was sitting at the table, With Nancy, and Crimson, while i was sitting on the couch eating chips with Rosalynn and Clover was sitting On the small couch reading a book.
Rosalynn looked over at Nathan and Nodded at me.
"Hey Nate?"
"What's up?"
"Can I go to this party, with Rosalynn. It's not going to be that big, it's going to be like a sleepover really."
"I don't know." Nathan said.
"What If I take Clover? You know I wouldn't put her in harms way."
"I could go." She said, sitting taller.
"Yeah, and I'll take Becky. Crimson, you wanna go?" Rosalynn asked. "Never mind." She said, looking at the chip bag when she saw his face.
"It's okay with me if Nancy says yes." Nathan said.
"Have fun." Nancy said.
"Yes!" I said, Grabbing Rosalynn's hand and running to my room. "You coming Clover?"
Clover dropped her book and bolted to my room. We gave clover a makeover and got ready.
"Are we bringing Mikey?" Clover asked, tripping in the heels she borrowed.
"No." Rosalynn said.
"He wants nothing to do with me." I said, beeping the door open.
We all got in and went to the party.
"This is a big party." Becky said, once we arrived.
"We should of never picked her up." Rosalynn muttered.
"You girls stick together, it's the buddy system." I grabbed Rosalynn's hand and we took off.
"Good job." She smiled.
We met up with the guys and smoked.
"Cops!" Someone yelled.
Everyone began to run.
"Where's Clover!" I asked.
I spotted Mikey. He hand Becky, and Clover by the arms, and he was taking them out side.
Rosalynn and I ran outside, with the guys on our tail. We ran out side, and right into cops.
The cell door shut with a rattle. A girl was standing over Clover.
"Aye!" I snapped my fingers, and the girl moved.
I grabbed Clovers arm, and pulled her over to our group. I sat her down next to Becky.
"Stay calm." i told them. "They eat off that shit."
Becky and Clover nodded quickly.
A Cop opened the cell door.
"Steele, Parker, Donner, Farro, Jones, Green, Mace, Barrton. Let's move." We all filed out of the cell.
We all sat around the kitchen table In our gray jump suits, as Nathan paced in front of us.
"Juvie." He finally said. "I spent five hundred dollars getting your car from impound. Hand over the keys."
I sighed and dug the keys out of my pocket, and gave it to him.
"You three, I called your parents. They said to leave you in there." He said, to the boys. " I called your mother, and she said, you where living with Mikey, so I called your sister, and she said, to do what I see fit for both of you. Becky, your father's upset, with you. Clover, Nancy said, your grounded for four weekends. That seems fair, So Lola, Mikey, and Rosalynn, your grounded. Four weekends. Martie, Drew, Calvin, and Becky, get in the car, I'm bringing you home. Nancy's on her way, Clover. Mikey, Rosalynn, get home."
everyone got up and moved. Soon it was just me and Clover at the table.
"Sorry I got you into trouble." i said.
"It's okay. I had fun It was worth it."
I looked over at her and We laughed.
"Maybe you not so bad after all. For a step sibling anyway. you know what I mean."
"Thanks." she laughed, and I joined her.
"So, your Brother has said-"
"I'm just here, cause I don't want to go to rehab."
"Why would you have to go to rehab?"
"Cause I over dosed on pills, so he thinks I'm a drug attic."
"Why did you take the pills?"
"Cause I wanted to Get away."
"from what?"
"Your charts say you had weed in you when you went in."
"Well your brother said, both your parents where using heavy drugs. It starts off with weed."
"Don't you think I know that? I am the one who lived through it."
"So why would you want to take pills and smoke weed?"
"I'm not going to get that bad."
"How do you know?"
"Cause I can trust myself."
"You where put in the hospital for pills."
"So what." I crossed my arms, and sat back.
Dr. Black, was really starting to annoy me, Plus she had a squeaky voice. I wanted to strangle myself with the stuffed Caterpillar she had on her desk.
"You had a traumatizing Childhood."
"Did Nathan tell you that? He doesn't know shit. He left."
"You seem bitter to him."
"Whatever. He was gone before I was born."
"So he got out and you didn't?"
"I'm out aren't I?"
"Yes." She capped her pen. "You've been in juvie recently."
"Yeah so? Clover and Becky went and They're the most normal people I know."
"Who are they?"
"Becky's Rosalynn's step sister. Clover's mine. Rosalynn's My best friend."
"Nathan said, you where close with a Mikey. what happened there?"
"Mikey hates me."
"Cause I went to Daniel."
"And that is?"
"Mikey's weed dealer. Daniel gave me the pills. Since Daniel and Mikey are cousins Daniel gave them to me for
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