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Book online «The Smith family 11/14/18 8:55pm by Jessie Marie (best summer reads TXT) 📖». Author Jessie Marie

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wasn’t there then she look in Josh room she find them just sleeping and wake him up he got up and talk to her why was Cloe in the other room I didn’t want to get in trouble you wouldn’t of she gets very scared she had a something happened to her she trust me and her parents does so they didn’t want me to leave her alone ok Josh didn’t know that. Its fine you didn’t know now you do please watch her I’m going take a shower yes Josh ok he went to his big bathroom and took a shower and got out came in his room she left and she fine she sleeping and he got dress and sat on the bed and said baby girl wake up and she did and morning she said Halen left a outfit for her and he let her get dress he brush his teeth and hair then she was dress in a nice dress and her hair was done and teeth and she was ready for breakfast and they all ate and got ready to leave for there vacation and his parents were ready and they saw his son and his beautiful girlfriend holding hands and they got in the vehicle then Sam and Rose got in and they were ready for the trip off to vacation all of them belt up and talk and yeah then he got to the place they were staying and Cloe was like wow and let me show you something baby girl ok he took her hand and they went somewhere and she saw the view and she was like wow this is beautiful I know it is let go downstairs ok they did and they un packed and hang out the 2 days but before they went home Cloe saw something and she got bite by it and she passed out and didn’t wake up Josh saw Cloe and tried to wake her up then saw her hand and she got bite and he called him parents they came what happened don’t know they called the cops they bring her the hospital and they had to call her parents so they can fill out her stuff and they did and the doctor checked everything and find out she was allergic to what she was bite from and had to be put in a coma to save her life and they didn’t know how long she will be in it so Josh didn’t want to leave and he didn’t his parents let them stay for 2 more days and then Rose and Sam had to be sent home for school and they all just stayed and hang out and Cloe other best friend found out and her parents had to tell her school she wont be coming in till she wake up and stuff the school know what happened she got hurt and fell in coma and the school had to tell everyone and they will on Monday it was Sunday they were sent home and Sam can feel Cloe hurting there twin bond is very strong and he was sad and then it was Monday he got up and got ready for school and got on bus and Sasha was happy where is your sister is she afraid and Rose and Bella got up and said shut up they said and she was like why because she in a coma then everyone look at them and Sam got up yes my twin sister is in a coma because she got hurt and now she not here she in a hospital just be nice and shut up and everyone did and they went to school and everyone did and the days went passed from November 26,27,28,29,30 and Josh was sad his gf was laying there and mom and dad come eat something she still didn’t wake up and it was December 1st 2018 and still she laid there in till it was December 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 then the days still went on in-till it was December 21, 2018 then everyone said she might never wake up and her parents are sad and her twin is to then Josh said I’m sorry this happening Cloe I really miss you wish you will wake up please wake up Christmas he went back to the hotel and did all his make up work so he not be hide it was vacation she his parents and friends and brother was here and then they all went hotel they went to bed and it December 23, 2018 and it was the next day then it was Christmas day then something happened Cloe woke up asking where I’m I Josh look at and said you been in the hospital for like 32 days and do you know who we are yes your my boyfriend and he’s my twin and they are my parents and they are yours and they are my besties they all hug her let us get the nurse she came in and said wow you are up she did all kind of test and said you are fine now we are going to keep longer ok they check on her everyday then its was January 19,2019 when she was let to go home and she got up and hug everyone then they was home and they can go to school when she ready and she was on Feb 19,2019 she got up and got dress and was ready to go school her parents bring her and everyone was happy she had to be put in a class to make up everything and she finally did on March 17,2019 and realized that her and her brother birthdays is really close and she was shocked she will be 16 soon and she can start working on her driving Ed and stuff and it was time to go home and it was dinner time her bro and parents and boyfriend was there yes we are happy you are out of coma me too I’m done with all my work and can we eat yes we are having Salad and pasta ok yummy going up stairs to take shower it will be done when you get down here ok Cloe went up stairs and went to her room and got her towel and went in her shower and wash her body and hair and made sure she was clean when she was done she got out and didn’t realize there was something on her bed and she saw it it said to Cloe from Josh and she opened it and it was a nice dress and she loved it she going to wear some time and she but on your green bra and underwear and shirts and tank top that’s matches and went downstairs and her boyfriend hug her and she said love the gift you gave me your welcome it when we go on are first date ok she kiss him and he was turning red and was dinner time they all sat down and ate and was done and Josh said want to watch a movie sure she sat down on the couch and Josh put a random movie on and she laid down on him and fell asleep and he did too and was cuddling and her parents let them and they went to bed and her bro did too and she fell off the couch and Josh ask if she was ok And she said yes then she ask him to get up so she can pull out the pull out couch ok then he took off his pants and he was in shorts and no shirt and she went and put on a nightgown no bra and underwear and she came back and Josh saw her and she lay down and cover her self and he did too and he he pull her close and she was happy and he realized that she kinda naked and she smiled he was what nothing I’m naked I know want to have sex I don’t know I want you so much again I know what if we do it on your birthday ok they went to bed and he wanted to have sex with her too but he will do it on her birthday that’s this Friday then it was Monday then Tuesday now it’s Wednesday She text her man saying hey baby boy question he saw it and he hey baby girl can we go on a date and stay at your house or somewhere private sure ok then they both ready for school and they wanted to tell everyone there are dating but they will wait In till they been together for like almost a year so day was over Josh came over after school and her mom wasn’t over and her bro wasn’t he was hanging with his friends and won’t be home in till later ok I’m going to take a bubble bath if you want to join sure they went to her parents tube it was huge and she put bubbles and warm water and she took off her blue dress and blue bra and underwear and shoes and sock and took her hair down and naked sure she had a towel and her bf had one and he was naked and in the tube and she came in and took off her towel and drop it and got it and she was laying on him and he just relax and she wash his back and he did that same thing and was looking at her boobs and she said you can look but touch in till Friday and they were done got out and went to her room and she put on a green bra and underwear and didn’t know what to wear he was what about this and she put on and it was outfit she forgot about it and I was Shorts and a short and sat on her bed and he was dress and can I tell you something sure I like that you can look at me and not make me do anything and don’t push me to do anything like have sex or get naked so you can touch me lol why would I do that I wouldn’t want that to happen to me so why do it to a woman and I like that you are not like Sasha aww she kiss him and they went to clean there mess in the bathroom and did laundry and lock the front door or and windows and want any food no I’m find ok and they went up to her room and laid on her bed and he stared at her yes I wanted to lick you down there ok but that’s it ok she took her shirts off and underwear and he took off his pants it was hot and he was ready yes and he started licking her and didn’t stop in till she cum on him and she felt so much better and she wash her self and put her clothes on and thanks your welcome she was can I try you sure he took his dick out and she grabbed it and lick it and started to suck it and he really like it he cum in her mouth and she got sick and she was done wow that felt great really my first time I know I never had that happened ok he put it away and she want to have sex she said no Friday ok they laid down and fell asleep and he was cuddling her and she loved it and her bro came upstairs and knocked on it they wake up yes dinner time ok they got up and brush there teeth and faces and smell good and they come downstairs and had Mac& cheese and hot dogs and Fruit and water and
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