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Book online «Her Awakening by Elizabeth Longoria (ebook reader with internet browser txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Longoria

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Chapter One, The beginning

It’s 1 o’clock in the morning. Sitting here waiting, wondering my night will be like tonight. Being a female spy is tuff enough but being something not like everyone else puts it over the edge for me. At times I can’t take it. Wondering why..? Why the hell me! Going to work will make me forget for awhile. Forget what I was born to be and to become.

As I was drying my hair from my shower, I hear my cell ring. I grabbed it and looked at the screen. Damn…It’s him I thought. I can’t talk to him. I won’t risk it weather he realizes that or not. I won’t. I put the phone back down and got ready for work. I grabbed my gun, put it in my thigh holster and left out the door. The cool early morning breeze felt good on my skin. Raising my head to the sky I could see that perfect round full moon calling me. An animalistic feeling burned through my veins waiting to be awakened. I shook my head and came back to reality. I don’t know what’s going on with me. I always keep it under control! I took the keys out of my pocket, started the engine and sped out of there. I needed to find something to keep me busy and work was just the right cure for that.

My cell rang again but this time it was the man in charge of this operation, Scott.

“Hello?” I asked.
“Hey Emma is everything okay?”
“Of course, why do ya ask?”
“Well…you just sound different. Like in a different world perhaps.”
“Nah, I’m fine. Just ready for the next job, so what is the next job? Are you sending me out to Brazil because I could use a beach vacation?” I smiled.
“No. Your gonna need a coat for this one, maybe even a few more coats.”
“Oh, and where do you suppose I’m going, Scott?”
“It’s a little village in Russia called Nazarovo. Here’s your passports and everything else you’ll need for this job. Here’s this too.” He handed me a manila folder.
“What’s this?”
“It’s your subject for the job. His name is Alexander Anderson. He’s been causing problems up there, exposing. That’s the tip we’re getting but I’m not sure if it’s valid info, so that’s why I’m sending you out there. I want you to get back with me in 72 hours after you land. I want you to give me everything I need to know to make the final call. Do you understand me?”
“Yeah, understood.” I said.

I pulled into the parking garage of my apartment already setting my mind into stealth mode. As I got out of my car, I turned to get my bag when I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder. I threw my bag down, swung my left arm to throw off their hand on my shoulder and grab their neck with full force.

“Hey!” cough.
“It’s me Em..Emma. Damon.”
“Oh shit! I’m sorry.” As I took my hand off his neck.
“Where the hell did you learn moves like that? You near chocked the life out of me woman.”
“I’m sorry Damon. I honestly didn’t really mean to do that. I guess when a girl feels endangered she’ll do anything to get away. I really am sorry.” I bit my lip.

I liked Damon, I mean I really do but I don’t think he is what I’m looking for. Yes, he’s charming, cute, fun but he doesn’t capture me like a I want a guy to. I know Damon will find and break hearts and find his girl but I’m not her.

“So why did you sneak up on me?” I asked him.
“I didn’t Emma. You just seemed jumpy when I tapped you on the shoulder.”
“Of course I’d be jumpy…I have to go around the.. Um, never mind about that. I just have a lot on my mind right now.”

Damon knew nothing about my life outside of this one. He knew nothing of my bad girl-kick ass reputation. He just knew me as the feeble woman who worked in the office behind the desk who thinks I couldn’t defend myself even if my life depended on it. Huh…I could take his ass down anyone else’s that thought they’d give it a try. I laughed inside. Haha.. if he only knew.

“Well I just came by to see if you had plans tonight. How about dinner with a handsome man?” He smiled that dazzling smile to me.
“Oh c’mon Damon, you know I can’t resist that smile of yours!”
“So I take that as a yes. Pick you up around 8 darling.” He got my right hand and kissed it.

I stood there watching him walk away. He may not be what I desired or drooled over but the view wasn’t bad, one bit. I knew I needed to tell him that I wouldn’t be home for a while. It would crush him but there wasn’t any way around with it. I headed up to my apartment. I figured that I needed to tell Joey, the manager, that I was leaving and I wouldn’t be back for a few weeks. I ran to his office and told him. I was packing my things in my suitcase when I turned around and saw it was 8 o’clock. That means I’ve got an hour to beautify this girl up! Running the towel through my wet hair I stood in front of my walk in closet wondering what I was going to wear. I grabbed the sleek black dress. It shows off just the right curves but revels none of the goods. Putting on my last heal I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I clicked on the down button for the elevator. It rang and I climbed in pressing the lobby button. Oh man… I would never see Damon again like this for awhile. He was my best friend. He was there when no one would come, my protector when I led him to be. I was seriously going to miss him.

“Hello? Are you going to stand there and look beautiful?”
“Huh?” I looked up and saw him. He took my breath away, literally. This dark of a hunk had the most piercing baby blue eyes I have ever seen. He stood there smiling at me with amusement. His beard was a little scruffy and to me, that was a plus. I loved a guy like that.

“Did you hear me honey?” He said again.
“ I mean yes, sorry. I just um… I was in my own world. Sorry again. I’ll just get out of your way.” I walked out of the elevator.
“As someone as beautiful as you are, no one should ever step aside from your presence.”
“Wow, huh thank you?” I said blushing.
“Good night beautiful.” He winked at me and disappeared in the elevator.

I turned around and I saw Damon walking in the front doors of the building. He looked really handsome in his black suit with his hair slicked back. I love him more than anything in this world. I could never ask for a better friend. I stood there thinking to myself why I couldn’t think of a future with this wonderful man. Maybe I didn’t love him in that way but could I? Could I really be swept off my feet? I don’t know. I don’t know if I could. He knew nothing about my secret life. Damon knew nothing of the dangerous that walked out there. I couldn’t let him get involved with any of this. I wasn’t going to let him get hurt. I couldn’t lose him because if I did…. I couldn’t live with the pain, hurt, and guilt that I let someone hurt him. Keeping him in the distance was the best solution for his safety.

“Now don’t you just look dashing in your suit?” I said to him smiling while I fixed his tie.
“I only dress this way for you sweetheart.” He smiled.
“Where are we going to go eat anyway?”
“Well, I thought I’d surprise you. I hope that stomach of yours is hungry.”

I smiled to myself as he helped me get in the car. This guy is seriously full of himself haha.. I was hungry. I can seriously put down when it came down to eating. As we pulled up to the restaurant my eyes couldn’t believe it. This place was so elegant! It had this big red canopy type of boarder in front of the entrance. White rose bushes along the side of the building. It seemed a bit romantic and that made me wonder what Damon had in my mind or what his motives were for the night. Damon got out of the car and came to my side to help me out. He gave the guy the keys and guided me inside the restaurant.
“Impressed yet?” He asked smiling down at me.
“I don’t know. Should I be worried for the outcome of later?” I said laughing.
“Maybe.” He told me smiling.
“So what’s the agenda for tonight Damon?”
“Do you always need to know everything? Can’t anything just be a surprise to you?”
“No. I don’t like surprises. I like to know what’s happening at all times.”
“I’m sorry but your just gonna have to swallow that pride of yours and know that I’m not going to tell you what the agenda is for tonight sweetheart.” He smirked.
“Fine.” I pouted.

Damon seemed to know the owner of this restaurant because we were given a private secluded table. He held out the chair for me to sit.

“Damon, this place is so beautiful. How did you manage to get us in? It’s so packed here.”
“I pulled a few strings to get us in. Your charmer here isn’t the only one with connections honey.” Smiling that boyish grin of his.
“Cocky much pretty boy?”
“Confidence isn’t cockiness darling.”
“Haha, I swear Damon, sometimes I think you are just full of your own shit.”
“Hey now! You and that potty mouth needs to be taught a lesson.”
“I’d like to see you try, you over size grown tree trunk!” I giggled.
“Well, this over sized tree trunk is hungry! How about you say we order?”
“I second that motion!”

After hours of laughter, eating, and jokes towards each other, we left the restaurant. It was such a nice night with him. I felt so relaxed and comfortable around him. That’s why he was my best friend since childhood. He knew most things about me that no one did. I hate keeping things from him because he’s been so up front with me with everything he knows so it kills me to not let him know what I do and who I really am. Maybe one day I’ll be able to tell him but I would rather not. He wouldn’t understand. I grew up knowing what went bumping in the night. What crept at night and the dangerous that could really be close to home? I was born into this world but it was tuff on me. Not being able to have supernatural powers made it difficult to defend myself but it made me strive and train harder to do so. I hate being weak and being weak wasn’t what or who I am. My father taught

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