Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Dream Changes by Amber Krammes (miss read books txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซDream Changes by Amber Krammes (miss read books txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Amber Krammes

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"Witch let me tell you something, I am not scared of your ju ju or what ever you call it."

"Ha, you imbecile mere human! You have no idea just what I can do to you!" The witch snarled.

Moving from behind the bolder that I was standing behind I came right in front of it to stare off with this witch. The witch's hair blew out behind her in what looked like a fluid black sea, her eyes were the purest blue just the opposite from her hair. It looked like she had both the day in night in just her eyes are hair. Her face was slightly round and had angelic features, she looked more like an angel than a psycho witch.

The wind picked up as she raised her hands up above her head chanting in words that I have never heard before in a language that I could only assume was latin. The more she chanted the stronger the wind became, the clouds above us strarted to twist lighting struck through the clouds thonder pounded shaking the ground beneth the ground I was standing on.

My breath was coming quicker and quicker pinning myself against the bolder that I stubbornly came around to face this pshyco witch I should have just ran the other direction and not looked back. But where was I?

Looking around I noticed that I was in the forest my heart skipped a beat, how did I get here? Looking down I was in a brown almost like potatoe sack of a dress! WTF! I never had anything like this.

"Look at me Marinna! YOur death is near and I want you to watch it come!" The witchs eyes were wild with facination as she seen and smelled the fear on me.

"I don't know you! I don't know where I am!" I screamed begging for her to understand that I am not who she thinks that I am, I don't know who she thinks that I am but I know that I am not her!

The witched just laughed and started to chant even louder than before, the wind blew more fierce if that was even possible than before. Falling to me knees crying I don't know what I did, I don't know who she is, I am going to die in a forest by a witch that thinks that I am Marinna! How the hell is this even possible!

"Let her go Chandella! She is not who you have a grudge with, it is I not her."

Looking up from my knees the most gorgeous man that I have ever seen stood in front of me. His hair was as black as the witchs hair, as he turned to me lifting me to my feet his eyes were almost white with blue flakes through them. Gasping at the sight of his eyes they was so beautiful! I had never seen anything like that before!

"Awe vampire" she tsked " I warned you about this and you still did not heave my warning. Now her blood must be spilled." She looked almost pained to say this her eyes had a hint of sarrow in them as she looked to me the back to the man in front of me.

"Please Chandella, I will do anything" The man fell to his knees in front of her pleading for my life.

" I will make you this deal and you have till the time of the next blood moon to have it done if not then I take the soul."

" Fine, It will be done." The man said with sadness and defeat in his voice.

Chandella laughed as lighting streamed the sky " I just didn't say what blood moon."

Lighting screamed through the sky as the thunder made the ground shake. I stumbled back against the boulder pressing my body against it. The man jumped up to grab me before he could reach me the lighting crashed against the boulder.


Falling off my bed with a thud moaning as I hit the floor. Rubbing my back of my head I heard my mother calling from downstairs.

"Lanita! Are you up? Come on sweety time to get ready for school!"

Ugh! I rose my hand up to hit the alarm clock, that was getting really annoying. "Yea mom! I am up!"

Shoving off the ground rubbing my head sitting on the edge of the bed. I shook my head, that dream, what had that been about. laughing I stood up that's the last time I watch the Blair Witch Project before I go to bed. Grabbing my faded jeans, blue tank and a tee heading towared the bathroom to get ready for school.


"Lanita so are we going out tonight? Please! Come on that essay isn't that important in History, I mean who cares to know about the Civil War! We weren't alive so I mean really what is the point of it?" Rolling my eye I just sighed. Mireka could be impossible sometimes.

"Mireka, I have to pass that class. If not I am in some serious trouble."

"Yea but you have all weekend to study and write whatever you want, so going out with me tonight isn't gonna kill ya."

"Yea Nita come on! Live a little bit you aren't 40! You are 18 so come on it will be fun." Chance just had to chime in with his dimples showing as he smiled at me his green eyes just shining knowing that I was going to cave any minute. I sighed and smiled. I don't know what it was about Chance, but I could never tell him no. He wasn't really tall but not short for a guy and had a nice build. He was a star in some of my major fantasies.

" Ok fine what time are we gonna leave?"

"YAAAAYYYYY" Mireka squealed" Dump your tray so we can go freshing ourselves up before histiry class. Cause that teacher is just too hott!!! And I will fill you in on everything in the bathroom." jumping up off her seat with her tray Mireka practically ran to dump her tray.

" I don't know what you all see in Mr. Cancuck? He is like old...."

"He isn't that old Chance, he is in his mid twenties and it isn't that old."

"Yea if you like that type of a guy I guess, but just take a look at this!" He raised his shirt to show off his six pack and winked when I looked.

"Jeez Chance! But you know when you put it like that." Raising my eye brow and giving him a smerk. HIs eyes became wide and his mouth went in an O.

I busted out in hysterics " Now that was good!"
" Lanita why you gotta tease me for!" I punched him in the shoulder as I turned to walk to the bathroom " Because you are so gaulable, that's why!"

"So cold Nita, so cold!"

Smiling I rounded the corner to get to the bathroom where no doubt Mireka was still in the mirror perfecting herself. Pushing the door open and yep there she was in the middle of the mirror brushing her shiny hair. Smiling walking to the other mirror next to her leaning up against the sink to watch her brush her hair for the umpteen time.

Mireka was taller than me and skinny like a freaking model. Her hair was to her waist and the color of a wheat field, it was gorgeous. Her eyes was a deep brown like melted chocolate. To me she was like a godess, with my strawberry red hair and light blue eyes I was medium height at five foot five nothing special. I was just an average joe. It didn't bother me though I like the way I looked I was comfortable with the way that I was.

"Aren't you going to freshing up?"

"Huh?" was a very dumb question to waht she said but then again I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying either.

"Don't you wanna look good for Mr. Cancuck?" Her eyes were wide like I was the dumbest girl on earth.

" Oh yea I guess I could re-apply my lip gloss."

"Lanita you really don't find him attractive at all?"

Sighing "He just isn't my cup of tea."

" You are plum crazy Nita. He is the eye candy of this school. With his green eyes, brown hair his muscles what is there not to love to look at with him!"

" Well I am not into guys with green eyes, for one." Staring at the mirror applying my lip gloss I noticed Mireka's eyes bugging out of her head.

" how can you say that about his eyes! The are like emeralds! The sparkle just like them,you are nuts Nita." focusing back on the mirror brushing her hair again.

" So where are we going tonight and what time do I need to be ready?"

Spinning from the mirror to me a smile that touched her eyes she looked at me placing her brush down on the sink. "Well, you know that club that just opened up on the edge of town? Well Kramus is playing there tonight and I wanna go watch them."

"Mireka we aren't old enough to get into that club you have to be 21."

"No let me handle that now will you come with me and Chance? Please I know I know you don't like doing stuff like this but you will be fine. Please Lanita?"

throwing my head back I gazed up to the ceiling last time we did something like this we all landed in jail and I was grounded for like 2 months. I lost my phone my car it was like hell on earth. Come home from school go to my room only come out for supper then back to my room and then to school.

"Do I need to remind you about last time we all went out to a bar before." Crossing my arms over my chest squinting my eyes at her.

" I know I know it won't happen this time."

"How can you be so sure that it won't happen again Mireka?"

"Have a little faith babe. My cousin is going with us to make sure we don't get into any trouble."

"Cousin? Which cousin?" I asked skepicaly

" Randy"

Oh I know she just didn't say Randy! He's had a crush on me ever since I could remember and been in and out of jail for different little things.

"OH no Mireka. He is not going with us, I am sorry to say I know he is your cousin and all but he is trouble and not to mention that he has a crush on me." stomping my foot in the process and pouting.

Mireka strarting laughing as she placed her brush in her purse." Oh he isn't that bad, really Lanita. He is on break from college. He is turned a new leaf and he wants to prove that to everyone."

"Oh by taking

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