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Book online «Amythest Moon by Amber Krammes (highly illogical behavior txt) 📖». Author Amber Krammes

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Odd Couple

Walking up the golden beach watching the seagulls swooping and diving in the ocean, while some of them scurried up the sand on the beach. They seemed to be watching me as I watched them, waiting on me to throw bread or some other kind of food to them as most of the tourist do when they come to see the ocean. Sighing wondering if I were a tourist and where that might be in the months to come if I might throw them food too on some other beach far from here. Staying here with Cole would be enough for me, smiling at the thought of him. The sun seemed to warm me on the outside as the love I felt warmed me on the inside. The smell of the ocean filled my lungs as I took in a long breath and exhaled slowly. The sand curved to my feet as I walked, somehow massaging my feet as I moved. Stopping to stare out at the horizon my heart filled with joy and radiated out to my fingers and toes. Tonight Cole and I would be bonded by our love, our blood, under the Amethyst Moon.

Chapter 1


"Leo! How could you!" Jen screamed, with droplets of water rolling over her forehead down into her eyes, on to her cheeks. Jen's eyes were locked on Leo standing across the kitchen in front of her. Leo's face was red as he chocked on his laughter, he rose his right hand clutching his face trying to hold it in, moving his hand Leo took a deep breath and busted out in a hysteric fit of laughter. Clutching his sides afraid that his rib cage might burst from his laughing at Jen's face. "Answer me! You jerk!" Jen snarled, wiping her face with her hands to get the water from her eyes, shaking herself like a wet dog Leo howled with laughter even more. "I...I....thought you needed a bath!" Leo howled. Reaching toward the sink he grabbed a bottle of dish soap that was resting on the back of the sink and pointed it toward Jen. "Don't you dare!" her eyes grew large as she watched Leo pointing the bottle of dish soap right at her, Jen moved her arms out in front of her to stop the spray of soap that she knew he was going to spray on her. "Awe, Jen it's green apple. What girl don't like the smell of that!" Squeezing the bottle with his thumb and forefingers. The squeeze shot the soap the distance of the kitchen to land on Jen. Swinging her arms and turning her body to get away from the spray of soap she feel to the floor. "Damn you Leo!" she bellowed as she hit the tile under her. Leo dropped the bottle and did a victory dance almost falling from the dish soap that had fallen in front of him when he released his grip of the bottle, flinging his arms out he steadied himself glancing at Jen he lend over the counter to hold himself up from the laughter. Walking through the front room Tess heard Leo in the kitchen and Jen cursing at him, now what in the world are those two doing to each other she thought. Turning around the corner into the kitchen I stopped with my mouth open seeing Jen on the floor sopping wet frantically trying to stand, but falling from the liquid beneath her. Leo was holding himself in a big bear hug, face red from laughing so much. "What did you do Leo?" Leo taking in my face which was full of shock set him in another state of hysterics. "He poured two bowls of water over my head! Then took the dish soap and sprayed me with it!" Jen yelled. Eying the counter I saw two giant bowls and a empty bottle of dish soap laying on the floor in front of him. Jen looked awful, her brown hair was matted to her head, the mascara she had on was smeared down her cheeks, a line of where the soap had fallen on her clothes in a zig zag pattern.Shaking my head I moved in next to Jen to try and help her up. Grabbing a hold of Jen's arm and pulling she made it to her knees, Jen grabbed a hold of me with her other hand kneeling in front of me, my hands under her arms with her hands clutched to the top of my arms. I lifted on her as she placed one foot under herself. Her foot came flying out from under her as soon as she placed it under herself, falling back to the floor taking me with her. slipping all over the floor falling and trying to lift myself up all at the same time "Leo!" I snarled "Get me off this floor!" whistling Leo moved to stand beside Jen and I. "You two look like you are mud wrestling, without the mud!" chuckling, he reached down quicker than I could see snatching me up straight, grinning ear to ear. Shoving off of him backing toward the door "Now get Jen up" I didn't want to be in the middle of the kitchen, afraid I'd slip on the soap again. Again quicker than I could see Jen was standing next to me. Wheeling herself around she glared at Leo fists clenched into balls at her side. If someone could actually steam there would be steam rolling out of her ears, she was so mad. Stomping her foot whirling around she raised her arms in frustration and screamed. "I'm going to get a shower to get this stickiness off me." stomping the whole way to the bathroom slamming the door behind her. Turning my head back to Leo I crossed my arms in front of my chest, staring at Leo with a stern look. "What? That was my goal to begin with, she stinks Tess. You know that wolf stink." Raising his arms in self defense. "Ugh men! Clean this up." Pointing to the green bubbly wet mess in the middle of the kitchen.He moved to grab some dish towels and started scrubbing the floor. Watching Leo scrubbing the kitchen floor a smile pulled at my lips. Waltzing to the bathroom knocking lightly, because I knew she could hear the knock being a werewolf, "Who is it?"
"It's Tess." shifting weight from one leg to the other as my hand rested on the door. "Come in" pushing open the door looking at the floor Jen's clothes were thrown over, clearing my throat "Are you ok?"
"Yea I am fine, Leo's just a big jerk." she sounded fine, she didn't have any ounce of anger left in her voice. Raising my eyebrows "So you aren't mad at Leo then?" giggling she peeked her head out around the shower curtain to look at me "I never said that."
"Well you know when a guy picks on you, that means that he likes you." smiling at her, her eyes became large as she thought about what I said to her. "Do you really think he likes me? I mean he's a vamp and I am a werewolf, those things are just not heard of." Pulling the shower curtain back closed she disappeared and I was left staring at the green and blue stripes of the shower curtain. "Well that don't mean things can't change." urging her to think about it. My hands on my hip sighing "Give him a chance at least." the shower stopped. Jen's arm popped out the side of the shower curtain "Hand me a towel." Picking up the towel off the toilet lid where she had placed it I offered her the towel, snatching it out of my hand I waited on her to come out. Jen pulled the shower curtain open and stared at me, with the towel wrapped around her slender body. "Oh come on don't look at me like that." She glared at me for a second longer as a sheepish smile curled her lips up. "Well I might find out if the saying is true that way." crossing her arms in front of her. "What saying?"
"If vamps are really good in the sack like everyone says they are." My eyes popped open my mouth flew open as I gawked at her. "Jen! My goodness is that all you think about!" Laughing she stepped out of the shower in front of the mirror wiping under her eyes to remove the left over mascara she missed in the shower. "Well I am part DOG!" I couldn't help myself I busted out in a roar of laughter. Turning and resting up against the sink she laughed. "I'll go get you some of my clothes since the ones you had are covered in soap and bubbles." Picking up the brush Jen started moving it through her hair. "Thanks, Tess" Nodding and smiling at her I turned the knob to the door and walked out shutting it behind me.

Is it time Yet?

Chapter 2


"we still have six hours till it is time to leave, Tess" Cole said smiling at me. We was perched out in two chairs sitting next to each other holding hands on the back deck, looking out over the ocean admiring the the sun setting. It was beautiful the sky was changing colors where the sun seemed to touch the ocean. Red to a brilliant orange shone. It looked like the sun itself decided to take a dip in the deep blue ocean for a swim. Settling in for the swim the sun disappeared under the ocean. The moon seemed to follow coming out of the ocean from it's swim to rise up in the sky. Taking the red from the sun the moon rose a very deep red, shining for everyone to look at. I gasped at the very sight of the full blood colored moon rising above us. "It's beautiful." I whispered. "Not as beautiful as you are." Facing Cole smiling, his eyes caught me in there gaze. His emerald eyes glistening in the moonlight, every time I looked into his eye I was memorized. Nothing else mattered, the earth could fall apart by a earthquake and I wouldn't even notice while he held me in his gaze. Blinking he smiled softly and let me regain my sight. Blinking a few more times my self to gather the thoughts in my head shaking my head to get them to come together. "Wow will that always happen? Will I always be memorized by your eyes?" Cole chuckled "When you rise tonight you will be able to do the same thing, not to me and I won't be able to do it to no more either. It does come in handy when we hunt though." resting back in my chair I shut my eyes, I didn't want to think

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