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Book online «Fire an Ice: Bloody Sword by Taeler Jones (bookstand for reading .TXT) 📖». Author Taeler Jones

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Chapter 1
Anastasia woke up with a start. There was some one pounding on her door. It was always locked. Getting up angrily she walks to the door, expecting it to be her sister again. But stops cold in her tracks. There was a bulky man with muscles bulging from his shirt and he had a mean looking scowl on his face. I open my mouth to scream but he lunges in the room and covers it. Then he pins my arms and starts pushing me forward. Struggling against his restraint I kick my foot back connecting with his groin. He stumbles just enough for me to wiggle away and start for the stairs down to my parents room. But I’m not fast enough he runs and tackles me to the ground making a pain shot through my head, but I have enough time to scream hoping it would wake my parents. Grunting he grabs my hair and drags me down the stairs me whimpering and crying in pain the whole way.
When we make it down stairs I catch the time on our clock by the door, 6:27am. Who the hell is he, why the hell has mum and dad not come to see if I was alright? When we get to the living room I go limp with fear, there was three more strong men with big hunter knifes in their hands. But that’s not what caused my limp, my parents and little sister we seated in chairs with their hands tied and legs. My mum was crying and looked at me with pain and sorrow, my dad looked like he was ready to kill the man holding me if he didn’t have a knife at his throat and my sister was sobbing and struggling with her bounds.
“Hurry up James!” snapped the biggest guy leaning on the counter, he looked like the leader. “How much problem can you have with this little girl?” He spat
“Sorry boss, she was being a bitch.” He shoved me more, I didn’t like he called me a bitch so I fell to the ground and twisted around fast so I could kicking hard in the groin again. He gives a sharp cry of pain and falls to the ground with a “Thump”. Struggling to sit up another guy comes at me and twists my arm around my back making me hear a loud “Pop”. I scream again because the pain shots through my whole body. My father try’s to sit up but the knife digs deeper and he is forced back down, my mum is whispering my name softly with sobs.
Still standing the leader walks over to me and puts his knife under my chin lifting my head so I could see him eye to eye.
“While you must be Antanasia , I think you are a little wild hurting my boy like that” he has a scar lining his eyes and his breath smells like cat shit. I smirk through the pain at my own thought. “What are you smirking at little pest?”
If you ever knew me I would stay away because I have the worst attitude that pisses everyone off. I just shake my head.
“While do you see mommy and daddy over there” he points his chubby finger towards them “while you better tell me what I want to know or I am going to kill them!!” He has a dangerous glint in his eyes so I know his isn’t kidding around. Fear stabbed me I didn’t want my parents hurt!!
“Okay…” You can hear my heavy British accent play through my voice.
“Good girl now tell me where the Princess?” what the hell was this guy nuts? I don’t even know what he is talking about. “Tell me now!!” he shouted.
“I have no friken clue what you are talking about” confused I look over to my parents and am surprised they have a weird look in their eyes, it’s like they know what he is talking about. “Sorry.” I mumble
Anger flashes through his eyes and he turns around and looks at my sister and shakes his head, the other guy shakes his to and goes for his knife. Wait what is he doing I think frantically, my father is now trying to stand up and fighting his restraints. My mother is shaking her head frantically. The guy puts the knife to my sister’s throat. She screams in pain as he slides it deep in. My father bellows “NO” and my mother screams “STOP!!”. Pools of blood run down her throat as she slumps to the floor, her long golden blonde hair is now tangled and her eyes are open with a pained and sad look in her eyes.
Still in shock my eyes get blurry and my head is pounding with great force and my hands start getting freezing cold. The guy smirks at me and wipes his knife on the side of my face so my sisters blood is now smeared along my cheek and dripping down my neck.
“I don’t know what you are talking about” Screaming seems to make him more pleased with himself. I start screaming hoping some of our next door neighbors would hear me or someone up for an early jog.
“You are one little animal aren’t you sweetie!” the guy that’s holding me say in my ear. Feeling sick to my stomach I want to throw up all over him.
“Okay, since you little missy won’t listen I will have to make you” He turns around to the guy holding my mother and shakes his head as while like he did with the guy holding my sister. “While one more chance where is the Princess?” The leader moved closer to me and slides his fingers down my bloody cheek and to my neck. I shrank back in disgust. He just chuckles and turns back to the guy holding my mother. My dad seems to know what’s going to happen and he launches out of his chair and tackles the man with such force you hear a huge crack when his head hits the ground. While there is a distraction I spin my head to the left and bite the wrist of the guy, he gives a high shriek.
There are little trickles of blood there. Since my hands are bound I shove my fist in his face hard making his nose crack like the same way when the other guy hit the ground. I run over to the phone and frantically push 911, there is a woman on the other line with someone grabs my hair from behind making my scream in pain.
I can make out it’s the leader because he was the biggest of all the 4 guys. He twists my head around so it’s facing my parents. I give a horrified choking scream, my mum and dad where laying side by side with big knifes sticking out of their necks but they were both facing me with the same look in their eyes. Pain, and regret for me not doing something to help them. All four of his men are standing there looking at me with hatred and delight. Anger flashes through me with such force I almost chock, and I suddenly feel a strong surge of power pulsing through me. It feels like a door has been unlocked. I wipe my head out of the man’s grip and stand straight in the middle of the room, my vision gets tainted a bright blue color and my body is cringing with icy power. My mind goes blank and I turn to the 4 guys. They seem to be surprised and back up when they see me; some even have a scared look in the eyes.
“B-b-b-o-o-s-s.” The guy that was holding me stutters. “I think we f-o-o-u-n-d h-e-e-e-r.”
I wipe my head around to the leader and he stumbles back tripping on the end of our stairs. I head straight for him and my fingers tingle with a weird sensation. The room seems to drop in temperature. I grab his hair and wipe his head to face me with more strength then I thought I had.
“Bitch!” he mumbles. That makes me grab harder and taunt him.
“Now look who’s on the ground!” I hiss. He shudders like he is getting colder. I trace my finger over and frost seems to trail along it. He screams as if in pain. As quick as a cobra I turn around and throw my hand out to where one of the guys where coming at me with a knife. He stopped in mid step with wide eyes and looked down, there planted in his chest was a jagged sharp piece of ice. I was so surprised myself I dropped ahold of the leader. Which I still regret this day.
Pure red hot pain goes through me and I fall to the ground, feeling all my power drain out of me as fast as it came. I touch my two fingers to my neck where it hurts and feel a shallow gash where the leader took the knife on me. But before I go fully down I feel satisfied I got to kill one before I died. There was a “CRASH” as my door slammed open. Before the black took me over I heard a loud “BANG” and blurry people filling in, and gun shots. I feel someone pressing something to my neck and shouts about something I can’t make out. After a few minutes of hazy blurs I fell my body being lifted and things getting shoved by my neck. I open my eyes only to make out a guy in a suit,
“Its going to be okay sweetie, everything will be fine.” I laugh in my head, yeah right my parents are dead my little sister is dead. Then everything goes black and lifeless.

Chapter 2
I was laying on a hazy white cloud that smelled of lavender. So this is what

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