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Book online «Hellren Mine by Madison Wheaton (reading books for 6 year olds TXT) 📖». Author Madison Wheaton

Chapter 1: OMG

3rd person limited

(Year 2008)

Butch glared at the Suspect as he carried Beth away.

He frowned when he heard the Suspect shout " No one kills the human until I get back!"

'What the fuck ' ? Butch thought, confused.

Then when he looked around him, realized that some of the biggest males he had ever seen were surrounding him. 'Woah'

Then the male Rapunzel spoke up " Would you like some dinner?"

Then Blondie said "How would you like to be dinner?"

Butch glared 'So these boys wanna play Huh? Well then lets play'.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, a heavy hand landed on his shoulder, then a deep  voice sounded from behind him.

"Don't mind Rhage, he takes pleasure in fucking with people".

Butch spun around and came face to face with the male from his one time only, one night stand, with a guy. The same guy that he fucked like an animal four years before when the Red Socks won the world series.

"V". Butch all but moaned.

V smirked, " I guess you remember me then".

Vishous's P.O.V

When Wrath came all but running back into D's mansion with this female, V couldn't help but be stunned, 'Whose the female?' He wondered.

Then he saw the human male behind him and all the memory's of all the different positions he had put that male in four years ago flashed across his mind.

He dimly heard Wrath shout," No one kills the human until I get back!"

V snorted, yeah no one would dare break a single strand on this humans head if he had anything to say about it....




SOO IM SORRY I KNOW its short but I dont have much time I PROMISE ill update again soon and fix stuff!

Lots of love to the people that commented!

Hope you like this! Im going to add more chapters and detail in the next hour or so, so hope you enjoy!


Four Years Earlier


OK so I did NOT watch the world series game in 2004 when the Red Socks won, OK SO IF im wrong, which im sure I will be, IM SORRY! BUT were just going to PRETEND that the game happened as im saying it happened mkay?

As always ENJOY!


3rd person Limited

Butch screamed in joy as The Red socks won the world series.

"YES! OH MY FUCKING GOD, WE WON, take THAT you fucking Yankees!"

He turned to the nearest person to him, a tall male with a red socks cap on, who was grinning and whooping with him, and hugged him.

The male seemed shocked, but hugged him back.

"We won!" Butch shouted over the screams of joy and Boo's that filled the Bar they were in, Staring into the males Diamond eyes.

The Man smirked, "I know, I saw!" He shouted back. "That was a GREAT game, did you see that home run that (A/N made up player here people dont judge!) Caldagen made!" That was AWESOME!" The Man continued.

"Yeah that was awesome, that shit went all the way to the outfield, and then when  (nother made up player P.S hes the pitcher) Sujke pitched all those fast balls that keep striking out those players! Damn the team is HOT this year!" Butch replied. " Oh hey whats your name?" he asks.

"Yeah those pitches were awesome, he better be on the team next year, and its V, yes like the letter.""Hey do you wanna get out of here?"

"Yeah sure!, Nice to meet you V im Butch."

V nodded, as he turned and satrted pushing his way through the dense crowd. Butch followed him....







Publication Date: 11-13-2017

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to J.R.Ward because SHE created The Black Dagger Brotherhood world! NO CHARACTER IS MINE ALL CREDITS AND CHARACTERS AND COPYRIGHT BELONG TO J.R.WARD!

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