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Book online «Werewolf Academy by Lollie Ermas (novels to read .txt) 📖». Author Lollie Ermas

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Chapter 1: Madison White

Let me introduce myself


My name is Madison White I'm 17 turning 18 this year, I've been to 3 different schools in the past 2 years Well I've been kicked out of 3 schools just because I'm misunderstood people call it "being rude" well of course they'll think I'm rude not for letting them talk to me like they want, for standing up for myself and for speaking my mind, I like being respected and if anyone dares to disrespect me I will let my madison bomb off on them it doesn't matter if their the "principal" if he/she disrespect me I will put them in their place from where I from I'm highly respected well in my 'secret life' I just wonder what that pathetic human teachers and principals would say if I tell them I'm the daughter or Alexander White the alpha of the Moon Shield pack and I'm the next alpha in-line,shift into my big pure black wolf and let them fear for their life and regret that they ever disrespected me? 


 Well as much as I would LOVE to do that sadly I can't its a law that no human can ever find out about werewolves and me being the next alpha can't be irresponsible and let them find out now can I? 


I can at least daydream about ripping their throats out there is no law against that now you probably think 'a girl alpha yeah right' well its true my parents only had me and I'm the next alpha at first the pack members were unsure if I'll be strong enough to lead a pack being a she-wolf and all but I completely proven them wrong time and time again 


Chapter 2: The Madison bomb explodes

  I'm actually in the principals office right now waiting for the bald freak to come and talk to me apparently calling ms Sparks a low life no good piece of crap is not acceptable but she rudely disrespected me by telling me I'm no better than Melissa (some Cheerhoe that I was busy giving a piece of my mind) and that I'm just a little child that will never survive this world with my 'attitude' 


well if she can tell me what she thinks about me I can tell her what I think about her too but guess I was wrong I was sent to the principals office for the first time at THIS school, I've really been trying to be nice I only punched 2 girls and threw one guy with a chair since I got here you see I've really been trying 


I don't actually want to be kicked out of this school I've made a lot of new friends and I'm currently dating the oh so hot captain of the football team Carter Johnson I know he is a human and I have a 'mate' somewhere out there but I honestly don't care I really like Carter and who knows maybe one day I can tell him my big secret and mark him 


the reason why I like this human is not only the fact that he is super yummy but that he is respected around here people look up to him and nobody dares to mistreat him and there is the fact that he begged me to go out with him wrote me silly love poems which I thought was kinda cute although he's a poetaster, the girls seem to worship him so that's a bonus for me that I have what everyone wants its a good thing I don't get jealous otherwise all these bitches will be dead or at least armless you touch my man I cut your arm off literally its only fair but again I can't actually do that I'm sure I'll go to jail 



I'm still in this office alone, right when I was about to stand up and walk out of here because clearly this people is wasting my precious time a very ugly mad bald freak aka principal Mathews walked into the room he gave me a look that I honestly did not appreciate, slammed the door shut and went to go sit behind his desk looking angry as hell well I'll be angry too if I had to look at myself looking like that in the mirror every morning 


I gave his a disgusted look and his eyes grew wider 

"Ms White .. Do you know why you're here" He said in a low tone 

"Yeah ms Sparks disrespected me and you're here to give me permission to smack her out of her granny panties" I bluntly stated he looked at me a few seconds emotionless while I looked down on my nails he sighed took his glasses off and put it down on the table 

"Ms White you are something else" he said while he shook his head 

"Mr Mathews YOU are something else" I copied he looked at me in disbelieve what the hell did this weak human think he can say something like that to an alpha I think not! 

"Tell me what happened in class today" he said ignoring what just happened

"I told you she disrespected me" seriously dude I already told you this 

"Tell me the whole story everything Ms Sparks said to you and everything YOU said to HER" he spoke 'you' and 'her' louder 

"Well I was minding my own business telling some CheerHOE in the class exactly how pathetically physio slut she is about her being a hoe and all i mean she slept with 8 guys in this school how disgusting then Ms SparkBitch that looks totally like a man said that I'm no better than Melissa and that I'm just a little child that will never survive this life with my attitude I guess she was just telling me what she thought of me no hard feelings so I just simply just told her what I think about her I mean she can't just tell me what she thinks about me and gets nothing in return" his eyes were now wider than I ever saw it if looks could kill right? 

"And what is exactly what you think about her what did you tell her?" He asked wow I guess this dumb ball seriously just wants to know only what I did and said not what that bitch said 

"Well honestly I think she is a complete waste of space that seriously need to get laid that woman's sex life is probably just as bald as your head sir, but I wouldn't want to embarrass her like that in front of the class so I simply said that she is a low life no good piece of crap" I said while smiling at him I clearly am the right one here! 

"Oh Ms White you have no idea in how much trouble you are never in my life have I came across a arrogant spoiled little brat like you" he said angry .. WHAT??, what did I say wrong? Well my wolf definitely did not appreciate his tone and she wanted out to rip his throat out but I kept on reminding her that he's human and that we can't risk putting the werewolves in danger just because this pathetic man don't knows who the hell he's messing with

"I guess you just told me what you think about me shall I return the favour and tell you exactly what I think about you" I replied with a smirk I was really mad now how dare he disrespect me? 

"Go ahead but if I were you Ms White I'll be very careful about my next words" he said while sitting back in his chair and putting his hands at the back of his head resting into it I took a glimpse at his hands no ring I'm not surprised!

"No ring? Well I'm completely not surprised by the fact that you are not married I mean who in their right mind will marry a bald freaky dude, you have no life other than keeping you 'boss' around here and I know the real reason why you're so worked up about me speaking my mind about ms Sparks you have a thing for her but don't get me wrong you both are perfect for each other your looks and sour personalities fit perfect together now Mr Mathews you are just a lonely pathetic man and I actually feel bad for you well not really but I'll just say I do to make you feel better about your snobby life" with that being said he slammed his hands on his desk and looked deadly at me trying to intimidate me but dude you have another thing coming I will never be intimidated by someone I can kill in 3 seconds 

"You are expelled from my school walk out of my office right now and wait outside I'll call your parents" he yelled 

Damn what did I do?? about what about my cuddle buddy Carter I will miss him so much 

"You can do what you want man I'll go clean out my locker and get my books out of class" 


I stood up and walked out I walked fast to ms Sparks class I need to talk to Carter when I walked into class everyone looked at me guys made kissy faces and the girls that weren't my friends simply glared I ignored them walked over to Carter's desk 

"Ms White-" Ms sparks started but I cut her off 

"Listen bitch I have no time for you right now stfu and let me kiss MY guy before leaving this pathetic school" everyone looked shocked and some guys laughed and clapped their hands but my friends looked sad about the fact that I was leaving 

"Madison nooo you can't leave" Jade one of my girls said 

"Sorry Jade but I promise you I'll see you a lot!" I smiled at her and that's when Carter stood up towering over me he was so hot gosh! he is about 6'2 brown hair and beautiful light green eyes 

"Babe wait what you leaving me?" He asked looking sad 

"I'm leaving this school if you want we can still be together I guess its whatever" I said acting like I didn't care but in reality I actually did I wanted to be with him he made me happy! 

"YES of course I want us to be together still DAMN babe but I'll miss you around school everyday" he started off with a smile but then just looked sad I got on my toes and kissed his lips he grabbed my waist picked me up I wrapped my legs around his waist and roughly kissed him I didn't care about that we were in a class full of children and a teacher he didn't seem to care either I mean if I'm going to leave I might as well make it memorable 

"Ms White and Mr Johnson that's enough" a ugly voice said the voice match the woman perfectly Ms Sparks I jumped out from his grip, wicked at him and strolled out of class 


I went to my locker cleared it up and walked out the exit 


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