Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The Horse Lady by Mattison Russell (best big ereader txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Horse Lady by Mattison Russell (best big ereader txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Mattison Russell


In Horse Lady there was a woman who was magic and she had a herd of magical horses.She had shone her parents who she really was... a magical horse.Throughout the day human by nightfall magical horse.


A hundred puffs of crisp air was all around.Thunderous hoofs galloping threw the fresh snow echoed in the mountains the moon light shone on strange figours.Back at the camp called West wind were asleep. Horse lady had fallen asleep by daybreak,and in a few hours every thing will about to change.


The next nightfall Horse Lady decide to run away.She went to totomica ( say it ) ( to-to-mica )to become a full magical horse.Her new name would be amataru ( say it am-a-taru) she left.


They took of to the journey that awaited her.West Wind
and North Wind were fighting West Wind thought that North Wind captured Amataru a.k.a Horse Lady.Amataru was fighting to in the moon light. Snow wolfs were fighting Amataru's heard.


Finally they had made it passed the furious wolfs.They were at the base of the mountain of totomica.The mountain was 300 miles high.Amataru and her heard started to clime.When they reached the top she was a full magical horse.



Publication Date: 09-05-2011

All Rights Reserved

To My mom&dad Coral and Matt Russell

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