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Book online «strange meeting by gerta qose (best thriller novels of all time txt) 📖». Author gerta qose

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I opened  my eyes and  saw  a dark figure leaning  to  my bed .I could not  see anything else besides  this silhouette . It did not  talk  or move ,it did  nothing but staying still by  my bed ,but yet I felt  a force keeping  me from moving or speaking. For as much  as I tried to scream it was impossible .Someone had  told me  that  this was no more then  just a dream  and all you had  to   do is  mo move your toes, but it seemed  to real  to be  just a dream and yet  I knew something  had  to be  done  in order  to wake  up from this  nightmare. Closing  my  eyes I tried  to move  my toes  but it  seemed   so hard, I opened my eyes again   and again  a dark figure  was standing  in front  of  me  ,but  this  time it was different .It had  like a dark  halo  on his  head .I tried   to talk and  unlike  the other times my voice  came out very low saying.- who are you ? No reply. The hands of this silhouette were together  like on a prayer and in the second after I was free .Free  to speak  in normal voice, free  to  move , to jump  ,free to  do everything .People say this kind of things  are just dreams ,and yet it was to real  to  be just a dream. In dreams you  know  you are asleep  and you know  things are not  true and if  you get hurt you  do not  feel it, But I did , I felt  that thing holding  me  down and I felt  it  lift away .The last thing  I remembered seeing was watching the second  silhouette  fly away .Yes it did something like wings ,at least they were feathers, showed up from the back of his back and then  he lifted into the air and went away.



I got up  in the morning around  10 o'clock .It felt weird ,it took  me a while to get  to  my senses and realize  I was actually  awake in my bedroom. Went   to the bathroom washed my face and stared at my reflection on the mirror .I kept telling myself :-it was just a dream  get over  with it ,but it was hard to  forget. That dream  was the most realistic experience or 'dream ' I had ever had. Went out for a walk  to take some fresh air and every  person i saw on the street  reminded  me  of  those two  figures .I kept walking not knowing where to  go I just followed my feet. Suddenly I so myself in the entrance of a forest .I say  entrance  cause there was this little path that takes you to the forest. Even though I had a strange feeling in my stomach i  took  the path. The forest was so  beautiful with green trees towering  to the sky ,birds and flowers that filled the atmosphere with such sweet sounds and smells .I wonder why  I never  went  to that forest .Anyway I continued to walk this path  and the feeling in my stomach grew stronger .I stopped looked around and I realized  I was alone, but again I had a feeling that someone was watching me .Now with my  heart beating so fast I quickened my paces and there it was ,just right there in the middle  of a beautiful  valley a grave stone .Unaware  of myself I got closer  to it .It has a writing  saying : 'To the person that lies here'. Just this and  nothing more ,no names  no dates  no  nothing just this writing .Who was the person laying  there? What happened  to him or her? :-No one knows . I turned around   and here  it was a guy standing in front  of me. He was tall ,with brown eyes and dark  hair and a really  cute face. He continued . :- No one knows what happened or who he is. This  is what you are asking  to yourself  right? With  a deem voice and  a nod  I said : -yes. :- This is what every one asks ,basic  questions  right ? He said this words  with a smile  in his face  which i didn't get  why  he  did it or what was  funny about it.:'-Who are you' ? I asked. He continued  to smile  and did not say a word After a while  he continued :-' You shouldn't stay here .no matter  how hard you try  you can  never  find  who he  is'. He put an emphasis  on the the last two word that give you a feeling that he actually knew that the tomb belonged  to a guy and why he used the present tense like he was alive ? I took another look  at the writing in the stone 'To the person that lies here' and then  looked again to the strange  guy but he wasn't there anymore. It seemed like  he vanished into thin air.



As soon as  I went home  started  doing some research about  that saying  on the grave ,but there was nothing . Like it doesn't exist at all. So  I  went to that valley  the next day and the next and the next in the hope to find the strange guy ,but  nothing  he wasn't there .Maybe  it was just a coincidence that he was there .One day I went again to that valley but this  time it was sun down and here he was standing in front of the grave then out of the nothing  wings came out of his back .Real  wings with feathers and stuff .They were angel  wings  only they were black .I know this wasn't a dream  I was wide awake in the middle of the forest and he was right in front  of  me.:-'What are you doing  here? I told you to stay away'. :-' I wanted to find out more about the grave stone and the person who lies there' I said in a half voice:-'And did you find it out? :-'Who are you or what are you?' I asked after gathering some courage .He smiled and said:-I 'm the one laying there' .No it can't be! The person there is dead but he was real he was breathing air and speaking words how can he be in that grave?!After some  minutes of total silence  he said :- 'It has been a while  since i rest here, who ever says that a broken heart can't kill you was wrong .This is what happened  to me '.His voice now was so harsh  and his eyes filled with anger and rage.:-This is what happened  to me  and  now  I have to see you. You are no different what makes you think you are better then her you are all the same.' His words made no sense to me and yet those words touched my heart. Why was he talking to me in that way? What have I done to him, I had never meet  him before? :-'Who are you? I asked and even though  I was  so afraid  in that moment.:-'That is the pint you don't even know me and yet  I am with you  every second of your miserable and pathetic life  and  and you  don't even see me .' :-What you mean with you are always  with me and that I don't see you ? Who are you?'.Again that smile in his face.- you ever heard of a guardian angel? I am yours' All that fear in head turned into laughter :-'Nice trick  with the wings but you can't convince me ,I do believe in angels  but they are up in heaven or down in hell.':-'Well my lady that believe of yours makes you feel  what you feel at night and that believe makes you see me right now that believe of yours makes you see my wings'. Now his  voice wasn’t angry and his eyes lightened  up  now they were just sad.:-You  feel  what you feel and your dream  seem real because you believe ,your heart was broken to and yet  you didn't stop believing in  love .The forces you feel sometimes holding you down are shadows  of the night .They feed from  fear, they couldn't take you cause you have a strong will especially when you afraid .Fear gives you a certain courage .I know cause I have been watching you for a while  now'. :-'Who are you '? Again a smile:-'Come with me .let's take a walk. You have seen my wings and you have a strong  believe in angels  so what's the point in  keeping you in the shadow. I was a normal guy  with a normal  life .I lived  with my parent  in a small city and  had a girlfriend whom I loved and loved me back ,or at least I thought so. was my whole world ,my everything ,Well  that until the day  I saw  her getting married with my best friend .They were planning a whole new life behind my back and they never told me .I gave her every thing  i had ,I was  a loyal friend  I didn't deserved that  no one does. Anyhow there  she was in the isle  wearing a long beautiful dress. She looked like a princess ,and for a moment  I thought   I was her prince  until  I saw my best friend the one that  I considered to  be my brother putting a ring in her  finger . He told me that he didn't say anything  cause he loved me and  didn't  want  to break my heart. Well my heart now  was broken in  a million little pieces . With tears in my eye I wished them a long and happy life, and went away .This valley here is the only place in the world that makes me feel  good it makes me relax ,so  I came here sit  under  a tree  and  I spend the whole  night there. Oh did  I   mentioned that it was mid January and it was snowing. In the snow   I saw her figure, she was  so beautiful   and I promised her  to protect our love .When they  found me  in the morning  I was turned into an ice sculpture . But I made a death  promise ,to protect love. So by making that promise  in turned myself in a guardian angel  and since  I no longer had the love of my friend and  a broken heart my  wings are black  and people do not believe in angels  I was invisible to the world .Soon  I was forgotten  by  my friend  and  the girls  I loved and my  parents died ,there was nothing  and  no one  to remember me .With no one  to remember me every thing that proved my existence  was deleted even the name on the stone grave. Then it was you ,you with your strong believe in love and friendship even with a broken heart you never stopped believing .You have an ability  to turn fear in courage .Even dead I can swear that  I felt my heart beat again after a very long time. And here you are  in front of me  seeing me talking  to me ,thanks  to your believe ,and  to answer  to your  question  I am the one  they call Dark Angel. Invisible to the world and yet  you were  able  to see me.


:-I don't understand'. :- 'Let me tell you something .Angels are like fairies  we find strength  in human belief .What you experiences was what they call a realistic dream ,shadows are night  hunters  who hunt  the week  and vulnerable .When dreaming people make  themselves  vulnerable to this  things and they  turn their dreams in nightmares in order for the people  to feel fear so they can feed on it

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