Read books online » Fantasy » Goddesses: Amphitrite by Remi Johnson (e ink ebook reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Goddesses: Amphitrite by Remi Johnson (e ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Remi Johnson

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Amphitrite stared into the blue eyes of Poseidon, she was swimming in the salt water of the sea.It was over 4 hours since she was in the water but she couldn't break away from his stare.
"I don't ever want to leave," Amphitrite murmured.She could talk under the water.Breathe too, for Poseidon,the great god of the sea gave her the power of a sea creature.
"Then don't," he said, it was so simple.She was seventeen, and her parents would worry but if she told them that the Greek god of the sea loved her, well, Amphitrite didn't know what would happen.
"I feel like...a mermaid," she said, giggling.This felt unreal, but then again it had been happening for about a month,ever since he caught her dancing with "the moonlight shining in her blue-black hair,her light blue eyes smiling in happiness." Those were Poseidon's words, but if it were Amphitrite speaking she would have said she was "dancing to 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey with her hair loose and her feet bare."
"So you will be," Poseidon then let go of her and swam around her,creating a tiny whirlwind.
Amphitrite laughed as the whirlwind spun her around in the water,she felt her legs attached together,she felt her feet go outwards and her ankles go wide and join as one.
It felt weird - and blissful too.It was like a puppy saying "I Love You."
She felt her clothes slip off of her.Embarrassed, she covered herself.
"Open you eyes,my beautiful Amphitrite."
Amphitrite opened her eyes and stared down at her legs and smiled joyfully.
A blue-purplish fin replaced her legs.The fin stopped at her hips and sprouted shortly in blue and purple.
"Oh,it's so beautiful Poseidon, is it permanent?" she asked.Despite what was waiting above,Amphitrite wanted it to be forever.
Poseidon waved his powerful arm around her and smiled."Now it is."
Amphitrite swam up to get her white t-shirt before it can float above the water.She turned around from Poseidon and pulled her arms through it and pulled it down.She then felt a tug of her pink ribbon that held up her blue-black hair.She felt it come loose and her hair float.
"Poseidon!" she shrieked,laughing again.She was in such a joyful mood that she did not want it to end.
She swam as fast as she could, it didn't feel weird,it felt sort of natural.
"Catch me if you can!" He teased as he went around a large boulder.
She quickly intercept him.
She crashed into Poseidon.She felt his arms wrap around her.She felt her arms grab on the back on his hair,rubbing on the blond silk.
Amphitrite kissed him.But something went wrong,the arms no longer supported her,instead they were trying to push her away.
"I-I-I c-can't," he stammered,trying to block her lips.
"Well,why not?" she asked.
"Amphitrite,baby,when a teen god falls in love in love with a mortal,it's OK.But when a teen god kisses a mortal or the mortal kisses the teen god the mortal is no longer human,they are a goddess.Same thing happens with goddesses."
Amphitrite blinked,taking it all in.Then she smiled.
"Poseidon,look at me," she put a gentle hand on her lover's face."Poseidon...I love you.I want to be your companion in the sea,I want to experience all the good and bad times with you.Poseidon....kiss me."
Poseidon looked like an little kid,his blue eyes were tinkling with adoration and were very unsure.
Amphitride held his face and guided it closer towards her.
Kisses, Amphitrite thought.They are wonderful and great.They are the opening of a new door of love,all you have to do is find the key.
Poseidon backed away from Amphitrite,his aquamarine eyes were wide.He ran his fingers through his blond hair."Do you know what this means?"
"Yes," Amphitrite whispered."I am a goddess."
Amphitrite felt tired all of an sudden."Poseidon," she said as she swam to him."I don't feel very goddess-like.I feel tired."
Poseidon laughed."Let's get you above water."
"" Amphitrite protest.
"Oh,that depends if you want to have a fin and a tail in dry land."
"Well, I don't want a tail in 'dry land'" she said as she swam back into his arms.
"Fine," Poseidon said. "I'll do all the work. Just relax," he continued, his voice became warming and alluring.All at once he knew what he was doing, he was inspiring her. But only he didn't do any actions that Amphitrite wanted to follow. To gods and goddesses,inspiring meant influencing a mortal.
But before Amphitrite could protest,she felt her legs go weak and... melt.Well, it was sort of like it was melting. Just for a moment,she felt her legs turn into nothing,but it didn't feel like it.
Amphitrite stared down at her ivory legs, she looked up and smiled at the gorgeous god before her.
"Come, my love," he held out a hand, Amphitrite blushed and grabbed his hand.
Suddenly, she started spinning around. Scared, she clutched Poseidon's shoulders, closing her eyes. She felt like she was being lifted in the air.
"Poseidon!!" She screamed, startled. A warm hand ran up and down her back, instantly soothing her.
"Shh," Poseidon murmured in her ear," My beautiful goddess, I'm getting you home, we can talk about this when we get home, okay?"
Amphitrite nodded against his chest. "Poseidon?" She asked.
"Yes, gorgeous?" He said, and laughed as she blushed.
"I love you," she said, sighing.
"Amphitrite, You don't even know how much I love you," He declared, kissing the top of his soul mate's head.

Mythology school

"Poseidon?" Amphitrite shot up, a layer of sweat covering her face and neck.
"Yes?" The god's voice was across the room. Amphitrite squinted her eyes at the clock, trying to shake the sleep off her. It was 11:48!! Her parents are going to have a cow in the morning!!! Amphitrite was suppose to pick up her sisters from the airport because they had a slight delay because of the heavy rain that was outside, they were probably waiting there, planning ways to kill Amphitrite. But it wasn't Amphitrite's fault! No way, Jose!! It was Poseidon's fault! He was on the beach, leaning against a tree, with his Khaki board shorts on, his button shirt loose, showing his abs, his wet hair shining like gold. His aquamarine eyes twinkling. He was just so cute...
Amphitrite snapped out of flashback. She winced as her dad hollered. She took the covers off her and went in hallway.
Her room was in the middle of the hallway, with the mahogany staircase on the left her, the banister in front traveled until you got to staircase, then it went down turning into a rail.
Poseidon appeared next to her, hands in his pockets.
"What the hell do you think your doing?", Amphitrite hissed.
Poseidon ignored her and ran to the top off the staircase, Amphitrite kept up with him.
She put a hand on his chest." Again I ask,What.The. Hell.Are.You.Doing?"
Poseidon shook his head. "Amphitrite, I tired of getting you on trouble. Your my girlfriend, no, erase that, your my soul mate, And even though we met a month ago, I know that your the one don't ever forget it."
With that, Poseidon grabbed Amphitrite"s shoulders and smashed his lips to her's.
He pulled away reluctantly, but was grinning like a greedy leprechaun.
He went downstairs, Amphitrite followed quiet;y, her mind still in a haze from the kiss.
"Who in the world are you suppose to be young man?" Amphitrite's dad yelled. That snapped her out of her state.
"Hi, Mr.Hewerts, how are you," Poseidon said. His voice was cool and calm, Amphitrite can almost imagine Poseidon leaning against the statue of an angel.
"AMPHITRITE, GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!!!!!!!" Amphitrite's dad yelled, Amphitrite cringed and slowly slouched down the stairs.
Amphitrite's house was beautiful it was painted a light grey that Amphitrite thought was depressing but the light blue trimmings went well with it. There were portraits of stormy seas and ships and sea animals jumping from the ocean, it decorated her house artistically. The marble floors were a a whitish-grey with tiny silver flecks. Five statues were created especially for the Hewerts.
But Amphitrite was not rich like her classmates thought she was. This house was in the will of her grandmother, who was a kind soul that had died of diabetes.
Amphitrite went to the white, creamy sectional where her parents were seated. Her sisters were leaning against the wall, looking half-peeved and half-awed with their soaking wet hair clinging to their backs.
"Hi Carla, Diana, Dayla, Heather and Flaya." Amphitrite said, her voice was quiet from the tension in the room.
The sisters glared back at her, "Hi Amy." Carla, Diana, Dayla and Heather said. Amphitrite cringed again at the mention of her nickname. Amy always had minimum respect for her sister because of their cruel treatment about her.
Carla was the oldest one at 20 years old, Carla was beautiful with dark blonde hair she inherited from Mom, she had blue eyes that were covered with mascara and eyeliner. She wore a navy blue peacoat that was black from the heavy rain.
Dayla was the second oldest with electric blue hair that she dyed, she had hazel contacts and a snake bite. She was wearing her tweety bird raincoat. Dayla was Amy's favorite sister because of here mysterious, rebellious attitude. She and Flaya were always the closest to her.
Heather was the 3rd oldest, she had black hair that was the same as Amy's and big brown eyes that were magnified by her red circle-rimmed glasses. She was the nerd of the Hewerts sister clan but she had a big heart and was a big flirt, she smiled at Poseidon and flipped her hair.
Amy walked to Poseidon's side and grabbed his hand. Poseidon smirked and kissed her on her cheek.
"Who is this?" Amy's dad demanded. His face had turned red and his mustache was doing that weird twitchy thing.
"This is Poseidon,dad, he is my boyfriend." Amphitrite said. Her hands were shaking slightly as she looked at her parents.
Amphitrite's dad, Roger, was forty-six with wrinkles that were slight he had a big mustache that tickled when you kissed it. He had short salt-pepper hair and blue eyes that twinkled when he laughed.
Amphitrite's mom, Tanya, was thirty-seven with no wrinkles at all, she had almond-shape eyes that were brown, her frost blonde hair was tied in a bun and she had a bunch of

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