Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The Heart by rose1699 .books (best way to read an ebook .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Heart by rose1699 .books (best way to read an ebook .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author rose1699 .books


This story is about a girl named Carrie Johnson who is taken away from her parents for who knows what reason.  The laws say in this world that when you turn sixteen you will be taken away from your parents to live a whole new life and this life would be totally different then the one you had before. You never get to see your families again. But Carrie has another reason why she must leave this kind of life because her parents needed her. Poor Carrie then realizes that the people who took her away from her parents are the case of her little brother Ethen's death. He was only fourteen years old when he died and it scared her family forever. As she lives in her new life things start to come together and she trys to find out the truth about the black armored men. She has to get out of there to find the truth about this government and stop them before they hurt or kill anyone else. With the help with her new friends they gather together to fine out what is really going on. What they don't know is where they live is the only place where they can stay. If they try to leave they will be killed and burned. Carrie has a mission to do and with the help of her dead brother and the locket he gave her she might save her people. The question is..... How far can they go?


Publication Date: 02-28-2014

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