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Book online «The Stranger by Ophelia Lacroix (bearly read books .TXT) 📖». Author Ophelia Lacroix

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The Stranger in my Dreams

I would be in a maze. I could never be able to find my way out; I’d be terrified from being in such a place, all alone with no one to comfort me. It’d be so dark… So mysterious. Sometimes, I would give up on finding a way out. I would stay in one spot for what felt like hours, curled into the side of the dark shrubs that surrounded me. I would cry; silent sobs, begging for reassurance. But then right as the darkness began to petrify me, he arrived. He always found me. I looked up at his beautiful, shining face; awakening from my hollow shell filled with shadows and fear, which then filled with warmth and light from his precious smile. I wasn’t alone at that moment. I realized that he would always find me. This boy was always as mysterious as the maze itself. He had never spoken a word to me, only caressed my cheeks with his warm, comforting hands; and then I woke.


I was your average high school student, just a guy with a purpose of making it through the day. I worked hard on my studies, falling asleep after every long day. I didn’t have much time to acquire a social life; I’ve never had any friends. The only person that ever interacted with me would be the stranger in my dreams. That beautiful, breath-taking stranger. The one who’s dark black hair looks as smooth and slick as a midnight black cat. His pale skin enlightening the darkness as his bright cherry red eyes pierce the shadows of the night. I wanted to see him, no- I needed to see him. I needed to know his name, his purpose. Why he found me in such a dark place. Or maybe I just needed to stop worrying about him so much; after all, he was in my dreams. That must have meant that he was simply a figment of my imagination. If only I could’ve convinced myself that he wasn’t real. If only I could have believed that he has always been just made up in my head. If only I thought that was the truth; it would have make things so much easier.

I was lying in bed, and I couldn’t get his face out of my mind. Weren’t memories of dreams supposed to fade over time? Instead, I was getting a sharper image of his face every day, every minute, and every second. I continued to tell myself things like, ‘I need to stop thinking about this. It won’t change anything.’ But in all actuality… is that really true?




There I was, back in the maze. I ran my finger tips along the shrubs, smelling the fresh night-time breeze. I felt the damp, moist air gently blow against my skin; my dark brown eyes blended in with the darkness. The feeling of an hour had passed by, and I started to panic. More time, more hours passed. By then I was sweating, looking up into the sky trying to find my way by looking at the stars. All I saw was the moon shining bright against my face. I stopped walking, feeling unmotivated. Alone. I sat against the shrubs, running my fingers through my moonlit blond hair. I was scared. I felt the tears well up, and I then placed my head in my hands crying slowly; I wanted the stranger to come…


Another hour had passed. There was still no sign of the stranger. I thought to myself, ‘where is he…’ as my pathetic excuse for crying escalated into sobs. After another hour of weeping he was still not there. I started shaking, not being able to handle the loneliness. I wanted to wake up, until he finally appeared; panting. I looked up at him.

“Where were you…?” I said trembling from the fear. That fear slowly subsiding upon his presence.

He just frowned, shaking his head. He sat next to me, not saying a word. Just looking up into the beautiful night sky, smiling. I swear at that moment, I haven’t seen anything as beautiful as the moonlight allowing his skin to glow. His red eyes were calm; he was the most peaceful being I’ve ever seen in the 16 years of my life… Then he looked at me. I could hear my heart beating as his watchful gaze began to shield me from the fear and darkness. My eyes met his. At that moment, I felt as if it was only him and I in the world; this world where the maze never ends. He then reached into his pocket, and pulled out a pocket watch, and handed it to me. I took his gift, and he closed his eyes for a second. Then opened them again as he slowly placed his hand upon my shoulder. I reached my hand up to touch his, until I felt my mouth curving into a smile; something that hadn’t happened for as long as I can remember. I paused at the sensation of peace and happiness, and then continued to reach for his hand. But the moment I got not even an inch away from it, I fluttered open my eyes to see my own ceiling. I found myself lying in my bed, just like I was when I’d fallen asleep.


I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom to wash my face. When I looked into the mirror, I didn’t look as tired and gloomy as I always did; I looked happy. I thought that was a bit strange, but what I found in my pocket was a lot stranger. The pocket watch. I stared at it in disbelief; there was no possible way I was able to bring it back from my dream world. Was he real after all? That stranger, the maze, the beautiful night aura, was all that real? I opened the watch, seeing engraved letters on the inside of the lid.

“Stay… With… Me…?” I read aloud.

I didn’t understand, what did all this mean? Where was it coming from? I thought to myself that maybe- just maybe- that I wasn’t dreaming. That just sounded absurd, there’s no way that was even humanly possible. It had to have been a dream. But at the same time, that was the exact watch he had given to me; I just didn’t understand anything. I placed the watch down on the counter and leaned over the sink, placing my head in my hands in frustration and confusion. Soon enough, I came back to my senses and continued getting myself ready for the day. Later that morning I had to attend school. I hated that dreadful place. I just wanted to live in my dreams forever, and ever. Then I’d be with him, I would’ve been able to stay with him, just like that watch told me to.


When I got to school people ignored me as always. I made my way through my classes wanting to get back home. After what felt like years, I was finally in my last period class. We never did anything in there, it was art after all. Pretty much every day was a ‘free draw day’. I drew a picture of my dream. The shrubs, the maze… Him. Hearing the bell ring snapped me out of my daze. When I saw what a crappy job I did, I angrily crumpled up the paper and threw it away on my way out the door. I walked down the halls, heading out toward my car, by the time I got to it; I looked into the sky and saw that there was more than likely going to be a storm tonight. I leaned against my car and just admired the sight, most kids hated the clouds, and how dark it looks when it’s about to rain, but I loved it. It was absolutely beautiful to me. I stood there for a few more minutes, until I felt the first drop of rain trickle off my nose, giving me a tickling sensation. I got in, and started my car, driving home.


I walked through my front door, and suddenly got depressed. I missed my mother. I never knew my dad, since he passed when I was such a young age. But my mom, she died when I was twelve, yeah, it was four years ago, but the memories were still fresh in my mind. Everything happens for a reason I supposed. I shrugged off the empty feeling, and threw my backpack over the back of the couch in the living room, then walked straight into my bedroom and fell onto my bed, falling asleep shortly after. That day was an exhausting one.


Sure enough, I was in that maze again. That time I didn’t even bother searching for a way out, so I decided to just sit against one of the shrubs and stare into the beautiful, night sky. After what felt like a few minutes, a light started slowly heading toward me. I looked over, hoping to get a better look at it, and I saw it had wings and a face. I was generally confused; I didn’t know what to do. It was getting closer, and closer. I slowly started to stand up when the small creature flew right into my forehead, and fell to the ground with a slight squeal. I picked up the little thing by the wings.

“Ow… Sorry…” The creature said. “I’ve always been a little clumsy.”

“It’s okay,” I looked up and down the little creature that was no bigger than my index finger. “Who- what are you?”

“I’m a fairy of course!” He exclaimed. “I’ve come here to lead you out of the maze!”

I was surprised, since I was trying to figure a way out of here for years. It made sense that I would find another creature here eventually; and a fairy at that. Well, what else am I going to expect, maybe he’ll lead me to where that stranger is.

I nodded, and let the fairy go. “Alright,” I clenched my fist. “Let’s go.”

He started flying through a pathway that I never thought of going before. “Follow me!” I did as I was told and followed him.


It got boring after awhile, but after what felt like hours, we made it to this empty field. The fairy flew away somewhere, and I started to look around. The grass was standing tall, dark green needles poking into the night. The moon illuminating every inch of the land. Dazed by the beautiful atmosphere, I slowly started walking through the field. I was so busy that I didn’t even see him standing there, that beautiful being. That stranger. He was breathtaking, just innocently standing there, smiling as a butterfly gently landed on his finger. He smiled sweetly at it, and then let it go. He slowly turned his head into my direction, and smiled at me sincerely, snapping me out of my trance. He walked over to me, and sat down, his legs stretched out. He was looking up at me as if he was expecting me to do something.

I blushed slightly. “Uh… Hi.” I smiled sheepishly, waving a little.

He then laughed at my gesture, a laugh so pure and filled with joy. He grabbed my hand, forcing me down to sit on his lap, facing him.

I was blushing madly by then, “What are you-” He cut me off by placing his finger on my lips, and wrapping his arm around my waist.

“What’s your name…?” I asked softly, and awkwardly ran my fingers up to feel his hair. I had wanted to do that for awhile; just to see if it was as soft as it looked.

He looked me in the eyes, “Koda.” He said gently. “And yours is Jeremy.”

I was surprised. “How do you know my

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