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By Jones M (@ohmyjones on Bookrix and Wattpad)




Hi, everyone! So, this is my book.

Kindly refrain from copying the plot or else you’ll hear from the authorities.

Also, this book may be a bit fanfic since it has Selena Gomez in it.

Also, it is all fiction. I personally do not hate any celebrity in this book. In fact, I love them.

Anyone bearing the names of characters in this book should know that it is all coincidental.


Moreover, this book is rated R for mature situations, i.e short descriptions of sexual arousal, few scenes of violence and a couple of cuss words. This book may also cause angst towards the end.


Anyway, enjoy!




Table of Contents






Emery's P.O.V

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Be--!

I stretched out my hand, reaching for the damned annoying alarm clock and turning it off. I groaned as I continued to lie on the bed, slowly waking up to gain enough energy to get up. After a while, I got up and sat on the bed.

My eyes blinked as they slowly tried to accommodate the view of my surroundings. I soon found myself staring at one of the plain navy blue walls of my room that was partially filled with sticky notes about school stuff. A yawn escaped my lips as I slowly got up from my bed.

Ruffling my bed hair, I turned to face my bed. With a bored look, I used my telekinesis powers to remake my bed. The sheets lifted themselves as they rearranged and smoothened on the bed. In a few seconds, the bed looked as good as new. I soon walked out of my room and into the bathroom to get ready for the day. 

My name is Emery Davis, and I am a 17-year-old witch. That is not something that I usually share with people around me, especially because the reaction will always be negative. I did so and used my powers once when I was in middle school. 

Let's just say the school had a pizza shower in class and my mom was utterly pissed.

I live in a quaint little home in Louisiana with my mother. She too is a witch. It had always been the two of us ever since my father passed away when I was twelve. We took it pretty hard, but we had each other. In time, we managed to move on. My father's death was caused by a huge threat to all witches. Her name was Eva, and I would rather not talk about the woman who resembles the devil. The good thing is that she ended up in a black hole which leads to probably an endless void of darkness.

After I was done showering and fully dressed for school, I began making my way down the stairs to the kitchen. I heard movement, indicating that my mother was awake.

"Good mor—" I was interrupted when I skipped a stair and felt the world tilt around me. I closed my eyes, awaiting the agony I would experience when I would tumble down the stairs. However, I felt nothing. I slowly opened my eyes, and they widened in shock. My world was slightly tilted, not the way I commonly saw it. I looked down and realized that my face was a few centimeters from colliding with a stair. I immediately felt scared.

"Mom!" I called out. I heard her rushed footsteps as she exited the kitchen and came to me. A sudden sound of glass shattering echoed through the room as her footsteps ceased before she continued her approach towards me.

"Honey, are you okay?" her worried voice carried through the air as she helped me regain my footing.

"I'm okay," I said with a sigh once I safely planted my feet on the ground.

"What happened?" my mom's brown eyes searched mine with her worry lines barely leaving her face.

"I don't know," I replied. "In one moment, I was walking down the stairs. In the next, I tripped and almost fell."

A look of confusion etched on my mother's face. She stretched out her hand to tug at some strands of her blond hair. It was a common thing she did when she tried to understand something.

"You were levitating!" she said with a smile. I looked at her with a look that screamed 'what?'.

"Is this a regular thing for a witch to do?" I inquired. 

"No, it is not. If my memory serves me correct, it was your father who could levitate..." she said with a smile as her eyes fixed on something away from me. Her smile then turned into a frown.

"...and Eva."

Way to bring down the mood, mother.

She shook her head and changed the subject.

"Time for breakfast. Hurry now before you are late for school."

My mother and I proceeded to the dining room. After finishing our breakfast, we walked out of the house. We got in her gray car, and she started our drive to my school. My heart thudded as I suddenly felt anxious. I tried my best to block the feeling.

"Honey, what is that on your hand?" my mother asked. I looked down at my left hand, the one she was currently pointing at, and momentarily froze. There was a small fresh cut on the wrist.

"It's nothing," I said with a fake comforting smile as I tugged at the shirt sleeve to cover the cut. "I accidentally cut myself with my locker yesterday when I was rushing out of school."

She nodded her head, instantly dropping the subject. I was glad she did because I was not looking forward to explaining what had really happened. 

We soon arrived at the school parking lot. Other students like me were either milling around or were walking towards the school entrance. Some looked at me with an emotion I could distinguish as pity, but my mother didn't notice.

"Have a good day, sweetie," she said as I got out of the car.

"You too, mom. Love you," I replied with a smile.

"Love you, too," she said as she drove off. The smile I had worn instantly dropped as if it weighed a ton. My gaze turned towards the horrendous building called 'school'. I started my approach towards the entrance. I tried taking deep breaths to avoid having a nervous breakdown. 

As I got in the school hallway, the atmosphere changed. Everyone began to back off, giving me space to frolic around if I wanted. Unfortunately for me, that was not the case.

My feet stopped suddenly as my eyes zeroed in on my living and breathing nightmares. They went by the names of Harry, Ethan, Liam, Logan and Zane. They were the cause of the fresh cut on my hand. They were the ones who made me dread coming to school in the first place. 

Scratch that; they made me scared of school. 

The five of them had been tormenting me ever since I enrolled. It also didn't help the matter that they were boys, all five of them. I would have liked to think that they all came from problematic families. But all five of them? That was highly unlikely.

People tried to help me, but it was futile. They ended up with beatings that almost killed them. The boys didn't care who they hit, except if they were girls. They would just threaten them and scare them away even though they wouldn't act on their threats. 

It was ironic that they didn't hit a girl and I was a girl! 

To summarize my point, nobody could stop the five from doing what they wanted. Lucky were the rest of the school population, for they were safe. I was the damned bullies' punching bag. Because of them, I never had any friends and was made an outcast.

"Hey bitch!" my mind was instantly brought back to the present. My eyes focused on a figure with dark brown curls and golden-green eyes. Harry was the leader of the group. His posse was right behind him, sending me cocky smirks. It was sad that he and the rest of the boys were handsome and European. From what I heard, their families had moved to America for unknown reasons. I would have been crushing on the boys, but seeing the current circumstances, I did not see that happening anytime soon.

I went to move away from them, but Harry backed me to the locker. He went to deliver a blow to my face, but the bell suddenly rang. I was glad that it had. It saved me from an unwanted early morning beating. Harry stopped the fist from connecting with my face. He looked at me with so much anger, reminding me of the fear I felt around him. My hand itched to form a fireball, but I simmered down the angry witch that wanted to fry the boys in front of everyone. 

I wondered how I would explain that to the police.

"Don't be so smug, bitch," Harry said before delivering a punch to my stomach. I doubled over, my stomach threatening to heave out the breakfast I had not more than an hour ago.

"Consider that a prelude of what would happen today," he said with an evil smirk as he and his gang left me. I grasped my knees, hunching my form as I tried to take in deep breaths to control the urge to puke.  It took a while, and twenty minutes later, I found myself approaching my History class. It was a good thing that the teacher was not in yet. It was also a good thing that I didn't share the class with any of my bullies. 

I, unfortunately, had the displeasure of sharing two classes with them.

I made my way to my usual seat in the class

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