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Book online «And The Heavens Fell Silent by Maria Louise (beach read TXT) 📖». Author Maria Louise

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(B4 reading understand that this is only the rough draft and will have MANY errors.)
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them-Matthew


I lived in a world of pain, darkness, and fear. Hatred was the foundations of the new world.
Things like marriage, honor, trust and faith, were nothing but faded memories from the past.
Some say our world was never pure. They believe that before the solar flare destroyed over half the planet, the world was still evil. But I deny their beliefs. When I was young my mother taught me how to read, which was a rare thing in that day’s society. I learned from the hundreds of books I had collected over the years, that though the world was still plagued by war, it was once built upon faith.
Every bible throughout the remaining parts of the world was supposed to be destroyed. When the the solar flare came about the human race blamed God and forsaken him, turning to a much darker god. A god that promised more power and no rules. One that offered sweet sympathy and suggests.
The Devil.
Even though it was punishable by death if caught reading a bible, when I was only seven years of age, Mama had snuck me an old “unholy” bible. I kept it secret, and read every night with mother. I drank in every word thirsty for more, until the bitter sweet writing was written into my mind. The bible taught me how to act and be kind. How to live with love instead of hatred. It had taught me how to be human, instead of the wicked animal ways the people around me seemed to be living.
I believe there is still hope for the corrupt world. Why else would only half the planet be destroyed? I believe God was giving the human race one last chance for redemption. A chance I will fight for until my soul leaves the flesh, and maybe even after that.


Wake me up gently, or I will wake up on the wrong side of the bed-Proverbs 27:14


I woke up sprawled on my old moth munched mattress with my long legs and arms thrown about awkwardly. The blistering evening sun shone through my murky window and beat down on my flesh, making perspiration pool between my breasts where my hulk necklace lay, and the dip above my upper lip. Licking the salty sweat off of my lip I arched my back and stretched like a cat would, that is if there were anymore cats left alive. The last cat I saw was when I was ten years old, after that the villagers food supply began to decrease, thus the absence of cats, aka, shish catbobs.
In mid stretch I realized my old beat up comic book was stuck to my thigh. I had fallen asleep reading it, again. It was an addiction really, my reading problem. I had a sickness, though I was sure there were much worse addictions I could have. I was relieved that mine was only a comic book indulgence and not a human sacrifice lust which seemed to plague most my village.
I peeled the comic book off of my sweaty thigh and let out a moan. All that was left of hulk was a large green ink blob, both on the thin paper and my leg. Hmm, It looked as though I turning into the green hulk myself, though I always imagined I would either be pink or red. I did that a lot. Imagined myself being someone else, anyone else. I pictured myself in another world with different problems and trials. Dealing with imaginary evil was much easier than handling my own demons in the flesh. Anything was better than looking how I did and living where I was.
I shook my head banishing the melodramatic thoughts. Don't be such a whiner, I chided myself. It could be worse, you could be the shish kabob...
Yes, it could always get a lot worse in the village of Semper nox.
I groaned at my bitter humor. “So it is going to be one of those days, huh?”
“You know, i've heard that talking to yourself is one of the first signs of insanity.” came a flute like voice from the corner of my room. I gasped, surprised to see my Mama's small frame balled up in my chair.
“Says the woman who's constantly trying to turn my horse into stake.” I shot back, groggily crossing my arms over my chest.
“It’s only because your sweet little kitty cat tasted so darn good.” Mama chirped.
I shot out of bed. “Mother! You said he ran away!”
“No sweetie, I said he was gone, you simply assumed. Didn’t you ever wonder where those delicious meat pies came from?”
Sadly, my mother was insane. I'm not saying that because she, on occasion, chopped up my pets. But, oh, I loved my Mama. It did not matter to me that she was crazy, though 17 years of her preaching to me about the creatures that came about from the solar flare, became tedious. She believed that there were creatures that were once human but now were mutated beasts from the radiation of the flare. Not to mention the fact that she was always telling me that I was supposedly the spon of a demon. I may strike fear into people with the abnormal way I looked, but demons did not roam the earth. Ah, mother, my best friend and most eccentric story teller.
I began quickly pulling on my brown leather pants and comfy tank top. With most human beings going extinct, and an old strip mall about five miles away, clothing and books were a surplus.
As I heard my mother's footsteps clicking out of my bedroom where she was snooping, I began pulling on the rest of my outfit. Tall lace up boots and a large hot, black cloak to cover my body and a hood to cover the most noticeable features, my hair and face.
The usual temperature in Colorado was 110 and I was still condemned to wear a cloak. Well, it was either that or start a town riot.

Shoulders hunched, head down, hood drawn, I slipped down the road, seen by none. The bucket in my hand clanked against my leg as I scurried to the local well.
I had just made it to the watering hole when I heard snickering and whistling behind me.
“Hey, hey! Look who finally decided to crawl out of her den! The freak flare girl!” Laughing followed the taunt. I felt sick. No doubt was the cruel words meant towards me. I ignored the group behind me and quickly began filling up the water bucket. My hands shook, sloshing the murky water on the ground. Too many times had I been assaulted by the villagers.
“Oh, look boys, shes scared! Her poor hands are shaking, do you want your mommy to come protect you, huh? Oh wait, she's a crazy old hag! Can't even tie her own shoes!”
I felt a harsh shove on my back and I stumbled but quickly regained my footing.
I brought my free hand up to my chest and tangled it around my old hulk necklace. Through that I drew strength and my anger faded. I too was quick to anger like my favorite comic book villain/hero, but had never done anything about my anger. I was always in control. Partly because the intensity of my anger scared me. No, I would not grow ten feet and turn green, but I felt a madness in me that had never been awakened. Who knows, maybe I was just insane like my mother?
I spun around to meet my attackers though I already knew who it was. The town's youngest gang, or cult I should say, as they did practice the death rituals. They were no older than me, bloodthirsty, and blocking my path.
My lips drew downward. I did not know what it was but If there was a rattlesnake within a mile of me, i'd step on it.
“P-please move.” I mumbled, looking hard to the ground. Making eye contact with them was like putting fire to gasoline.
“And what will ya give us in return, freak girl?” sneered the bald leader of the gang. “I might like to try a freak. These other girls they're getting a little boring ya see...”
Would these men, no, boys, really do to me the corrupt desires they had in mind? My stomach turned at the thought. What had happened to their innocence, their very being that willed them to believe that rape was okay? In what world could such sickness pollute their hearts? Acid boiled in my gut.
This world.
My hands began to shake even more. With helpless sorrow for these boys more than anger. I could almost feel my heart twist in agony for them.
I had no time to react when the leader of the cult grasped my arm and brushed off my hood. Though I was still looking down I could see them all flinch as if it hurt to look at me. I was unnatural. I was a freak.
“Uh, you don't want her man. You could do better, any other girl in the village. Uh, lets just go, she's too weird man. Lets, um, go.” said a acne sacred guy to the right of the bald leeder. I could hear the fear in his voice.
“I’ll be back for you, freak! Just wait. You'll see.” Said the leader, nervously trying to regain his pride. I knew he would be back, they always did return, but then would leave again in fear the second my face was revealed.
Looking down into the bucket of water I saw the girl looking back at me. I did not know who this demonic faced girl was, she was only a mask I was born with. Forced to wear. I should have been thankful of this face, it was her that had protected me for years, but I feared the girl, maybe even more then the villagers did.
Eyes the color of fire, burned down into the water. Hair even more ferocious and burning like the depths of hell. Beauty so profound and shocking, it was terible.
I closed my eyes and dremt I was someone else.

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