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Book online «An Ocean View by Giselle Thompson (snow like ashes series txt) 📖». Author Giselle Thompson

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An Ocean View - a discovery
Just another sunny day in Rose Heart School of Knowledge a 17 year old named Arriadnee a tall girl with deep almond brown eyes with long dark brown curly hair was going through her normal routine of fetching her books from her locker for her next class history with miss manner, now miss manner was a quiet sort of soul she always had a gentle smile when she greeted you as you entered her class she was small in height with light brown hair scooped up into a neat bun the first thing you would notice about her was her emerald-green eyes they always had a kind of sparkle in them. She was one of my favorite teachers.
Arriadnee was making her way towards history and she ended up bumping in to Tuluria her best friend. Tuluria was out going and spontaneous girl who passive voice with beauty everyone always wanted her to be their friend but she was never into the popularity contests people tried to put her in. “oh hi Arriadnee what’s your next class I’ve just come from science so lame” Tuluria said “history I can’t wait I love miss manners class she so nice and she actually helps you when you get stuck” said Arriadnee “ Yeh I no what you mean most of the teachers here just say work it out yourself I’m in history as well I’ll meet you there I’ve just realized I left my history book in my locker” replied Tuluria “OK” Arriadnee shouted back and she went on to class.
When Arriadnee arrived at history as she excepted miss manner gave her a sweet inviting smile and Arriadnee made her way to her seat got her books out a waited for class to begin.Tuluria jus arrived before miss manner went to close the door which was lucky because miss manner was kind yet firm and would not take no misbehavior in her class. “Right class I would like to do something different today. I want you all to find out your history of your family trees. Find out were your family come from, what they worked as etc a 20 000 word essay. This will go towards your exam papers and counts for 50% of your grade in history you have 4 weeks to gather information on your school holidays. If you have any problems let me no I’ll be glad to help” said Miss Manner. The class started to note all the things miss manner said would help with the project. Soon it was the end of the day and it was time to go home.
Arriadnee and Tuluria made their way towards the school gates talking about how they were both going to their project and how are they going to manage to fit it all into 20, 000 words. They walked toward their school bus stop waited for the number 5 bus. As they waited the usual crowd started to gather round Tuluria so Arriadnee slipped of to the side and was wrapped in her own thoughts of her family she didn’t no much about them. She lived with her mum called Annaleese who was tall with long light brown straight hair and almond brown eyes just like Arriadnee’s her dad died when she was 13 and she didn’t no much about his family ever really she never thought to ask.
The bus soon arrived and then they all piled on, Arriadnee saw that Tuluria was still in conversation with a group of devoted fans Arriadnee liked to call them. So Arriadnee was lost in thought about her family and wondering what she would find out. The bus came to several stops and the bus started to clear gradually until there were only Arriadnee and the driver left. Arriadnee lived far away near the coast of the island san el toreros. The island was quite big for a small island it was sunny most days but for some weird reason Arriadnee noticed stormy weather when she was stressed or really upset. But as she got older she just forgot about it because it felt normal to her. So the bus came to a Holt at her stop and she got of the bus to start a slow walk up the beach to were her house was.
“Hello mum are you ready for the latest at school” shouted Arriadnee to her mother. As she always told her mum everything because there was only Arriadnee and her mum left since she didn’t know her grandparents. They had passed away before she was born and after her father died she grew so close to her mum they shared everything together to help each other through the days. She went into the living room and saw her mother sitting there with a magazine in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.” What’s up love tell me what you’ve been up to today” Annaleese said behind the magazine. “Well miss manner our history teacher set us a project to do an essay which is 50% our grade and it’s on our family tree” replied Arriadnee at that moment Annaleese dropped the cup of tea all down herself. It caught Arriadnee by surprise “what’s wrong mum” said Arriadnee. “I think I have a lot of information you need to know and a lot you have to find out yourself on your 18th birthday. First of all you need to know that Georgio is not your real father. I was pregnant when I met him I was young and it wasn’t the right thing to do being with child with out marriage. But I knew him growing up and we did grow to love each other and it was the best thing at that time but he was not the love of my life and he would never be that does not mean I didn’t love and care about him deeply” answered Annaleese “so who is my real father then mum?” demanded Arriadnee.
“Well his name is Odyssey and I met him when I was 18, me and some friends were partying on a beach in south san el toreros. And everyone had finished up and gone home and I just wanted to stay and watch the waves in the moon light. It felt so calming, a guy that was at the party came over I hadn’t noticed him till then. When he came over he told me his name he called himself (Dessy) for short. I suppose he thought it was cool which I thought it did. He had a look about him gentle yet strong sensitive yet masculine, we decided to meet every night. Then we promised to be together know matter what but it never ended up like that because your father was no average boy. The day I fell pregnant he said he had to leave that if he set eyes on our child something bad would happen to him. So we decided to meet one last time on the beach were we first meet and when it was time to leave. dessy went towards the ocean I was nervous but he told me to trust him as he went in to the water he started to glow bright, white light was all around him and the suddenly he jumped in the air and were they was legs was now a silver fin. I couldn’t believe my eyes I ran in the sea after him he then said that he would come back to us when you turn 18 because that’s when his kind become adults some report your going to have” Annaleese sighed to her daughter Arriadnee didn’t know what to say so much information in such a short time here’s her thinking she’s got a bank robber or a murderer in her family tree no she has merpeople.
Arriadnee excused herself from the living room and went up stairs to her bedroom to get changed. she then texted her friend Tuluria to come and meet her by melody bay, Five minutes away from Arriadnee’s house and ten minutes from Tuluria’s house. She let her mum know where she was going and set off up the beach, it was early evening and the sun was slowly drifting into the distant horizon Arriadnee stopped to take it all in she loved how the sun meet the water like a leaf falling on to a pond and the gentle waves were more like ripples it was so poetic it brought a slight tear to her eye. When she was near the sea she always felt whole and when she was away from it she long to be near it again. Arriadnee made frequent visits to melody bay she loved to sing there it made her heart fill with warmth as she did. And the waves sounded like an echo back to her she’d sit there for hours writing or singing it was the one thing she liked to do by herself because people would act weird when she sung in public.
She sang on stage in her drama class once and all the pupils started to pair up and dance like they were slow dancing at a party and when she stopped no one knew what had happened only Arriadnee and her best friend Tuluria she shared all her secrets with Tuluria she had known her all her life and she felt like she was the only one in and out of school who understood her besides her mum of course. She sat there and hummed to herself while she waited to tell her friend the latest on her weird far from normal life. she was only there a few minutes and Tuluria came up the bay she had a grace about her like nothing would phase her in life Arriadnee always admired Tuluria for that. “Why did you want to meet so soon after we just seen each other at school?” Tuluria questioned. “well its about are school family tree project I’ve found out some interesting facts I fought you would love to hear but if you don’t want to we could do it another time Arriadnee sarcastically replied. “Go on then let me have it” Tuluria giggled. “ok then well I got home and told my mum about the school project and she spilt her cup of tea all down her and she seemed shocked at the news I just gave her she then sat me down and told me that Georgio is not my father a guy called Odyssey is and get this he’s not just any guy he’s a merman. And he’s not even seen me and my mum said that we would both meet him again for the first time for me on my 18th birthday” Arriadnee explained “ But that’s tomorrow oh my goodness” a shocked Tuluria replied. “I know I’m pretty nervous I don’t know what I’m going to say to him, what questions to ask I’m so confused.” Said Arriadnee “well I think you will be ok I reckon the questions will come to you, when you see him don’t worry too much you don’t want a storm on you birthday now do you?” said Tuluria. “Yeh your right do you mind singing with me for a bit?” asked Arriadnee. Yeh of course you know you’re the only person id sing with in the world plus I need to release a bit of stress myself” Tuluria said with a smile.
For some reason Tuluria was the only person that didn’t go in to dance mode when she sang, it was weird like she was immune to it. After a couple of hours singing, chatting and singing some more Arriadnee decided they

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