Amber Cinder Chronicels by Olivia Resse (little bear else holmelund minarik txt) ๐

- Author: Olivia Resse
Book online ยซAmber Cinder Chronicels by Olivia Resse (little bear else holmelund minarik txt) ๐ยป. Author Olivia Resse
White fur glistened beneath moonlight I could feel
the power of every muscele clenching and unclenching under her boody. The air around her quivered, suddenly I felt sick my body slowly eating away at itself. Those eyes were no longer her own; now only shrouded with anger and bloodlust how could this have ever happened? how cold i have dragged her into this taintingly beatiful sinful world of mine. I have lost her, my love . The guilt, the pain, it all forced its way into my mind.
Death is a Game
Rain pattered across my skin as I leisurly mached up the rotting stone stairs of a miscellaneous health agency.Forks,Washington the town was small, an insignifigant blotch on the map, full of average insignifigant people, perfect to stray the path of a group of human police I had caught the attention of a few towns back. I hadn't grazed a human establisment in so many days; I had blatantly avoided their kind; with their false sense of saftey in their towns and that annoying habit of thinking they were superior. Both digusted and intrigued me. But tonight I wanted to torrent a horrible death to a human... any human.... on a whim, I laughed hollowly 'God am I sick'.
How many moons had I gone without any human contact.The time seemed to fly in this damned body of mine, I smiled ruefully it didn't matter now; the sun seemed to hide from my presence beneath dark clouds. I could feel the moon begining to replace the sun... The way I liked it. I ignored the sloshing sound of my soaked clothes as I eaisly heaved the metal door opeen.
When had I stopped feeling the fear of death? The human lives I had ended, the lives I had lived seemed so... useless. Uneeded, unwanted wasteful things, short, filled with sex and empty promises.
Mabye when I realized that, was when I had lost all value for living life. I smiled blankly at that thought my hand tapping impatiently on cracked hardwood, I watched silently as the middle-aged woman wrapped up her coversation. She stared pointedly at me her round dark eyes watching me from her desk with slight annoyance at my dripping clothes and hair.
Her features were off, her pointy nose and low cheekbones enhanced her fish-like face, obviously she had gone into plastic surgery. I tilted my head sending her a false smile. My own annyoance rose slighty as she hooked the phone her prunish lips smacking as she spoke.
"So hon' whadda want it's gettin late ya know and all appointments are ova' now?" she said lazily twisting a bleached blonde lock from her face.
"I know, You see I have some problems" I said coldly eyeing the clock behind her shoulder "I'm only seconds away from doing something very regretful" I whispered darkly.
Her hand froze on the desk and quivered slightly "I-I don't understand" she said making and effort to remain calm.
I pushed a strnd of white hair behind my ear I narrowed my eyes. The full moon was nearly uncovered by the clouds despite the raging storm outside. "Good now no one will hear this poor gullible woman die" I thought, simply smiling as if a joke was just told.
"Well, in this situation more regretful for you" I corrected my own unnatural acid green eyes probing her quivering ones,
her smile turned falsely humorous as she took in my frail apperance, but I felt her heart throb in her ribcage pumping blood faster through her veins I could almost the taste adrinaline in her body.
I felt myself sneer; I knew exactly what she would do her mind would foucus on self-preservation, something she would not get tonight. Then she'd beg or go into a fit of rage, her pathetic human emotions would go haywire; causing panic. They are so predictible.I would feel little remorse for this one.
I leaned foward "let me spell it out" I hissed "D..I..E.." I ginned, I felt my chest begining to cave filling with a new heart... an animalistic one. All coherant thought I possesed flew out the window when I shifted.
I liked of felling of not thinking of not felling regret when slaughtering the young. But... the renewed regret every dawn once I came down from my sadistic wolfish high was... almost smothering.
Everything was crimson the edges of my vision blurred and melded with my second consciousness.
I faintly heard a strangled blood filled screech.
Let the massacre begin.
The moon has many enimes
I saw red beneath my eyelids, light, and groaned, my forearm coming up to shield my still night-foucused sight.
It landed with a sickening ssquelch, I felt the unnervingly familiar sting of blood stain my lips, I spat sitting bolt upright and examined myself wads of chemically enhanced blonde hair stuck to my hands, erratic splatters of dark blood wrapped around my body. I resisted the urge to vomit at the rotten smell of torn flesh.
An invoulintary gurgle bubbled in the back of my throat, my head fell back against a tree, nose turned away from the claustrophobic scent
Text: All self made characters,and imagination fueled writings in this book are property of the author and are not to be stolen or published by Any means without his/or/her permission.Also any relation to any characters,events,settings,literature or any other self owned property is a coencidense or a respectful use of an authors work. Please do not be offended if you see hints of your work in this story. (Please don't steal it is annoying and takes the hardwork out of the story that I put in.)
Publication Date: 11-21-2011
All Rights Reserved
Stephine Meyer really gave so much to this book and not just that she gave so much to the world. With her awe inspiring books and beautiful movies she should be an inspiration to all. Also I would like to give a huge thanks to my friends Jordin and Hailey and my family if they hadn't pushed me to write I wouldn't be here now giving this to Bookrix.
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