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This series is dedicated to my friends and family. I have so many people to thank for believing in me.


Velvet… yes the night was just that… velvet. The sky was clear…yet there were no stars, and the moon was shining brightly against the darkness… just velvet.

The air was warm with that uncertain spring chill. Zuda was walking through the streets of the Midnight Market when she first laid eyes on the shadowy figure that seemed to be in every semi-lit corner of the city. Many times she had walked those very streets where the “weird” merchants sold unique and rare items at superior deals that the daylight merchants refused to sell at their booths and tents.

Zuda stepped into Kira’s Spells and Cauldrons and began browsing through the new water spell books. Once again she noticed the figure. She paid for her book and went home.

Zuda was a bright 22 year old with fair skin and black hair not to mention her eyes were the most icy blue you could ever imagine.

She walked into her tiny apartment and locked the door. She was met by Jakarby her two year old pit-bull. Jakarby was an amazing 80 pounds and jet black with a powder white belly and tip on his tail. “Oh Jakarby…” she said as she bent over to rub his belly. She grabbed her new book and made her way to her favorite beanbag chair. Jakarby laid his head in her lap just as he had done since he was just a pup.

About fifteen minutes after she heard a knock at the door. She put down her book and got up to answer it. She opened the chain lock as far as it would allow “Hello? Hello?” she shrugged her shoulders and shut her door. As she stepped back towards her chair there was yet another knock at the door. “Seriously?” she looked at Jakarby and went to answer the door again. This time she opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.

At the end of the hall she once again saw the shadowy figure from the market. Scared and confused she ran back into her apartment. She locked her door and ran to her bed to jump under the covers. Jakarby jumped up and buried himself under the remaining covers Zuda had somehow managed to miss. After a while of contemplating what had happened she finally fell asleep.

A few weeks passed and she had almost forgot about that shadowy figure she had saw at the market. It was about 8:30 that evening and she decided that she would take Jakarby with her since she was still nervous about going to the market alone. Jakarby loved going, and had not gone for quite some time. She dug out her blue and silver cloak and Jakarby sapphire and onyx studded harness that she had spent a small fortune acquiring from one of the merchants that just happened to be passing through. 11:15 rolled around as they headed out. 37th street was a good two miles from her apartment, and she figured she could mosey since it had been a while since they had made the trip.

“Well…” she said as she looked at her pup “…we should go see Mr. Bogbottom.” Jakarby perked up and got excited. He knew there would be warm dragonweed cookies waiting for him when they got there. “I should tell him and see…” she stopped mid sentence to find the shadowy figure not more than an arms length in front of her. Jakarby sat behind her and gave a small whimper. “Who are you?” she demanded. The figure turned and vanished.

Scared almost senseless she ran the remaining three blocks to Mr. Bogbottom’s Alchemy tent. She had been going to see him for about five years and trusted his theories of medicine. They finally made it through the tiny opening of his tent. “What’s the hurry child?” Mr. Bogbottom said turning his head towards the door. “Jakarby!!” he continued pulling a dragonweed cookie from his pocket. Jakarby sat anxiously as he was tossed the little cookie.

Zuda was still out of breath so Mr. Bogbottom gave Jakarby some attention. A few minutes later she finally managed to compose herself enough to finally tell him what had happened. “Something or someone is…” she was interrupted by a snotty owl named Hulah “…following you?”

Hulah was a pretty barn owl with an amazing gift of speech and the fact that she was psychic also wierded everyone out. “Yes I know..” Mr. Bogbottom paused long enough to toss Hulah a mouse before continuing “..She can be a bit naughty at times. So tell me.. You have yet to speak with this figure?”

Zuda looked up at him “I have tried but it vanished and I got scared and ran here.” Hulah now having been fed was a bit more personable. “Well she really has been chosen..” she said in her usual goody two shoes manner.

Zuda looked confused “ Chosen?! For what?!” she said with a panic rising in her voice.

Mr. Bogbottom walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “In due time child. Come walk with me.”

Zuda trusted him and decided it might be best to leave Jakarby with Hulah. Together they made their way to Sid Murray Lane which was not on Zuda’s list of things to do that night or ever for that matter. “Why in the world are we here?” Zuda looked at Mr. Bogbottom like he had one too many dragonweed cookies.

“We are here to answer some questions. I believe you are ready” Mr. Bogbottom said to her with a smile on his face. They walked to a bronze trimmed door. Mr. Bogbottom took her hand and led her through the door. Noting the fact that they went through a door that was closed at the time did more than just weird her out it actually scared her. As she got to the other side she was in a large room that seemed to be as huge as a city, its cathedral ceiling seemed to reach the very clouds in the sky. She noticed many shadowy figures carrying books and talking to each other. “This is a school…right?”

Zuda felt relieved to see Mr. Bogbottom smile and nod even though her stomach felt like she should be nervous. “Mr. Bogbottom!! Your cloak!!” she watched in amazement as his market attire magically change to a midnight blue robe adorned with golden tassels.

“You are right Zuda but you must realize this is no ordinary school.”

They walked to a room with a single shadowy figure that looked exactly like the one who had been apparently following her. As they moved closer the figure slowly removed its hood. A tall beautiful woman emerged from under the ebony cape. “Zuda, I am Celia. Come, please sit so we can talk.” she motioned to the chair with her outstretched hand. Zuda was surprised to see such a beautiful person.

Mr. Bogbottom looked at his watch and quickly said “Oh goodness I am late. Students can’t learn without a teacher. Celia will help you and I will see you in a bit.” Zuda smiled and with a flip of his robe he vanished.

Zuda focused back on Celia and caught herself staring. Celia smiled and with a comforting tone spoke to her. “you have never seen an elf I see. I am the headmistress here.”

Zuda quickly asked “And where exactly is here?” Celia smiled once again and raised her arms as if to embrace all the air in the room. “This is Sid Murray University” at this time Celia materialized two ruby goblets filled with tea. She handed one to Zuda. “ I have been watching you for a while now and hope I have not frightened you too badly. I have tried to contact you without being seen but someone else is also looking for you and they unfortunately do not have your best interest at heart.” Zuda now knew what her tummy had been trying to tell her. Celia continued “You have been chosen for something no human being or animal should have to face, and it is of most importance you listen and do what I tell you to do.”

Zuda slammed her goblet on the table, nearly shattering the delicate glass. “ I did not ask to be here! What are you talking about?!”

Celia stood up and looked at her in a stern manner. “You have much to learn about yourself before you can learn anything else. You and Jakarby will come live here at the campus!” and with that Celia raised her arms and in a flash Zuda was sitting in her favorite beanbag chair with Jakarby fast asleep in her lap. The time on her clock read 11:45pm. She jumped up startled and extremely confused. A note was lying on the floor under her mail slot. She picked it up and read it out loud. “Midnight Market…2 AM…Thursday….Stir Cross Alley” Zuda crumpled the paper and checked her room for anything or anyone else creepy. She locked her window and door and climbed into bed. Jakarby snuggled up to her and they fell asleep.

Zuda woke up late the next morning. She reached over to get her glass of water but in its place was the note. Not crumpled but just as it was when she found it lying on her floor the night before. “This is not possible!” she said as she picked up the note and tore it into pieces. As the pieces fell to the floor they reattached and reformed the note. This time she picked it up and put it in her bag.

Zuda worked at the Daylight Market with her mother. They sold many different blankets and beaded tapestries her mother and sisters made. Zuda did not make very much money there but was happy not having to work the cliche 9 to 5 job. She got to Isabella’s Tapestries around 10:30 and was more than an hour late.

“Zuda are you ill? You are never late and you look like you had a rough night.” Isabella walked over to feel her daughters head.

“I’m ok. I just got a lot on my mind and I have not been sleeping well.” Zuda gave her mother a smile and sat down behind the counter with her book to wait for customers. The day seemed to drag out for an eternity. Finally around closing time a man walked in and Isabella greeted him. He was expressionless and cold in appearance and about 32 years of age.

“Are you Zuda?” he spoke in a dark tone staring directly at Zuda. She gasped and a look of panic crossed her face.

Isabella sternly spoke to the man. “I am sorry but you need to leave.” The man turned and as he left he muttered three words “Stir Cross Alley”. Zuda broke into tears as her mother flipped the door closed to show that her tent was closed. She walked over to her daughter and pulled her close. “Zuda, who was that? Are you n trouble?”

“No I am not in trouble and I don’t know who that was”

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