Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป my vampire protector by Kyara Abell (best classic literature TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซmy vampire protector by Kyara Abell (best classic literature TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Kyara Abell

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It was a regular just ended and its summer break.Not that there's a lot of sun here.i was walking home when someone tapped me i turned to find my ex-best friend. Jessica Ralph."hey"she said
"what do you want Jessica?"i asked not caring if she answered or not.
"well i-"i interrupted her.
"let me translate.GO AWAY."she had that coming after what she did shes lucky i didn't hit her then and there.
"please i know it was stupid and i'm sorry-"i cut her off again.
"no your not you say it and never mean it.I know because i knew you since kindergarten and you went and did that to me!you made my boyfriend cheat on me for three months!God what do you expect me to do huh forgive you for it!"i yelled
i stomped away still furious and i was mumbling to myself when i hit into something so hard i almost fell.until strong hands caught me.
"oh i'm so sorry i didn't see you there"a soft voice said.i looked up and was was Cole Sterling. i had a crush on him since 3rd grade knowing that i couldn't have him i went out with other people.people thought he was hot.but no one really ever talked to him or his parents they thought they were weird.they all wore these weird necklesses that made them look like they were in a cult.even though he wasn't they never seemed to age i mean Cole did but unless you knew him long enough he seemed to stay the same.He was so hot.he had jet black hair and blue eyes that looked bluer then the ocean itself.he was tall taller then me and i'm 5'3 and wereing yeah.
"are you okay?"he asked gazing down at me and snapping me out of my thoughts.
"yeah fine sorry all my fault."i said
"no i should have saw you i'm sorry."he said "wait a minute.are you Chloe Rhinestone?"he asked
"yeah"i answered
"i knew you looked fimilar.I'm Cole Sterling. we were in 3rd grade together."he prompted.
"yeah i know who your are"i giggled and he looked at me different like he was looking at something that might disappear he held it to tight.
"well okay at least i already knew you were clumsy" he said laughing tightly taking his hands off me and stepping back an inch.
"yup,still am"i giggled again and he seemed dazed."well i gotta get going really nice talking to you again"i pointed in the direction i was going.
"i'm going that way too you mind if i walk with you?"he asked
"no not at all"i smiled way to big but didn't care he was really walking me home!
we were half way down the block when i heard someone yell "Chloe" now i was mad. Cole turned the same time i did.
"what do you want Aiden" i said icily. Cole seemed to notice he stepped closer to me and put his arm protectively around me.i could die happy right now.
"not-nothing" he shuddered looking at Cole's muscles no doubt they were huge.i used to crush on Aiden when i met Cole that died then and there."i saw your dad but your mom wasn't there he asked me were you were i bought you some time but hes looking in the neighborhood for you now in a white nelson.hurry and you might not run into him."
"thanks"i said blankly.and ran for the corner.


okay so liking Chloe the way i did never put me in good posions.but it never changed how much i cared for her.even if she never felt that way.its impossible i mean i'm a vampire how could she care for someone not even living!it was dumb but seeing her again i know i can never ignore her anymore. i only did that because i knew if i didn't i would whined up kissing her and falling more just to hurt her by not being what she deserved.i hated myself for that.when that "Aiden" came calling her like that and she talked so coldly i felt the need to make sure he knew if he hurt her i would personally take it my hands to make sure that's the last thing he does from now on.i knew i had no right to be over protective as i was but i couldn't help it i knew i was in love with her and if anyone hurt her. i couldn't stand the thought.that's why i was scared for her of why she would stay away from her father and mother then i dint think i acted. i ran down the block after her caught her on the corner and asked her"why don't you want to see your dad and your mom?"
she looked at me with such a torched expression it made my heart turn."please Cole i don't want them to see me"she replied so scared it was abnormal i pulled her into the house on the house.i looked down at her at said"no ones talk"whatever was wrong i wanted to fix it. to make her feel safe with me.
"okay"she hesitated."their not the nicest people.they were very"she stopped took a breath and then said"abusive."she put her hand under her blonde side bangs she got in 5th grade. i removed her hand and found a scare that looked like she got cut by glass.she stepped back and shuddered.i just moved closer to her.i was mad and thought if i ever found out who did that they would pay sincerely."what happened who did this to you?"i asked
she looked at me as if i missed something i almost ran out the door to hunt her parents down when i saw her face.she was scared.not of me but the thought of her being alone while her father and mother could find i took her hand and walked into the living room and sat as close as i could and said"so lets talk about it and i know you want to."
"okay i don't know anymore if they find me they will hurt me."she said close to tears
"why doesn't your step parents get a restraining order against them"i said confused this shouldn't be happening to her.
"they don't know"she said softly.
"because if i ever told anyone about what they used to do to me they said they'd hurt me even more"she said
"what did they do to you they cut you with something right or did they beat you?"i asked trying to be calm because she needed me here.
"he hit me.or he would yell for no reason one day he threw me into and when i fought back i scratched him in the face.he broke a liquor bottle over my head and glass cut my face."she said about to cry.
"oh my god!and you got bangs to cover it up.that was in......."i trailed off.
"5th grade i know"she said trying to fight the tears.then she couldn't hold it back anymore.she was sobbing.i hated to see her cry i took her in my lap and cradled her to my chest.then the door rang 15 minutes later i got up to answer was her father and I was able to smell her mother in the car.
"who are you" i asked trying to act like i never knew him and it worked.
"i'm here to pick up Chloe."he said. his breath smelled as if he was drinking alot.
"shes not here"i said
so fast i berly saw he tried to rip me out of my house i ducked hit him in the face and he fell back.i slammed the door and ran to Chloe realizing her father is a vampire.and she is part vampire.i wondered how but i ran quickly to her finding her trembling on the floor must have heard the conversation.i picked her up carrying her to my car whispering "its fine.its gonna be fine.i'm gonna keep you safe their not gonna touch.or see you i promise."
she was shaking and i knew they would find her if she did this route of going home and out with friends.i was not going to let her out of my sight unless her father was gone for good.


when i heard my dads voice i had a panic attack or something but i couldn't move besides my uncontrollable shaking.when Cole picked me up and tried too calm me down i thought it was sweet and maybe.just maybe he was starting to like me.but i was ahead of that i was in love with him.he was carrying me to his car.he put me in the passenger side of his car.jumped in the drivers seat and speed-ed off to my house."you know where i live?"i asked him shakily.
"yes"he admitted."he knows where you live now"he said causally.
"what?"i yelled
"its okay i'm not letting him get anywhere near you"he said furiously.
"you don't know him he'll find away and i don't want him to hurt you." i said touched he would really play bodyguard for me.But it would only be my father my mom went along because she was scared.
"look, i go home hes gonna kill me in my sleep at least drop me off at my friends' house."i yelled.
"like i said i'm not letting you out of my sight."he said in a loud voice.
"well then what am i gonna do even if you do help me why would you want would be getting you hurt and we were never really friends we knew each other in 3rd grade that's it!why would anyone help me i mean come on Cole have you not noticed all the scars besides the one under my eye!they were noticeable and no one did anything they ask how i got it and i would run crying.he did so much to me.i tried telling people they told "stop lying you know he loves you."well he didn't if he did that sure as hell wasn't the way to show it Cole."i yelled ruining out of breath i stopped.he looked at me his face sad.
"i'm so sorry Chloe i should have done something to help sooner should have notice bruises i just thought because you were

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Free ebook ยซmy vampire protector by Kyara Abell (best classic literature TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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