Read books online » Fantasy » His ace, His spade by theneverwars666 (novels for beginners txt) 📖

Book online «His ace, His spade by theneverwars666 (novels for beginners txt) 📖». Author theneverwars666

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Chapter One ............ The party.....?
Chapter Two ............ It begins.....?
Chapter Three........... The truth.....?
Chapter Four............ The start of their beginning.....?

Chapter one...... The party.....?

He awoke to find his room lit up by the TV. He looked over to where the TV was placed and found his 17 year old step brother playing a horrid video game. This horrid game that his step brother was playing was “Satan’s Bloody Warfare 3.” A game that gave him nightmares for two whole months after he watched his step brother play it.
He tried to go back to bed but the back of his eyelids were assaulted the graphic horror scenes that were part of the game. He turned around and covered his head with the blanket. He heard his step brother chuckle softly. So he decided to cover his ears. Sure he was 13 but that had nothing to do with the fact that scary things scared him. He also had this uncanny feeling for his stepbrother that he labeled as hatred. He hated a lot of things though… scary things. He really also hated that uncanny feeling that he thought to be hatred for his stepbrother.
But he kind of understood why he thought he hated his stepbrother. He was a bully! His stepbrother would threaten to beat people up for nothing. He didn’t understand it at all, but he couldn’t do anything about it. That was because his step brother was his legal guardian do to the fact that his mom and his stepdad had died just 3 weeks ago.
He got up and grabbed his blanket and pillow. He began to leave the room when his step brother grabbed his leg. He looked back and found a sinister look upon his stepbrothers face. A smile that meant punishment… for what, he knew not what of.
His step brother got up after pausing his game. His stepbrother leaned over and began whispering in his ear.
“<< You know what I should do to you? >>” his step brother whispered in Japanese.
He shoke his head, for he could not find his voice.
“<< No?, Of course not, Naru. You never know! We are alone and I could do anything!>>” his stepbrother said then began to nibble on Naru’s ear lobe.
Something was wrong!!!!
“<< K-k-kaname… S-s-stop.>>” Naru stuttered.
His body was longing for Kaname to do more and he did not like the feeling.
“<< Oh!, You want me to stop? >>” Kaname asked.
“<< Yes, please. >>” Naru said.
But instead of stopping Kaname picked Naru up and began kissing his neck. Naru did but did not like what was going on. All of a sudden Kaname dropped Naru and went back to his game.
“<< Go into the garage and in my car there is a silver briefcase. Open the briefcase and put on what is in it. If you don’t I will force you into wearing it! Got that, Naru? >>”
Naru did what kaname said without saying a word for he knew Kaname’s words were true. He went into the garage. He went to Kaname’s car and found the briefcase. He went into the house and went into the bathroom. He changed into the clothes that were in the case. It was very, very, very short shorts and a halter top that was in a rainbow. Before he put the clothes on he got in the shower and shaved his legs, his armpits, and then his arms. A knock came to the door
“<< Don’t forget to put on eyeliner… hope you shaved. >>”
Naru didn’t answer. Why should he. He pulled on the shorts without putting on underwear. No one would notice for he had yet to mature like his stepbrother had. As he began to put on the halter top Kaname came in. he glared at Naru then walked out.
What is his problem??? Seriously I have never seen him like this before. It is beginning to scare the fuck out of me!!! Naru thought to himself.
He walked out of the bathroom after he put on his eyeliner and changed all of his piercings into ones that matched his halter. He had brushed his hair to cover his cursed eye. The eye that belonged to his ace. For all he was, was a spade that had no say about his fate or destiny. He heard the door bell ring and went to go check it to see who it was, but before he even got to the door Kaname snooke up behind him picking him up. Naru squealed than he began to laugh. It was more of a nervous giggle than anything. Kaname snuggled into Naru’s neck and bit him.
“<< You are mine got that!!! And if anyone answers pretend you don’t know what they are saying even if they can speak Japanese… mmmmmm you are yummy!>>” Kaname said then put him down. He couldn’t believe that he had just said that to Naru, his little brother in which he could have no sexual relationship with. But luckily Naru knew nothing about that type of relationship.
Kaname put down Naru and smiled a gentle smile.”<<We are to have a party here today. Do not be alarmed by how many people will be here. Just be a good boy and stay at my side at all times. >>”
Naru nodded pretending to understand what Kaname had just said. He really didn’t care about how many people were to be there

Chapter Two ......It begins.....?

Naru sat there wondering what to do for he knew not what was going to happen. As he sat there he stared at Kaname because he looked eerily beautiful talking to the person that had rung the doorbell. Naru felt jealousy as he watched them. He was smiling and he even laughed, something he could never get Kaname to do. As he watched his jealousy turned to rage. Here he was looking like a transvestite whore, and all kaname did was look and talk to the person. Unfortunately he did understand what they were saying, sort of. Certain words he could not understand.
Naru got up and began to storm out of the room.
“<< Naru, what are you doing? Didn’t I tell you that you had to stay by my side? >>” Kaname said
Naru rolled his eyes and turned towards Kaname. He switched his tongue to Latin. “<< Only if my fate wills it! >>”
Kaname’s face flickered an emotion of rage. NO one should have known what Naru said for he was the last to understand Latin. He was told so by the doctors.
Oh, oh no! I can’t believe this there is no way he could have known what I said. Could it be??? No, no. There is no way!
Kaname came at Naru and grabbed him by the arms. Then he kissed Naru full on the lips. He stuck his tongue in Naru’s mouth and Naru let him. Every minute that they kissed it was an aggressive and possessive one. When Kaname stopped them saliva ran down Naru’s chin. Kaname licked the saliva off of Naru’s chin.
“<< Never again shall I here you say those words to me! You have no fucking right for I am your guardian! If you ever dare to say those words to me than you’ll regret it>>” Kaname said
“Dues volt.” If god wills it.
Kaname back handed Naru on the face. Naru’s hair moved away from his eye when he looked at kaname. There, it was an ice blue eye that had tears in it. Kaname looked at Nar in horror as if he were a freak. Than Naru turned and ran out of the room with tears blurring his vision. He didn’t even hear the footsteps behind him. The next thing he knew he was in his room locking the door. Banging came to the door. Naru jumped and he hid under the bed. He didn’t deserve what was probably going to happen. All of a sudden the door was open. Not even broken down or anything.

Chapter Three ..... The truth.....?

Naru held his breath waiting for whatever was to come. Someone sat on his bed. He could tell because the metal squeaked. As he waited he heard something he never thought he would ever hear.
“<< Naru, I am really sorry. I am so sorry. I should have never hit you and I should never have looked at you like that… I am sorry! Please come back to me. >>” kaname said in a whisper.
There was no way he could forgive Kaname. He had sealed with that for too long by his mother. There was no way he was going to deal with that ever again. Naru began to cry again but he didn’t let a single sob escape his lips. Then he heard Kaname get off the bed. He got on the floor and looked under the bed. He found Naru there. Naru scooted back so his side touched the wall. When he looked at Kaname he found a pair of mismatched eyes. Something that wasn’t there before. Something that freaked Naru out but made him feel happy. Kaname’s eyes were the mirror image of Naru’s.
Naru crawled out from under the bed and looked into Kaname’s eyes. They were his but they were Kaname’s. Kaname grabbed Naru and picked him up. He laid him

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