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Book online «Lying In The Dark by theneverwars666 (reading fiction .txt) 📖». Author theneverwars666

Lying In The Dark

Today was to be a good day for him but everything went downhill. First he had to go to his “master’s” house and then he had to run errands as the man. To him it was irritating because he basically had no life do to his situation. But no matter what he did it seemed as if his “master” had eyes and ears on him at all times. It was a pain. But he got used to it but today really pissed him off. How could his “master” just totally forget that today was the anniversary of his parents’ death? How?, it was totally impossible. But then again if you are rich you can forget anything you wanted and could get away with it. But today he wasn’t going to deal with what his so called master’s problems. He was gonna make the master deal with the problems himself.
So he went to the cemetery his parent’s were buried at. He cleaned the tomb stone and the pedestal. He set down the flowers he had bought on the way to the burial site. There was no way he could not get his parents something. Even after four years of them being gone. But he could deal somehow. He didn’t know how though. As he sat there praying to his parents in heaven he heard something off in the distance. Something inhuman but he knew he did not imagine it. He knew because it wasn’t from the outside distance, it was his inner distance. He would have to go soon before whatever was coming got him.
As he sat there for a little longer he tried to track the unwanted presence. He could not find it till it was too late. The person or thing was right behind him six feet off. He knew the presence though, it was a shinigami. A god of death. He looked up at the sky and noticed it had gone gray. Then he saw a face in the clouds. His master’s face. He quickly got up without the shinigami noticing and he threw his hidden knife. He got the shinigami right in the forehead. He was down like a balloon. Then he began to run straight to his master’s house. He would be able to reach it soon because he wasn’t like other middle school boys. No he was altered. He was level “A” demon half spawn.
He got there in less than 2 minutes. There in the house there was a huge fight. Demon hunters where fighting his master’s men and his master was nowhere to be seen. As soon as he noticed he began to freak out. There was going to be a huge punishment if he found his master alive. He was gonna get the darkness treatment. He was going to be extremely punished. He used his speed of the demon he began to look for his master. He found his master in the back room sleeping peacefully. He almost didn’t want to wake him up. But he had to. He had to get him to safety.
He began to shake his master awake but that would not wake him up. Than he remembered that to wake him he would have to do something weird. So he got of his uniform and put on the kimono that was used for their special nights. He left it open at the top and the bottom. Then he sat next to his masters’ head. He called his name.
“Light-san, Light-san! Look at me. I want you!” he said waking his master up.
His master opened his eyes slowly and he found him with the kimono on.
“MMMMMM… what a wonderful way to wake up Shadow-chan. You should do this for me every time you wake me up.” He said moving his hand to Shadows thigh and moving upwards.
“AH…… we can’t right now! We have to go! If we don’t then the house will be taken by the demon hunters!” he said to his master.
His master than got up and looked sternly at him.
“You didn’t do as I asked! You went somewhere else? With whom? What did you do? You better not have any marks from this person! I will punish you once we get into safety!” his master said glaring at him.
Shadow then got his master dressed in a suit and himself in a woman’s kimono in less than 3 minutes. He got them out of the house quickly and into a car that would take them into seclusion. Shadow was Lights “escort” in this get away scheme. As soon as they got to the secluded area the driver left and Light and Shadow walked up the long driveway to an old mansion that they used in the winter and summer. Clothes and everything needed was already there as if the house keeper knew that they were coming. But of course he would. He was a close friend to Light. Than as they got to Lights room Light had Shadow take everything off. From the head to his toes. Luckily he didn’t need to wear a wig because his hair was already long and was easy to put up for it went to the back of his knees.
Shadow did as he was told and even took out his hair. Light smiled a ferocious smile and then he gave Shadow a demand.
“Shadow, lay down and open your legs.” Light said angrily.
“Y-Y-Yes, sir!” Light said as he laid down on the bed that was really big. He opened his legs wide but covered his area. “Please be gentle to me!”
Light laughed maliciously and took off his suit jacket, shirt and opened his pants. “How sad he isn’t up! Get him up!”
“How do I do that sir?” Shadow asked. This was a first. Before his was already up and they only looked at each other’s or jacked off looking at each other’s areas. But today was so different. This was the biggest punishment ever.
“Use your mouth. Suck on my cock!” Light said aggressively.
Shadow moved to his hands and knees and then crawled over to Light. He took Lights cock into his hands and licked the tip of it. Then he put in his mouth. He tried not using his teeth but he didn’t know how. But it didn’t seem to bother Light. In fact it seemed he actually liked it better that way. Light put his hand on the back of Shadows head and pushed his head forward making his cock go further into Shadows mouth. Shadow began to gag and began to cry, this was horrible.
Light pushed Shadows head back and found that he was up. “Go back there and lay down!’’
Shadow did so still crying. He laid down on the bed and spreaded his legs wide. Light got on the bed naked and then kidded Shadow. Shadow kissed back and the next thing he knew there was a finger in his ass. He knew because Light was putting in another. Shadow moaned loudly and called out Lights name.
“AH. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. L-L-L-Lig-……Light. I want you inside o-o-o-of m-m-m-m-me!” Shadow couldn’t believe that he just said that. But it got Light going in fact it got him bigger. He was bigger!
“I am going to stick it in! It is going to hurt. Okay?’’ Light said no longer angry.
“O-o-o-okay. H-h-h-hurry!”
That was when Light shoved himself inside of Shadow without any worry. Shadow moaned loudly and couldn’t help but dig his nails into Lights back. As he did that it got Light going faster and harder. Shadow kept on moaning and moaning not caring about how he sounded even if it embarrassed him in front of Light.
Shadow felt each thrust as Light rammed himself inside of Shadow. As they kept going everything began to go blissful. Even the pain. As Light came inside of Shadow, Shadow came also.
“AH!” Light and Shadow moaned as they came together.
“That was amazing my little Shadow! We should do this more often. Hahahahaha I can’t believe you actually let me ram into you like that!”
“Just let me get my strength back before we ever do that again. You took almost everything from me!”
“I am so sorry but it was fun and you have to agree because you where moaning so beautifully for me.”
“Please don’t say that ever again!”
“Ah but don’t you see? Your voice while moaning is like a siren singing for a pirate to jump into the ocean to be with her forever.”
Shadow blushed deeply then covered his face and made a funny noise. He couldn’t believe that Light had just paid him a compliment while they were lying in the dark in an unknown place. It made Shadow feel like his actual role was being fulfilled as he was having sex with the most beautiful man in all of East Precursed Islands. Light laid down next to Shadow and brought him closer. He whispered four words into Shadow’s ear.
“Will you marry me?”
Shadow’s eyes went big than he smiled. His mission had been completed that he set for himself. To find someone who would love him no matter what and he would be able to protect the person too.
“Yes I will marry you!”


Publication Date: 08-16-2012

All Rights Reserved

to the one who told me it was hard to read.

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