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Chapter 1 (Fault) Kyliss

CHAPTER 1 (fault) Kyliss
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mr. Kelps shouted at me, I jumped almost spilling what I was holding; I spun around to look at him.
“I’m doing nothing…” I squeaked looking wide eyed at him.
“Then why are you in the lab after bedtime?”
“I-I couldn’t sleep, and I wanted to check out something that’s going to help me with my project that I’m working on with James,” I said trying to put down the chemical tub that I was holding.
“What‘s in that?” Mr. Kelps asked.
“Mmm, nothing…” I lied; it was really a tub of Kildraine blood that James and I were doing an experiment on.
“You’re lying, Boy,” He said walking over to me, and snatched the test tube, he put in up to his nose then sniffed it. (BTW you should never do that). I saw his eyes widen. “Kyliss Mike Carter!” He shouted in anger.
“Yeah,” I whimpered knowing I would probably get in trouble over this, and man I really don’t want that to happen.
“What in God’s name are you doing with… with THIS!” He shouted, he probably couldn’t think of anything better to call it, “This Stuff?”
“Umm,” Said I trying to think of some excuse,” Well, uh um J-James Malve and I were just curious how different their blood is from ours,”
“And so what’d you find?” he asked a little interested.
“ Well they have this blue Stars like some kind of blue bacteria or what ever that swims through their bloodstream like blood cells, James and I aren’t so certain what it is though,” I explained then glanced up at him, “please don’t tell my parents,”
“I wasn’t even thinking of that Kyliss,” Mr. Kelps said ,” now why don’t you finish up , and then go to bed okay,”
I nodded, Mr. Kelps turned around, and walked away he shut the door behind himself. I waited a minute or two then grabbed the syringe, I pulled the blood out of the tub with it. Then I stuck it in my arm like how doctors do when they take your blood anyway I slowly pushed the Kildraine blood into my bloodstream.
When I was done I packed up and cleaned the things that I was using then left. Okay right now you’re probably thinking why the heck did that kid do that? Now I’ve got an answer that is probably pathetic, but here it is I just wanted to know what would happen.
When I got to my room I saw that James was still playing his video game, so I didn’t bother telling him about what I had done. Anyway I was going to tell him tomorrow during class so that he won’t really freak out; it was both of our idea anyway. I walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed; I brushed my teeth, and washed my face then got into pajamas.
I walked out to James and mine room. I walked over to the T.V James was playing, and shut it down.
“Kyliss!” he shouted,” I was in the middle of that,”
“You can finish it tomorrow after school,” I retorted,” lets go to bed,”
“Oh fine, you could have at least let me save it,”
“James, you were playing on line,” I said, James groaned as he stood up, and got in bed. I walked to the light switch and turned it off.
“Night,” I said, then got in my bed, and fell quickly asleep.

When I awoke the next morning I felt way more tired than usual, my body also felt strange like a strange that I can’t really explain. I rolled over to my bedside table that separated James and my bed from each other , I looked at the clock it said [7:30] Ah man and my classes start at Eight. I going to be so late, I threw my covers off and ran to the bathroom. I vigorously brushed my teeth then as quickly as I could I shaved my beard that wasn’t exactly a full one yet but I kind of would like it to be that way, but I have a few more years till that happens. I rummaged through my closet trying to find some clothing to wear. Grr my blond bangs fell in my blue eyes which annoyed me so I quickly swept them out of my face. I found some clothing that was kind of clean, and put them on then I slipped my vans on, grabbing my school bag and my room key I ran out slightly checking the time which said [7:58] Oh- man I’m so going to be late.
Just as the bell rang, I opened the biology door and walked in out of breath, Mrs. Daunt looked up.” Mr. Carter you may go sit down now,”
“Sorry,” I said, and then looked across the room for my seat near James. FOUND IT! Yes. I walked to the desk and sat down.
“You’re late,” James commented, I made a face at him.
“No thanks to you,” I whispered as the teacher started lecturing us about vampire blood and how it works. A while ago people had found out that all things that we thought didn’t exist; exist like werewolves, vampires, dragons and fairies such. So now in biology we have much more to talk about than just animals, reproductive system and the body structure. Oh and my favorite Genetics. “Anyway I did it,”
“Did what?” James asked stupidly, I raised an eyebrow,” Oh you did I thought I told you I would do it,”
“You also said that I should do it instead,”
“Yeah, well…” James trailed off then his eyes brightened,” hey can you show me?”
So I showed him the mark which was like violet little spider webs slowly climbing up my arm, James gasped.
“It wasn’t like this last night,” I told him as I looked at the mark.
“Class take out your biology put, and flip to pages 98-99,” Mrs. Daunt called to us, I grabbed my text book then flipped it to those exact pages. I turned my attention back to James who was staring out into space; I tapped him to get his attention. James looked at me.
“We’ll check that out tonight or after our classes,” James said then went back to staring out into outer space zoning out.
I really hope this experiment won’t back -fire on us, well mostly me. I could be just fine or become sick or worse just die.
“Kyliss, James?” Mrs. Daunt streaked, everyone cringed, and our heads shot up to look at her.
“Yes?” We asked, looking up at her with innocence.
She looked at us with a scrutinizing glare, she finally said,” What does vampire poison does to us humans?”
“It freezes out blood and eventually it kills us,” I said, I knew I was right because I had studied last night just before I went to the lab.
“You’re correct,” she sounded surprised I even got that correct. She sighed;” very well,” she continued her lecture about the subject.
“How’d you know that?” James whispered I leaned toward him.
“There’s a reason for having textbooks,” I told him.
“I knew I should have been studying,” James groaned.
“Yet you were playing your video game,” I smirked.
I looked up to continue to listen to Mrs. Daunts annoying lecture that I already read about.

After class I ran to the guy’s bathrooms, and threw up in a toilet after I collapsed at it.
“Kyliss,” I heard James call my name, but I just didn’t have enough energy at the moment to answer him, I was sprawled on the bathroom floor. (Which bye the way is very smelly)
I took a piece of toilet paper and wiped my mouth with it then I threw it into the toilet with in doing so I flushed it. I got to my knees then climbed up to where I was standing again, then said “ yeah?” walking out of the bathroom stall, I looked at James who seemed to be very concerned.
“Are you okay?” James asked he looked into my eyes, knowing I couldn’t lie to him when he did so.
“No,” I said,” I’m starting to feel sick.”
James shook his head like he was trying to think but all he ended up saying was.
“This isn’t good,” James said,” Do you think you can make it through the next two classes?”
“Maybe,” I said wearily.
I still was feeling sick, but I decided that it was for the best that I got to my next two classes.
“Okay good then at break we’ll see what’s going on with you, Kay?” James asked I nodded.

During classes I started getting chills; I also developed a horrendous headache. I during school I got my homework done so I didn’t have to do any of it later.
If you haven’t noticed I haven’t exactly mentioned my parents have I? Nope I have not. So I shall tell you, my parents are dead they were killed by vampires, they were killed in front of me I remember when they came when I was five just like it was yesterday..

My mom and dad were getting ready to go to a meeting.
Mom was in the kitchen trying to get everything ready for the babysitter before she came, I was in there with her. My mom was making my favorite dinner pizza of course, she looked over at me and smiled her gray eyes sparkling with happiness. I heard that my parents thought I was going to be a girl so they were going to name me Kayla, but when they found out I was a boy. My parents named me after my grandfather Kyliss Mike Carter if I was born when he was alive I would be called Junior, but he was already gone so I just got his name.
‘ Dear,’ Mom said to me, I looked up at her and grinned,’ could you please get me the cheese from the refrigerator?’
I nodded and followed my mom’s directions and got it for her, she smiled in thanks and opened the package. She spread the cheese on top of the pizza then put it in the oven to let it cook.
Dad came in dressed in his black suit Mom always liked him in, My Dad was fit some would say he was even handsome I suppose. I’ve overheard that I looked like him because of my Blond hair and bright blue eyes, I wasn’t like him though he always would lose his temper easily. I had ADHD, but I never acted out in it plus my parents were homeschooling me so that I didn’t have to be with other kids and get bullied.
Dad smiled at my mom, ‘ Are you ready to go?’
‘I am, now we just have to wait for Emily to get here so that we can go,’ Mom sighed and leaned against the counter. Dad walked over to her and pecked her on the cheek, they smiled. My parents seem to always be in a good mood unless something really irritated me.
‘Hey Dad,’ I said in my five year old voice, He looked at me, ‘Watch,’
I did a handstand and started walking on my hands, then I went back into a bridge and stood.
‘Thats good son,’ he smiled,’ Maybe you’ll be

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