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Book online «WarriorS: Death by SpottedleafWarrior (best 7 inch ereader TXT) 📖». Author SpottedleafWarrior

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Blackstar- Black and white she-cat


Icemoon- White she-cat with blue eyes

Medicine Cat:

Featherdust-Long-haired mottled gray tom Apprentice:



Snowheart- Fluffy white she-cat

Harvestberry- Light brown tom with bright blue eyes

Crystaleye- Grey and white she-cat, Pretty blue eyes Apprentice:


Fireblaze- Dark orange tom with one white paw

Ladyfeather- Bage she-cat with fluffed up tail

Greycloud- Grey tom with a white belly and chest Apprentice:


Waterblaze- Silver tabby she-cat Apprentice:


Tinycloud- Small black tom


: Nightpaw- Black she-cat

Owlpaw- Light brown tom with marks of an owl

Snakepaw- Dark black tom with dark blue eyes

Wildpaw- Orange she-cat with green eyes


Lemonfrost- Orange she-cat with one twisted paw, mother of Fireblaze's kits: Berrykit and Blossomkit


Winterbreeze- White she-cat, One of the oldest cats in ThunderClan

Mistyheart- Silver tabby she-cat with once pretty blue eyes



: Thistlestar- Black and white tom Apprentice: Brownpaw


: None

Medicine Cat:

Spottedflower- Soft, gentle, black and orange she-cat Apprentice: Willowpaw



: Moonstar- Silver she-cat with grey spots on back Apprentice: Angelpaw


: Treeglaze- Light brown tom with forest green eyes

Medicine cat:

Sandfoot- Small but strong brown she-cat, blue eyes



: Mudstar- Dark grey she-cat with pretty amber eyes


: Echodrum- Large white tom with one blue and one green eye Apprentice: Frostpaw

Medicine cat

: Whiskerheart- Black she-cat with long whiskers Apprentice: Hollypaw


: Sunny- Bright orange she-cat with black stripes down her back


A pair of blue eyes glimmered in the moonlight. The earth was covered with white, sparkling snow. The tom stood over a dead body. Wailing was heard throughout the camp. Cats began to appear from hidding and they gasped as they saw the dead body. The tom lifted his tail, and the camp went silent. "Greenmist was a good warrior, let alone, and great deputy. He will always be remembered by ShadowClan." Meowed the tom. He began to speak again, but his voice was shaky, "I say these words before StarClan, that they may hear and approve of my choice..." Spottedflower held her breathe, just incase she missed the new deputy's name. But there was just silence. No words came from Thistlestar's mouth. He backed up, and looked up at his warriors. Then he ran to his den.

"Why didn't he announce the new deputy?" Meowed a she-cat.

"He probably doesn't know who should be deputy." Meowed Spottedflower.The medicine cat walked up to his den, and announced herself. As he answered she looked around and scanned the den for answers. But there was nothing. Then a strong vision came to her. A brown figure was infront her. She backed up to see what it was, then she knew. I know who should be deputy. She thought to herself. "Thistlestar, you need to pick a deputy... And I know who you should pick." She purred.

"I can't pick one!" He hissed, "I just can't."

Instead of giving up, Spottedflower stood up and spoke with rage in her voice, "You only have two more lives left. You can't live without a deputy! Your Clan will dissapear and the cats will all die!"

"I'm not picking a new deputy!" He growled, standing up.

"You have no choice!" Hissed Spottedflower.

"I'm leader! I don't have to listen to you!" Thistlestar hissed back.

"Fine then, let us all die!" She growled, then stomped out of the den.

Chapter One

The river flooded the camp. A long-haired tom jumped up onto a rock with a black she-cat in his mouth. Another cat climbed a tree, and had one kit between her jaws. The kit mewed and layed helplessly on the branch. "Lemonfrost, I have your other kit." A tom said placing the kit down, next to the other.

"Thank you very much." She purred. She backed up and lost her balance. She fell down, into the flooded camp. Greycloud screeched in horror as Lemonfrost drowned. Fireblaze jumped in to save her, but he was too late. He jumped back up onto the branch and tended to the kits, to calm them down.

Blackstar woke up with a jolt. She looked around, and panted hard. It was all just a bad dream. She sighed happily. A summer's breeze blew into Blackstar's den. It ruffled her fur, and she sniffed the air and knew it was morining. She heard footsteps, and sat up to greet them. "Blackstar, it's me, Greycloud and Crystaleye." Meowed a voice.

"Come in... Is there something wrong?" Asked Blackstar. Greycloud sat down and twitched his ear. Crystaleye answered this time, "Well, Greycloud and I think that Snakepaw and Owlpaw are ready to be warriors."

"Have they taken their warrior assessment yet?" Asked Blackstar, looking at Greycloud.

"No... We are taking them out there today for their assessment." Answered Crystaleye. Blackstar nodded her head and looked back at Greycloud. I wonder why he didn't answer me? Thought Blackstar.The two warriors headed out of the den, then stopped at a tree. The night patrol came back, and they had worried looks on their faces. Waterblaze was the leader of the group and led them to Blackstar's den. "I wonder what happened." Meowed Greycloud, more awake then he was this morning.

"I'm not sure, but we have to find Snakepaw and Owlpaw." Meowed Crystaleye.

"Why?" Asked Greycloud, confused.

"Ugh!" Spat Crystaleye, "They are taking their warrior assessment today... Weren't you listening?"

"Oh! Well, in that case.... What are we waiting for? Lets go get those little furballs!" Purred Greycloud bounding toward the apprentice den. Crystaleye rolled her eyes and followed Greycloud.

A furry creature stood on a rock. A brown pelt darted at it. Then something poked him, and the creature ran off. Another something poked him, "Ow!" He meowed, waking up, "I was having the best dream and..."

"Well, now you can have the best hunt!" Growled Crystaleye. Snakepaw opened his eyes and sat up.

"Why do we have to go hunting so early?" Yawned Owlpaw.

"If you keep sleeping, your not going to be a warrior!" Hissed Greycloud, nudging them out of the den. The two apprentices headed toward the old twoleg place. It had wide open spaces, and a towleg nesting place behind a bundle of trees. A sweet smell hit Snakepaw's nostrels. His ears pricked up and he crouched in to hunting postion. "Alright... You may go. Do your best!" Meowed Greycloud. The two apprentices raced off. Snakepaw stalked a little yellow bird, that had landed on the ground. He moved one step closer and the bird took off flying. "Foxdung!" Spat Snakepaw. Another smell hit Snakeapw's nose, but it was rotten. He followed the smell, and came across a river. "That must be RiverClan on the other side." He meowed to himself.

"Who are you?" Hissed a voice.

"I'm Snakepaw... I don't regonize you." He meowed confused.

"That's becasue your in the wrong Clan!" The voice hissed again.

"What is your name?" Asked Snakepaw, staring into the cats bright blue eyes. Before the cat could answer, a grey tom ran down the hill to the two apprentices, "Snakepaw! Get away from here! Owlpaw already caught two mice and a vole... What did you catch?" Growled the tom.

"Nothing." Confessed Snakepaw. The grey tom took his gaze over to the RiverClan apprentice, "Hollypaw, go back to your duties." He meowed calmly. The she-cat nodded and swam to other side. She jumped up onto dry land, and glanced back at Snakepaw. She then pricked her ears up to hear what was going on.

"What were you thinking? You're lucky that was the medicine cat apprentice, or you would have been crowfood!" Growled the tom.

"I'm sorry, Greycloud." Mewed Snakepaw.

"I'm giving you another chance... You better not screw this one up! I'm not giving you a third chance!" Hissed Greycloud, then walked away toward Owlpaw and Crystaleye. Snakepaw looked down, then took short glance at Hollypaw. She quickly looked away and pretended ahe picking some herbs. He ran to the bundle of trees. A rustle came from a bush, and Snakepaw quickly went into hunting postion. His ears were flat on his head and back low to the ground. He was still. Then he saw a little nose pop out. He didn't budge. Then the creature wriggled out and sat up. It was facing the oppostie way of Snakepaw, and probably couldn't smell him. It's a Vole! A large one too. Snakepaw darted at the large vole and bit it's neck down really hard. The vole squeald, then went limp. Snakepaw dragged the large vole up to Greycloud. It was just as big as Snakepaw! "What in the name of StarClan is that?" Asked Greycloud, "How did you catch it?"

"It's a vole... And easy, I just stalked like any other prey out here." Purred Snakepaw dropping the vole down to rest his jaws.

"I'll give you credit for that!" Purred Greycloud taking the vole in his mouth. As they headed back to camp, and pair of soft blue eyes haunted Snakepaw. He then shook his to clear it, What am I thinking! I can't love her. She a RiverClan apprentice, let a lone, a medicine cat!

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