Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The Providers by Earon Lenea and Chelsea Rae (i have read the book .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Providers by Earon Lenea and Chelsea Rae (i have read the book .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Earon Lenea and Chelsea Rae

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Slowly I inhaled wincing at the sharp scent of the new girl as she walked in. Vampire. Laughing I watched as she wrinkled her nose herself. Handing her slip to the teacher she said something to him. "Mike? Will you take Amanda to her locker?" Sighing I pushed my self out of my seat. I walked over to her forcing a smile on my face. Her face scrunched up when I got closer, turning she went out the door and down the hall. Only talking to me to tell me her locker number. When we finally arived at her locker she opened it shoved her crap in and looked at me.
"Look I don't want to be here anymore the you want me here but I have no choice so we are just going to have to deal with each other," I looked down at the little vamp raising my eye brow. "Oh fine just take me to class then you asshole." Turning she walked off I just stood there in shock and slowly followed. All through class I tired to keep from breathing in her sent. When the bell rang I quickly walked out taking a deep breath. I saw the rest of my pack and walked up to them, all of them had a confused look on their face watching something behind me. Slowly I looked behind me growling at the vamp.
"This better wolfboy. You don't have to smell me even though I have to smell your stink."
"What the hell do you want?" I felt the rest of my pack flank me, "if u cant tell little vampire we out number you."
The girl grinned and I winced as her smell reached my nose, "as far as you know. And my name is Amanda not little vampire. Just wait a few days you gonna wish you didn't do this."
We all watch as she walked away looking around she spotted a group of kids standing in the hall. Slowly she walked over to them and said something. Smiling one of the boys pushed himself of off the wall and lead her away. I didn't talk to her the rest of the day, only seening her from a distance, getting more and more people to be apart of her 'circle'. When the finial bell rang I hurried out to my car. I pulled into the drive way to my house followed closely by the rest of my pack. Quickly we all dropped shifting and ran out in to the trees around us. As soon as we went a few miles in to them we changed back.
"What the hell are you going to do with it?"
"How many of them are here?"
"Yeah she said she wasn't alone!"
Pacing I let the pack rant. I let them cool of for a couple of minutes then started the meeting.
"What the hell are we supposed to do?!"
"Yeah, there could be more. For all we known we could be out numbered!"
"She also could just be lying trying to freak us out!" I snapped. "And the way you all are acting its working! So just shut up and calm down!" I yelled at them. Everyones head snapped up and looked at me.
"All we need to do is stay calm and scout out the area around town. Pick up a scent announce it and follow it. Split up into pairs then go of it opposite directions." After I was done talking everyone just sat there. "Go!!" I yelled and they dropped and took off running. I took off in a direction that no one was went. I ran for a few minutes then picked up on something. Amanda. I followed the scent and it kept growing stronger. She was running from me. I picked up my pace until i was right on her heals. She tried running from me but I was to fast. I jumped and tackeled her the ground. She hissed and rolled to where she was faceing me. I was still in my wolf form but I towered over her. I looked her in the eye. Everything changed. I heard everyone calling my name and coming toward us. They saw me with her then they attacked. I reacted quickly. I had to protect her. I put my body between them and her. My pack froze watching me confused, "shes mine," I growled threw our mental bond. They all backed off wide eyed and I blocked my mind from them, turning to Amanda. I watched her silently as she slowly backed away and turned and started running. I started to turn back towards my pack when I heard a ear piercing scream comeing from the direction that Amanda had just ran. I took off, my pack following. We came acrossed a small clearing were we saw her pined to the ground by another Vamp. She wasn't moving. She just there watching the man towering over her body. His laughter filled the clearing.
"Your just a weak pathetic little girl. What is going through the others heads," he mocked putting more pressure on her neck. Out of no were she reared up knocking the man off of her just as we filled the clearing. Laughing she walked over to me as the man laied there, stunned. Amanda came to my side running her fingers threw my fur she grinned. I crouched down and swiftly she hopped onto my back. She giggled as I stood to my full height. I turned running away from the clearing my girl on my back, my pack on my heals. Amanda was laughing but had a death grip on my fur. I felt her stiffen her laughing cut off. I smelt the air and smelled vamps, a lot of them. I growled as the Vamps came forword. Amanda rested her hand on my neck "stop," her voice was like music in my head. I did lowering my self to the ground. She hopped off walking over to the one in head. The woman threw her arms around Amanda, laughing she hugged her back.
"Where have you been?" The vampire woman asked.
"Running, hunting. You know the usual." Amanda shrugged.
"Then what's up with the wolves?"
"Well that's a long story to explain."
"Well we would kind of like to know this long story." The woman said in a serious voice.
Amanda slid back a few steps from the woman then she turned hopped to my side. Looking back at the woman she smiled, "hes my mate, Zachariah attacked me, they saved me and know we are here talking to you, Mother Juliet."
"What the hell do you mean 'mate'. Your a vampire hes a dog. You kill each other not love each other!" The woman Amanda called Mother Juliet yelled stepping closer to Amanda with each word. As she continued foword the pack inched back. Snarling I put my self in the way of Amanda.
"Move you discusting wolf!"
I snarled and lowered my head so it was in her face. All the other vamps took a step at me but then my pack surrounded us. Mother Juliet took a step back and started laughing.
"You have to come back to us sometime Amanda." She laughed and started to turn but then stopped. "Lets see how long your little friends can protect you."
"Your the ones who rely on me to save you, so actually lets see how long you guys can last without me."
There was a growling sound behind me then Amanda screamed. The vamp from before had Amanda in a headlock. His teeth at her neck. There's only too things that kill vampires. Werewolf bites, and each others vinum. I growled and took a step toward him. "You want her to die right now keep coming foword pup." Stopping I watched him a low growl slipping past my lips.
I saw my second in command sneek up behind him. Then I hear Amanda scream as the vamp sank his fangs into her. I lunged for them both as the vamp dropped Amanda and took off in the opposite direction. A couple wolves took off after him. I changed back into human form and ran over to her. I slid down to my knees and pick her up into my lap.
"No no no! Baby don't die!" I said as I held her unmoving body. Her eyes started to flicker then opened.
"Die? What are you talking about? I'm not dying."
"Your not? But you got bit and your supposed to die from the venom." I say without thinking about it.
"Do you want me to die?"
"No! Of course not that's not what I meant." She got up from my lap and stood up. I stood up and saw the blood dripping from her neck. I pressed my hand to her neck until someone brought me a shirt. She took it from me and pressed it to her neck.
"Mike! We have him," Taylor and Zack yelled dragging a body. I turn around and look at the vamp. He look like he was having a seizure. "What the hell is his problem?"
"Don't know. He was running and he just dropped and has been doing this since."
"Its my blood," I turned and looked at Amanda, confused.
"What?" Taylor asked before I could.
"My blood. In not 100% vamp. I also have a little of fairy in me."
"Half fairy half vampire? How the hell did tht happen?"
"Wellll, when a boy meets a girl and they fall in love they have this thing called s-
"Okay! We get it! Spare us the details!" One of my pack mates yelled
"Well I cant the way it realy happened is a lot more gruesome and bloody," she said sobering up
I took her hand and pulled her to me. Gently I pulled her hand away from her neck. The bleeding had stopped and it was almost healed. I pulled her into my arms holding her body close, "I was born a Fairy. I was what humans call a Princess, I was meeting my Prince for the first time. He wasn't there though, he was," she said waving her hand at the Vamp on the ground, "he attacked me, feed on me but didn't kill me, he was enteruped by some one, someone grabbed me finishing what Zachariah had started. I was blind with need and my poor Irona was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I drank from him until I was full. Drinking his blood bonded with my fairy blood." Everyone was silent. I hugged her closer to me, wiping a tear off her cheek. "No one has claimed me yet for my master so I'm a free vamp. He wants to believe

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Free ebook ยซThe Providers by Earon Lenea and Chelsea Rae (i have read the book .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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